China Maps Perry-Castaņeda Library Map Collection, UT Library Online (@2003, General Libraries, Univ. of Texas at Austin).
Su Dong Po, 11th c. |
"Stare at the underbelly of
Asia and behold |
"The time has now
come to honor Japan's culture and |
World Art |
India: The Country |
World Art |
maps & general resources,
languages & writing,
what is "culture"?
& Chinese culture,
religion & philosophy,
theatre&performance arts,
and film
If you find inaccuracies, bugs, or other relevant websites,
please let me know:
A Good Place to Start: Condensed
China: Chinese History for Beginners (Paul Frankenstein)
& General Resources
Asia, political
map of China, and detailed map
of modern China (CUNY-Brooklyn); physical
map of China (Washington State
Univ.), and a larger detailed map
of China (Univ. of Maryland)
Maps of Asia
(Univ. of Texas, most from the U.S. Central Intelligence
Agency): maps of Asia, of southern Asia,
and of East Asia;
and more...with links to 26 maps of China (The Perry-Castaņeda Library Map Collection, Univ. of
Texas-Austin), including maps of Taiwan,
Hong Kong and Macao
The China WWW Virtual Library: Internet Guide
for China Studies -China,
Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, and Singapore (Hanno Lecher; Dept. of
Chinese Studies, Vienna University; and Institute of Chinese
Studies, Univ. of Heidelberg)
Asian Studies Development Program (ASDP) Syllabus & Bibliography
Collection Online: click Resources
on Asia for College Courses,
select a subject area you'd like to know more about, and browse
the topics, reading lists and bibliographies (Kapiolane Community
College, the East-West Center and the Univ. of Hawai'i at Manoa)
Chinese Section: British Library Oriental and
India Office Collections
(beautiful images)
Facts on China
China: (Dr. Robert Crowley, Univ. of
Illinois-Springfield) links to General
Information, Culture, Economy, Religion and Education,
Government, History, Land and Resources, Politics, Foreign
The Human Languages Page: Chinese links (Willamette Univ.)
From Brooklyn College's Core 9 online course, Chinese Culture,
taught by Paul Halsall:
The Chinese Language and Writing , The Chinese Language and Pronunciation; Pinyin/Wade-Giles [romanized] Names, and Chinese Ethnic Groups
Map of Chinese Linguistic Groups (Univ. of Texas-Austin)
Pronunciation Notes and A Brief Chronology of China (Michael D. Gunther, 1997)
Learn Survival Chinese via auto-tutorial from Haiwang Yuan & Remy Guo.
Examples of Chinese Calligraphy by the Masters from China the Beautiful
on East Asian Libraries - CEAL:
History in General (Univ. of Oregon)
to timelines, essays, journals, special topics
...Japanese Area Studies (Harvard Univ.)
...Korean Area Studies (Univ. of Hawaii):
...Asian Studies: Non-Asian Languages (Univ. of British Columbia) - Subject
See also Timelines of Asia: China, India, Japan
H-GIG: World Wide Web Links to History Resources (Dept. of History, University of California, Riverside)
Chinese History Research Site
at Univ. of Calif.-San Diego
Paul Halsall's A
Brief Chinese Chronology - by dynasty (with
discussion of the problems with this form of historical
periodization), by political frameworks, and economic basis (from
Brooklyn College's Core 9 course in Chinese Culture)
Outlines of Early Chinese History (by Li Ung Bing, Eds. Joseph Whiteside of Soochow Univ.
and Snow N. Snow),
Image of Yu the Great,
legendary founder of the Xia (Hsia) dynasty. "Yu is
best known for his organization of massive dike-building and
irrigation projects to counter the floods which periodically
devastated the north China plain. The authoritarian, highly
centralized bureaucracy presumably necessary to execute and
maintain large-scale irrigation and flood-control systems has led
some scholars to label early China a "bureaucratic-hydraulic
society." (From Paul Brians' Lecture 20: Zhou (Chou), Qin (Ch'in) & Han
Dynasties, Washington State
See also Map: Western Zhou Period (Univ. of Maryland)
of China and History
Timeline (Univ. of Maryland) with links to essays
and maps of major dynasties and eras.
The Silk Road,
"The story of one of the world's oldest and most
historically important trade routes and its influences on the
culture of China, Central Asia and the West" (Oliver
Wild, 1992), a detailed and readable scholarly
article, including pictures of the region. Wild states that the "most significant commodity
carried along this route was not silk, but religion. Buddhism
came to China from India this way,
along the northern branch of the route."
