japan links
Japan Maps Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, UT Library Online (@2003, General Libraries, Univ. of Texas at Austin).
URL: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/japan.html
Su Dong Po, 11th c. |
"Stare at the underbelly of
Asia and behold |
"The time has now
come to honor Japan's culture and |
World Art |
India: The Country |
World Art |
you'll find annotated links to
maps & general resources,
languages & writing,
what is "culture"?
religion & philosophy,
orature & literature,
arts ,
theater & performance arts, and
If you find inaccuracies, bugs, or other relevant websites,
please let me know: cagatucci@cocc.edu
maps&generalresourcesMaps of Asia
(Univ. of Texas, most from the U.S. Central Intelligence
Agency): including maps of Asia,
and East Asia;
and maps of Japan
(shaded relief map), political map of Japan, and links to 5 other maps of Japan
A Good Place to Start: Teaching & Learning about Japan: An Introduction to Japan, "the first in a projected five part series of illustrated Web presentations, uses 'picture book' quality photographs and a series of maps to illustrate basic features of Japanese geography, to profile (and physically locate) major Japanese urban centers, to suggest continuities between past and present and to introduce the Japanese people in a 'slide lecture' format." (Full slide show takes about 30 min.) Japan's Geography; map of population centers; cities of Japan: Tokyo (Edo); Kyoto (Heian, the Japanese imperial capital from 794 to 1868, "a living museum of the nation's past"); Nara, close to the site of Japan's first permanent capital of ancient Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples; Hiroshima, a city remembered as the target of the first atom bomb ever used in warfare, and today a monument to humankind's inhumanity and its hope for peace, with Nagasaki, where the second atom bomb was dropped, on the island of Kyushu; nearby is the largest Chinese community in Japan, as well as Deshima Island, "the bustling port which over the centuries has played host to Chinese, Dutch, English and American trading vessels and which for 250 years between 1632 and 1854 served as Japan's only official link to the outside world"; Sapporo, on the northern-most main island of Hokkaido. Images of "The Clash of Old and New":
"We, who come from a relatively 'young' society, slowly begin to realize that modern Japan is the end result of an historical tradition which dates back, not a mere three centuries or so, but rather some fifteen hundred years, to at least the third century. Furthermore it becomes apparent that modern Japan does not reject that past but rather lives comfortably amidst its reminders, alive to the present yet grounded in an appreciation of a long and rich historical tradition. " Images of "A Nation of People": "...it is with these people, their traditional culture, its origins and developmental patterns, that we are fundamentally concerned as we seek to better understand contemporary Japan and its modern fate."
Asian Studies Development Program (ASDP) Syllabus & Bibliography
Collection Online: click Resources
on Asia for College Courses,
select a subject area you'd like to know more about, and browse
the topics, reading lists and bibliographies (Kapiolane Community
College, the East-West Center and the Univ. of Hawai'i at Manoa)
Japan: Subject Guide (Council on East Asian Libraries,
Univ. of Oregon)
Japan Web Guide (Forest Linton), including links to Japan
Buddhist Arts
Japanese WWW Resources (Michael Watson)
Contemporary Japanese Culture & Society (Japan Information Network)
language&writingThe Human Languages Pages: Japanese (Willamette Univ.) with links to The
Kid's Window (Japan Window
Project, Stanford University and NTT, 1995); and The
Japanese Tutor,
"the Largest site on the WWW that teaches Japanese for
free," and much more--"featured in Japan's Largest
Newspaper, The Yomiuri Shinbun, as the best source to
learn Japanese."