"Indian versus Chinese Attitudes Towards
History" (Charles Ess,
Professor of Philosophy, Drury College)
of Mathematics: China (annotated timeline)
Celebrated Chinese Women (Asiapac)
in Chinese History (a bibliography
from Marilyn Shea, Department of Psychology, Univ. of Maine at
Dynasty (1644-1911), Republican
Era (1912-1949), and People's
Republic of China (1949-present) with
images (Chinese History Library, Robert Gray, Univ.of Michigan)
what is "culture"?
...find out from this excellent website offered by the
WSU Learning Commons - What Is Culture? (Authors:Eric Miraglia, Dept. of English/Student
Advising and Learning Center; Dr. Richard Law, Director, General
Education; and Peg Collins, Information Technology, Learning
Systems Group). See the baseline definition of culture, and pursue links on important definitions, quotations,
and discussions of culture. Review related links to Women, Culture, & Power, the introduction to Social Organization, or the link to Woman & Gender in the Ancient World. A helpful glossary of key terms, like the definition
of Symbol, is
also provided .
cultureclass-by-class modules - scroll down Chinese Culture (Brooklyn College Core 9 online the
list and check out the (links to all the picture files available
on great WWW course links!) Chinese culture: Images Brooklyn College Core 9 Chinese Culture Web site, along
with their sources, organized by Maps, Archaeology, Art,
Divinities, People, Historical Sites, Historical Illustrations,
Technology, Customs, Stereotypes' Middle Eastern Images.
Understanding Culture
Yi Ching I Ching: [Classic Book of Changes] creating and reading
Yin and Yang in Medical Theory (trans. Mark Coyle); see also Yin-Yang symbol
Picture of Confucius
The Homosexual Tradition in China: Selections
from Chinese Homosexual Literature
The Mandate of Heaven - Selections from the Shu
Jing (The Classic of History)
(c. 6th Century BCE)
The Great Wall of China (image), Emperor Huangdi (image), Archeological Excavations at Qin tomb site, Lines of Soldier Statues at tomb of the
"First Emperor" at Xian
Map: The Han Empire and image of the Founder of the Han Dynasty
Ban Zhao Pan Chao, Lessons for A Woman: The Views of A Female
Confucian (c. 80 CE)
Selection of Chinese Poems, with introductory notes, a Core 9 course handout; [see
also Paul Brians' Lecture 22: Chinese Poetry, Washington State Univ.; and China the
Beautiful's Chinese Poetry
" by some of the greatest Chinese poets of all times.")
Modern Marriage in China - Two Texts
Map: China in the 6th century
The Grand Canal (ca 1904. photo) [See also Paul Brians' Lecture 21: Sui, T'ang, & Song (Sung)
Tang era lady
Song era poet
(art) and Song era bird painting
Images of Silk making,
Chinese Use of Paper, Earliest Printed Book (868 CE), and Chinese Use of Tea
Images of Genghis Khan,
Kublai Khan,
and statue of a Yuan era actor
Ming Dynasty vase (image in color), 14th century Chinese Canon,
Jesuit missionary Matthew Ricci, and Peking Dragon Throne
Lin Tse-Hsu's "Letter of Advice to Queen
Victoria" (1839 CE)
"was written before the outbreak of the Opium Wars. It was a
remarkably frank document, especially given the usual highly
stylized language of Chinese diplomacy. There remains
some question whether Queen Victoria ever read the letter."
See also Chinese View of an 18th century English Sailor Image of Opium Smokers, and Map: Effects of Western Imperialism in Qing
China, late
19th century.
Photo of young eunuch exposing the effects of castration and a young woman with bound feet
Luxun Lu Hsun, Selections from His Writing, and a photo:
"Like other writers of the May Fourth
Movement, Luxun saw China's old society
as rotten and corrupt. Only after a radical reform, he felt,
would the Chinese be able to realize their human potential "
(From Introd. to Alfred Craig et al, The
Heritage of World Civilizations, 2d ed. [New York;
Macmillan, 1990], p. 889).
Photos of Chairman Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping,
and the The Goddess of Democracy in Tienanmen Square.
See also Paul Halsall's extensive Core 9 course Chinese Cultural Studies: Bibliographical Guide and Chinese Culture: Links to Other Sites for Students...
Visit Yuan Ming Yuan, imperial garden of the Qing emperors: "In 1709, emperor KangXi named the Yuan Ming Yuan himself and bestowed it on his son, emperor YongZheng. In traditional Chinese and the Confucius philosophy, Yuan (circle) means the doctrine of the mean; Ming (bright) means wisdom and insight. KangXi used this name to encourage the new emperor to follow Confucian philosophy and have a wise insight into state affairs." Though destroyed in 1860, the Garden of Centered Wisdom has been re-created by Lifeng Wang and Chih-An Chen, for your virtual pleasure.
Perspectives on Chinese Society: Anthropological views from Japan 1995, by Suenari Michio, J.S. Eades and Christian Daniels (eds.), featured monograph from the CSAC (Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing) Monograph series, Univ. of Kent.