Key Aspects of Japan (in English and Japanese versions) and updated version
of the 1993 Traditional Japanese Culture & Modern Japan. See,
for example, discussions of modern Japanese Language: Hogen (Dialects),
Keigo (Honorific
language), Moji (Characters), Nihongo (Japanese),
Nihongo-kyoiku (Japanese-language
education): "...[there are] three kinds of moji:
the ideographic Chinese characters known as kanji
and the phonetic characters known as hiragana and
katakana. Originally, Japanese had no moji,
but in the fifth century documents came to
be recorded using Chinese characters. The
Japanese devised the way of reading those Chinese characters in a
Japanese way and, based on Chinese characters, created the
phonetic characters. The basis for phonetic moji was
established in the Heian Period (794-1185), and
it is with such moji that Murasaki
Shikibu (978?-1026?) completed
the world's oldest novel, "Genji
Monogatari"(The Tale of Genji). Today, katakana
is mainly used for foreign words, and Chinese
characters and hiragana for composing
sentences. In addition, it is possible to write only in phonetic
characters, including Roman letters." Or see
Traditional Japan: Culture & Arts, for a discussion of Shodo
(Calligraphy): "Shodo is the art of drawing characters
with a brush and India ink to express spiritual depth and beauty.
Shodo originally came from China, but in Japan Chinese characters
(kanji) were combined with the Japanese
syllabary (kana), devised in Japan, to
create this unique character art. With a brush soaked in India
ink one can freely control, unlike with a pen, the thickness and
the tone of the characters. That is how the calligraphers are
able to express their spirits and ideas. Beyond the standard
square style of writing (kaisho),
calligraphic style can be divided into the somewhat simplified
semicursive style(gyosho) and the still
more simplified cursive style (sosho).
Except for New Year's cards and the like, a brush is ordinarily
not used for writing, but shodo is
included in the elementary school curriculum.
historyJapan before Written History: Migrations; From Hunters to Rice Growers: Jomon period and Yayoi period;
Birth of a Nation under Chinese Influences: Nara
and Kyoto (brief historical
essays focusing on technology with images from ICT, Inc.)
Maps of Ancient Japan from Richard Hooker's World Cultures
Perspectives on Chinese Society: Anthropological
views from Japan 1995 Suenari
Michio, J.S. Eades and Christian Daniels (eds.), featured
monograph from the CSAC [Centre
for Social Anthropology and Computing] Monograph series, Univ. of Kent.
also Hum 210 Timelines
of Asia: China,
India, Japan
Timeline of Japan
Major Events in Japanese History (Gen-ichi Nishio)
Japan: History links (Council on East Asian Libraries, Univ. of Oregon)
History of Mathematics: Japan
of Japanese Education (Robert
is culture?
...find out from this excellent website offered by the
WSU Learning Commons - What Is Culture? (Authors:Eric Miraglia, Dept. of English/Student
Advising and Learning Center; Dr. Richard Law, Director, General
Education; and Peg Collins, Information Technology, Learning
Systems Group). See the baseline definition of culture, and pursue links on important definitions, quotations,
and discussions of culture. Review related links to Women, Culture, & Power, the introduction to Social Organization, or the link to Woman & Gender in the Ancient World. A helpful glossary of key terms, like the definition
of Symbol, is
also provided .
Religion & Religious Studies links (Mike Madin,
new educational directory Academic Info)
From the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance: Descriptions
of 63 Religions, Faith Groups, & Ethical Systems,
including Buddhism,
and Taoism.
& Sacred Texts, including links
to the Analects, Taoist, and Zen texts.
From Richard Hooker's World
Cultures ("an internet classroom and
Glossary, including Shinto,
Japan (794-1192), Amida
Buddhism, Tokugawa
Japan (1603-1868), mono
no aware, the flowering
of Japanese literature, Zen
including origins, Japanese Buddhism, Buddhist readings &
glossary of key concepts
Shinto: see What
is Shinto? and
and the Sacred Dimension of Nature" (Dr. Carmen Blacker, Univ. of
Shinto: The Japanese Heart - Tour a Shinto
Visit "Shinto, Primal Religion and International
Identity" (Michael Pye, Marburg
Journal of Religion 1.1,April 1996) U of Pittsburgh's Shrine of Ise
(essay and images).
Japanese Buddhism: A Historical Overview (with images)
Resources for the Study of Buddhism,
Confucianism and Taoism
Buddhism for Beginners (Jeff Hooks, St. Petersburg Junior
Studies and the Arts with many useful links (hosted
by Randall R. Scott, B.S., M.Div., M.A. Research Associate in
Buddhist Studies and Classics, Washington University in St.
Louis; & The Doyle Gallery)
Journal of
Buddhist Ethics (Penn State University/Goldsmiths
College [London], USA/UK)
Religions (Professor Paul Flesher, Univ. of
Wyoming), including Buddhism,
and Islam.
(Eitarou Aoyama)
Studies Development Program (ASDP)
Syllabus & Bibliography Collection: Online Resources on Asia for College Courses:
Literature, with reading lists
and bibliographies, provided by the Kapiolane Community College,
the East-West Center and the Univ. of Hawai'i at Manoawith
reading lists and bibliographies, provided by Kapiolane Community
College, the East-West Center and the Univ. of Hawai'i at Manoa
Japanese Creation Myth (712 CE) from Genji
Shibukawa: Tales from the Kojiki (an
excerpt from Reading About the World, Volume 1, edited
by Paul Brians, Mary Gallwey, Douglas Hughes, Michael Myers,
Michael Neville, Roger Schlesinger, Alice Spitzer, and Susan
Swan; published by American Heritage Custom Publishing.)
Tales of Wonder: Tales from Japan (Richard Darsie, UCDavis) Tales 2-3 below are taken from
Japanese Folk Tales, by James E. O'Donnell, illustrated
by Kasumi Nagao. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1958.
1.The Tongue-Cut Sparrow; 2.Tiny Finger; and 3.Urashima
See also The
Kid'sWindow: Peach Boy (Momotaro,
Stanford Univ. & NTT)
Brief History
of Japan's Literature (The
Web Kanzaki, based on Japan: A Pocket Guide, Foreign
Press Center 1996) Japanese Literature (and many more topics & links) from Japan, my Japan!-- A Guide to Japan.
Japanese Literature (resources from Duke Univ.), including
Guides to Literature in Translation and links to WWW
Sites for Japanese Authors
"To the Japanese
mind, Fujisan is much
more than a single volcano. It is regarded as a sacred object,
and the climbing of Mt. Fuji has
long been a religious practice. It has exerted a great influence
upon Japanese culture. Throughout the history of Japanese art and
literature, this holy mountain has been the subject of
uncountable poems and pictures. The yearning for greatness and
beauty symbolized by Fujisan
led the ancients to name many local mountains and towns after
this beautiful mountain."
Mt. Fuji photo gallery (Yoshiyuki Miyata):
Nihon-no-Kotowaza--Japanese proverbs: click and discover their literal translations and equivalent English proverbs. For example: Nihon-no-Kotowaza #2: Baka wa shinanakya naoranai - Literally: A fool is only cured by dying; English equivalent: Once a fool, always a fool.
Japanese Studies links, focusing on pre-modern literature--see
English only version if you prefer (Michael Watson, Meiji Gakuin University;
Yokohama; and postgraduate student, working on the medieval
Japanese narrative The Tale of the Heike [Heike monogatari] at the
Faculty of Oriental Studies, Oxford Univ.). See photo of Michael Watson in an amateur Noh group, the one
attired in formal Noh costume, mon-tsuki
hakama, preparing to sing "the lead shite
in the play Tadanori, based on incidents related
in the Heike monogatari. Another member
of the group sang the part of the waki, a priest,
while five others including a professional sang the musically
difficult part of the chorus (jiutai). This kind
unaccompanied singing is called su-utai"--with
notes for students.
Text Initiative is a collaborative
effort of the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text
Center and the University of Pittsburgh East Asian Library
"to make texts of classical Japanese literature available on
the World Wide Web." Some of the electronic texts require
software that reads Japanese characters; however, good
introductory articles and some translations are in English.
See Lewis Cook's Introduction What
is Kokin Wakashu? (A
Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poems, 10th
century). The majority of the 1,111 Japanese poems in
this anthology are "in the form called tanka
(literally "short poem or song"), but traditionally
referred to as waka ("Japanese
song/poem") or simply as uta ("song,
poem") because this was the predominant canonical form of
Japanese poetry from perhaps the 8th century until the late 19th
century" (Cook). The Japanese preface to this anthology
opens with the famous words "Japanese poetry takes
as its seed the human heart."
Ogura Hyakunin Isshu, or 100 Poems by 100 Poets, an
anthology of "waka" or tanka
court poetry possibly compiled by the 13th-century
critic and poet Fujiwara no Sadaie, also known
as Teika). See Introduction:
What is Ogura Hyakunin Isshu?,
Note on the English Translation and Japanese
and English versions of the poems, and woodblock
print illustrations of the poems from a 19th-century
Meiji-era edition of the Hyakunin poems designed for women, and
MacCauley's translation of Hyakunin-Isshu. Don't miss
the earlier beautiful ukiyo-e
style illustration by Hokusai (reproduced in Peter
Morse, Hokusai: One Hundred Poets, New
York: Braziller, 1989).
texts are to include Manyoshu
and Basho's Oku no Hosomichi
so check this site again!
(Japanese Text Initiative/U. Virginia Library
Electronic Text Center & U. Pittsburgh East Asian Library)
Murasaki Shikibu (978?-1026?), Japanese writer and the author of what is generally considered the world's first novel, The Tale of Genji (first trans. by Arthur Waley in 6 vol., 1925-32).
Tanka and Sijo Poetry (Japanese and Korean); Study Guide for Classic Chinese and Japanese
Love Poetry (Paul Brians,
Washington State Univ.)
Glossary of Poetic Terms (Robert G. Shubinski, 1996, 1997)
Death and Literature in Japan (student essay by Heather Ornelas)
Basho's Narrow Road: Spring and Autumn Passages: Two Works by Matsuo Basho (Trans. Hiroaki Sato, Stonebridge Press announcement), with excerpts & images
A sunny
spring day,
People are doing nothing
In the small village.
--Shiki Masaokai, 1867-1902
(See Shiki and Ishite-ji or Hum 210 Haiku
Haiku links
(Yahoo); Introduction to International Haiku
Dhugal J. Lindsay's Haiku Universe, plus links to Renga/Renku and
Otsuji on haiku
The World of Kenji Miyazawa (1896-1933)
Japanese Nobel
Prize Winners in
1968 KAWABATA, YASUNARI, Japan, 1899 - 1972: "for his
narrative mastery, which with great sensibility expresses the
essence of the Japanese mind"
Japan, b. 1935-: "who with poetic force creates an
imagined world, where life and myth condense to form a
disconcerting picture of the human predicament today" (and
see more links
from Yahoo)
The Remains of the Day,
by Kazuo Ishiguro, won the 1989 Booker McConnell Prize (administered by the National Book League in the United
Kingdom, awarded to the best full-length novel written in English
by a citizen of the UK, the Commonwealth, Eire, Pakistan or South
Zen Comedy in Commonwealth Literature: Kazuo
Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day (essay)
and from: http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/hypertext/landow/post/ishiguro/kibio.html
Kazuo Ishiguro's Life and Works (1954- ) Randall Bass, Assistant Professor
of English, Georgetown University
"What I'm
interested in is not the actual fact that my characters have done
things they later regret.
I'm interested in how they come to terms with it."
Kazuo Ishiguro, October 9, 1995
From: http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/hypertext/landow/post/ishiguro/kichron.html
Kazuo Ishiguro: A Timeline
The Asia Society,
"America's leading institution dedicated to fostering understanding of Asia
and communication between Americans and the peoples of Asia and the
Pacific," is a national nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization
dedicated to "building awareness of the more than thirty countries broadly
defined as the Asia-Pacific region - the area from Japan to Iran, and from
Central Asia to New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands. Through art
exhibitions and performances, films, lectures, seminars and conferences,
publications and assistance to the media, and materials and programs for
students and teachers, the Asia Society presents the uniqueness and
diversity of Asia to the American people."
[accessed Aug. 2001]
of Japan's Fine Arts (The
Web Kanzaki, from Japan: A Pocket Guide,
Foreign Press Center: 1996)
Timelines of Art History (Michael D. Gunther, 1997)
"selective resources on the art history of ancient and
non-Western civilizations" including China, India,
and Japan: see Japan Resources
Introduction to Asian Art (Prof. Katheryn M. Linduff, Dept. of
Art History, Univ. of Pittsburgh) will yield rich cultural
backgrounds on China, India, and Japan, if one
follows with patience the frames of the illustrated course notes.
Japanese Art Slides by period/style (http://www.colby.edu/art/AsianArt/japan),
Jomon "cord pattern" pottery (5000-200 BCE);
Yayoi period Bronze Bell (200
BCE-CE 200);
Kofun era Bronze Mirror (CE
Shaka Triad,
Buddhist art (ca. 623) of Asuka period (CE 552-645);
clay statue of Nara period (710-794);
Horyu-ji (8th c., Nara): Four groups
of dry clay figures at the floor of the five- story pagoda.
Ho-o-Do "Phoenix
Hall" of Byodo-in
(ca. 1053); Amida Buddha
(ca. 1053) by Jocho; and beautiful narrative picture scrolls
(1, 2, 3, 4, ca.
CE 1120-1140) from the Tale of Genji, all
of late Heian period.
Scene from Tales of Heike
(early 13th c.) from Kamakura Shogunate era
Photo of Zen garden
Ryoan-ji at Kyoto (late 15th
c.); Colors of Streams, Hues of Mountains, painting attri. to Shubun (early-mid 15th c.); and Zen
Buddhist Raku-ware tea bowl, designed by Sen-no-Rikyu (1521-1591);
all of Muromachi/Ashikaga period (1392-1573);
Painted screen of Women of Fashion at Leisure (early Edo/Tokugawa period, ca.
1600-1650); and Great Wave from Kanagawa from 36 Views of Mt.
Fuji, by Katsushika Hokusai of
Edo/Tokugawa period (1615-1868)
Japanese Section,
British Library Collections: Courtesan reading a picture book.
One of the 167 girls depicted in Ehon seirô bijin awase,
`Picture-book comparing
the Beauties of the Green Houses' by Suzuki Harunobu. Five vols.
(Edo, 1770)
Asian Art Museum of San Francisco is the largest museum in the western world devoted to the arts and cultures of Asia, with permanent collections representing over 40 Asian countries spanning 6,000 years of history. See exhibitions and follow links to the special exhibit Four Centuries of Fashion: Classical Kimono from the Kyoto National Museum.
Asian Arts, an on-line journal "for the study and exhibition of the arts of Asia," offers many riches with virtual galleries and illustrated article abstracts.
A Visual Literacy Exercise
(Lee A. Makela, 1996, Dept. of History, Cleveland State
Univ.) of selected woodblock prints--15 stunning Images!
like YUI--from
a famous series depicting scenic views of the Fifty Three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusantsugi). The Tokaido
"('Eastern Sea Route') was the main coastal
road linking the headquarters of the period's military leadership
in Edo (the modern city of Tokyo)
with the site of the Japanese imperial court in Kyoto,
several hundred kilometers to the south and west. They were
completed originally during the middle of the nineteenth century
by the Japanese print artist Hiroshige Ando
(1797 - 1858).
Print Four in the Reisho Series: Two-story teahouses
provide respite to Tokaido travelers, offering
both refreshment and commanding views of Edo Bay.
Thirteen in the Hoeido Series: Traveling
musicians carrying samisen.
Print Seven in the Hoeido Series: Pilgrims
arrive to visit Yugyoji (a renowned Buddhist
temple founded in 1325, located on the hillside overlooking the
village) or the Enoshima Benten Jinja (a Shinto
shrine dedicated to the Goddess of Music located
beyond the torii ngateway in the foreground).
Prints by Kogyo (1869-1927)
and a brief essay "About the Artist and Noh
Drama..." (Shogun Gallery)
A Brief History of Japanese Prints (Shogun Gallery):
"Japanese Woodblock Prints or Ukiyo·e (Pictures
of the Floating World), came into being in the middle of
the 17th Century, at the end of close to a
century of feudal wars."
Piano - as Image Media, by Toshio Iwai (b. 1962, Aichi, Japan), who studied sculpture and mixed media at the Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan, graduating with a Masters degree in 1987 - "Modern Classics" work exhibited at MEDIA SCAPE, Guggenheim Museum, New York, summer 1996.
Pottery Center, E-Yakimono.com, "a learning center devoted to Japanese
pottery"--Yakimono means fired thing . . ."--offers a
collection of articles and information about current Japanese living treasures,
as well as reviews and articles about exhibitions, museums, galleries, pottery
festivals, pottery villages, and antique markets (Jennifer Miller, E-Mail
correspondence, March 2001).
[accessed Aug. 2001].
Traditional Performing Arts in Japan (classical theater and traditional music, from The Web Kanzaki, based on Japan: A Pocket Guide, Foreign Press Center: 1996)
Introduction to Noh Plays (Thomas Rimer), Technical Terms for Noh plays (Royall Tyler), including a diagram of the Noh stage; and Glossary of Japanese Noh Terms (Karen Brazell).
Background to Noh Theater
Nogami Nogaku Research Institute of Hosei
"'Nogaku' is used to refer to the two arts
of No [see below] and Kyogen [independent
humorous pieces that are traditionally performed between two
separate NOH plays as comic relief]. Both
trace back at least six hundred years. They are also theaters
that are active today. The Institute is committed to fostering
research on both historical and contemporary topics related to Nogaku,
and strives as well to support further growth in these
Courtesy of the city of Kanazawa,
learn about Traditional Arts & Crafts, featuring traditional Japanese theater arts. Don't miss the "refined world of Noh," with links to "What is it?" and beautiful images of Noh performances: "In the 14th century the SARUGAKU performers Kiyotsugu
Kan'ami (1333- 1394) and his son Zeami Motokiyo
(1363-1443) created a new type of theater,...imbued with
a serious Buddhist tone."
Visit also the Noh Mask Home Page
Images of Kabuki Arts:
Kunijo Kabuki Ekotoba, An Illustrated Manuscript of Japanese
Classical Play Kabuki- Kuni's Kabuki, (Kyoto Univ.
Library), is "one of the most important and distinguished
materials for the study of the Kabuki, a classical play in Japan,
established at the opening of the Tokugawa period
about 350 years ago." The illumination is an example of a Naraehon
(Picture books edited in Nara) manuscript, because they were
produced by a group of painters, Edokoro,
at the Kasuga and other shrines in the city of Nara.
Kabuki actor / Edobe (The Japan
Ukiyo-e Museum, 1995, featuring more UKIYO-E
wood-block prints of everyday life of the past Japan, Edo period,
1603 - 1867: "The word "ukiyo-e"
means "the picture of buoyant world"
and incorporates in its meaning the common man's daily pleasures,
such as Kabuki plays, Geisha houses, and so on."
Kabuki Faces: "In addition to brilliant
costumes, many styles of makeup are used. One such
called kumadori, or "making shadows,"
is an art form in itself. In kumadori, white foundation
is applied to the entire face, and one of a set of established
colorful patterns is painted on. The two most common colors used
are red, which denotes virtues such as bravery,
strength, and justice, and dark
blue, which expresses negative traits like jealousy
and fear. Black, terra-cotta, bronze, and gold
are common as well." --Noh
and Kabuki, from the Asia
Society's Video Letter from Japan: Living
Arts (1988, p. 34) See a
modern interpretation in close-up!
Teahouse, an illustrated synopsis of the seventh act
of Kanadehon Chushingura (The
Revenge of the 47 Ronin, or masterless samurai, written
in 1748), "the most popular play in kabuki
and the bunraku puppet theater..."(Nicolas
Gregoriades, Grade 11, from Kabuki for
Everyone, English version - see also Traditional
Japanese Theater Links).
The names of illustrious kabuki actors, like Danjuro
Ichikawa, also become part of the
theater tradition, taken on by their successors in later
generations: "The first Danjuro Ichikawa was born in 1660
during the Edo period." Today, the name is carried on as
well by a new form of female Kabuki: "Among Kabuki's family,
there are a few distinguished families.
One of those families, the Ichikawas, has
accepted our way, and three of our actors have been
permitted to use of the Ichikawa family name. We will do
our best to be true to its "Ichikawa" name from now
on" ("Daughters
of Kabuki").
for Everyone in Taiwan: "The fact that it was
created and developed during a period Japan was shut off from the
rest of the world by the policies of the Tokugawa military
government, which also restricted the freedom of theater in many
ways, makes the conventions and stylizations difficult to
understand for many non-Japanese."(See the Photo
Print (Musashiya, Inc, Honolulu, Hawaii)
The Ultimate Home Page Index: Kabuki - "From this page, you can directly search every major search engine for kabuki with a single click! The entire world wide web is at your disposal!"
Kabuki History (from Kabuki for Everyone): Kabuki: A Brief History and The Genroku Period (Edo/Tokugawa era, late17th century) "was...the time when most of the conventions and stylizations of Kabuki, including play structure, character types, the art of the onnagata, took form.
Two good introductory essays to Bunraku:
a detailed, very readable essay on Japanese puppet theatre,
including the history of its development (from FACTS ABOUT JAPAN,
The International Society for Educational Information, Inc.,
Tokyo) - from the Introduction: "The Japanese puppet show,
known as bunraku, in which each puppet is
operated by three men, requires a superior degree of skill in
manipulation, and features elaborate forms of expression and
superb artistry. In these respects, bunraku is a
precious heritage of folk culture in which Japan can take
justifiable pride."
Brief Introduction to the History of Bunraku,
evolving from a long tradition of
ningyo-joruri, literally puppets and storytelling,
can be dated from 1684, when Takemoto Gidayu set up his own
theater in Osaka (by Matthew Johnson, B.A. Japanese, UCLA,
currently residing in Japan, with a collection of Ukiyo-e
woodblock prints, Otsu-e folk prints and pictures of Japanese
dance worth a visit!--click
the blue leaf.)
An Introduction to The
Grand Kabuki Theater (Duane T. Ebata, Japanese
American Cultural & Community Center, Los Angeles,
California). DEFINING THE WORD: KA = song; BU = dance; KI
= ability/skill.
"Originally, the word was a verb --kabuku--
which meant something like "to stand at an angle,"
"to be off balance" or "lean to
one side." This gave rise to its use as a term to refer to a
person who was unusual, off beat and unconventional.
Unconventional, particularly since the social trends of the time
looked with disfavor upon those who were excessive and
unorthodox. That included extravagance in dress and behavior.
Therefore, kabuki also connoted the perception of being
"excessively fashionable" and "faddish," even
"a form of Japanese theater using live actors, began around
the same time as bunraku. It originated
in Kyoto with new kinds of dances performed by a
woman named Okuni in the early 1600s.
These became highly popular, and Okuni was imitated by other
actresses and actors. But the Japanese government, deciding that
the performances were immoral, decreed in 1629
that women could no longer appear on the stage. Women's
roles were taken over by men, and this practice
continues in modern Kabuki."
But see Nagoya
Musume Kabuki ("Daughters of
Kabuki"):"Our dramatic 'Kabuki' company was organized
only by female members in 1983. Kabuki' is a traditional
Japanese art originally performed only by males. The female roles
performed by males could draw feminine gestures,tenderness,
motherhood, and tender passion more effectively. Therefore, we
tried to form a female group because we think that the male roles
performed by females might emphasize male bravery, consideration,
and toughness. We believe that we would discover other good
qualities of 'Kabuki' in the opposite sense using the female 'New
Kabuki' versus the traditional male 'Kabuki'."
Of related interest: For an interesting contemporary Western use of Kabuki, see "How is Kabuki? Superb" (review by John Coulbourn, Toronto Sun, 1996): "It's not neccessary that you be able to answer the question 'What is Kabuki?' in order enjoy the Factory Theatre production of Where Is Kabuki? that opened Wednesday night on the mainstage. The finer points of Japan's beautiful but ritualistic style of theatre are merely delightful detailing in this 1989 masterpiece by playwright Dan Druick. While purporting to set his tale in 19th century Japan, Druick instead chooses to focus on the timeless internecine battle between artistic expression and box office that periodically turns the nation of theatre into a wasteland. Specifically, the play is set backstage at the Kabuki-za, Tokyo's leading theatre...."
filmFrom The
Internet Movie Database Tour:
Browser: Japan
in August (Hachigatsu no kyoshikyoku,
Japan, 1991), dir. Akira
Kurosawa, with Ishiro Honda (for some uncredited
scenes). Akira Kurosawa (b. 1910, Omori, Tokyo,
Japan -d. 1997) trained first as a painter (he storyboards his
films as full-scale paintings), then entered the film industry in
1936 as an assistant director, making his directorial debut in
1943. After working in a wide range of genres, he made his
breakthrough film Rashomon
(In the Woods, Japan,1950) in 1950.
It won the top prize at the Venice Film Festival (see also other awards),
and first revealed the richness of Japanese cinema to the West.
It was followed by Ikiru (To
Live, Japan, 1952) and Shichinin
no samurai (The Seven Samurai, Japan,
1954; remade in the USA as The Magnificent
Seven, 1960). After lean periods in the 1960s and
attempted suicide in the 1970s, Kurosawa reemerged, with the help
of admirers Francis Coppola and George
Lucas, to make the samurai epic Kagemusha
("The Shadow Warrior," Japan, 1980),
followed by his second Shakespeare adaptation Ran
(Japan/France, 1985),which won the 1986
Academy Award for Best Director. He continued to
work into his eighties with the more personal films like Dreams
(Yume, also trans.Akira
Kurosawa's Dreams, Japan/USA, 1990) and Rhapsody in
August (1991). Kurosawa's films
have always been more popular in the West than in his native
Japan, where critics have viewed his adaptations of Western
genres and authors (William Shakespeare, Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
Maxim Gorky and Evan Hunter) with suspicion. But he's revered by
American and European film-makers, who have frequently imitated
and remade his films.
Akira Kurosawa Database (Nobuji Tamura, 1996, Temple Univ.), including Rhapsody in August
Japanese Cinema (Council on East Asian Libraries,
Univ. of Oregon), including links to Kinema Club
(an informal group of scholars studying Japanese cinema and other
moving image media), and Univ. of Iowa's Japanese Film Studies Bibliography
Japanese Film Masters: director Masaki Kobayashi and composer Toru Takemitsu, who collaborated on 10 films (Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture, Columbia Univ.), a film series commemorating "these creative geniuses and their work together."
See also:
Univ. of Penn Library Film Studies
Philadelphia Festival of World Cinema's Films by Country
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