Golden Legacy
(Chinese Historical and Cultural Project, in partnership with San
Jose Historical Museum), complement the California
State Social Studies Framework, with links to 3 sample
lesson plans:
1. Bound Feet:
"In the tenth century in China, a prince began the
practice of foot binding because he loved the small 'lily feet'
of his concubine. Thus traditional Chinese values for over 1000
years dictated that the feet of young girls should be bound to
keep them small. 'Lily feet', as they were called, were thought
to be very dainty and beautiful and a symbol of gentility and
high-class. Although the term sounded harmless, it was really
very cruel. It began when a girl was between three and eleven
years old...." (See picture,
article "Those Doll-Sized Feet...," by Jane Kam Pang [scroll down], and bibliography.)
2. Abacus,
background with examples of
numbers done on the abacus, abacus pattern,
and links to worksheets.
3. Lunar Calendar,
background: "The Chinese Lunar Calendar is a yearly
calendar like the western calendar, except that the start of the
lunar year is based on the cycles of the moon....In traditional
China, dating methods were cyclical, meaning that the years
repeat according to a pattern. The repetition is in increments of
twelve years. The Chinese Lunar Calendar goes further and names
one of twelve animals
[see diagram and worksheet] as
a symbol for each year....[One] Chinese legend explains that all
the animals of the world were invited to come and visit Buddha.
Only twelve came. In order to reward these animals for their
loyalty, Buddha named a year after each one in the order they
appeared before him."
"Other topics include: Immigration, Chinatown, Survival
(employment in railroad construction, mining and agriculture),
Daily Life, Traditions, Education, and Lasting Legacy."
religion&philosophyChinese Philosophy Page [These are resources for the most part supplied (and a
few linked) by Dr. A. Charles Muller of Toyo Gakuen University in
Japan, including Dr. Muller's translations of classics of
traditional East Asian Thought: Analects of Confucius, Great Learning,
Doctrine of the Mean, Mencius (Selections), and Tao Te Ching.
For 20 more translations of the Tao Te Ching,
see Taoism Depot.
Philosophy and Religion in China (Phasall's Brooklyn Core 9 online course in Chinese
Resources for the Study of Buddhism,
Confucianism and Taoism
Religion & Religious Studies links (Mike Madin,
new educational directory Academic Info)
Religions (Professor Paul Flesher, Univ. of
Wyoming), including Buddhism,
and Islam.
From the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance: Descriptions
of 63 Religions, Faith Groups, & Ethical Systems,
including Buddhism,
and Taoism.
& Sacred Texts, including links
to the Analects, Taoist, and Zen texts.
From Richard Hooker's World Cultures ("an internet classroom and anthology"):China Glossary, including The Five Classics, Confucius, jen, Tao,Taoism, yin/yang, the one and the many (tai chi), Neo-Confucianism, and t'ien, and T'ien ming, or "The Mandate of Heaven" (Washington State Univ.). A Sample from World Cultures - Taoism:
"...warning: as all the Taoist
writers tell us, it is in the nature of the Tao that it cannot be spoken of. Talking about Taoism
in a clear and rational way is, in fact, not to talk about Taoism.
That aside, Taoism is, along with Confucianism,
the most important strain of Chinese thought through the ages. It
is almost entirely different from Confucianism,
but not contradictory.
It ranges over entirely different concerns,
so that it is common for individuals, philosophers, Chinese
novels or films, etc.,
to be both Confucianist and Taoist.
The Taoist has no concern for affairs of the
for mundane or quotidian matters of administration, or for
elaborate ritual;
rather Taoism encourages avoiding public duty...
in order to search for a vision of the transcendental world of
the spirit."
Images of Laotzu,
3 Daoist Gods,
and Wen-ch'ang, Daoist God of Literature
The Tao and Its Name, by Stanley Rosenthal (Shi-tien
Roshi), British School of Zen Taoism, Cardiff, September 1984
I Ching (Book of Changes) on the Net
The Taoism Information Page
Chad Hansen's Chinese Philosophy* Page (*Daoist-oriented interpretations).
Exploring Ancient World Cultures: China, Univ. of Evansville's
initiative to "produce a college-level textbook on the
World-Wide Web that is available to everyone free of
charge," including links to Reflections
on The Tao Te Ching
(essay by Mike Carson, 1996).
The Catholic Encyclopedia's
(by Charles F. Aiken, electronic rpt. 1996).
Confucius Page,
with biography, teachings, images, and bibliography
("'Confucius' comes from Kong Fu Zi,
roughly 'Our Master Kong' -- the form of address his disciples
would have used.")
Kong Fu Zi -- Confucius, with links to electronic texts.
Religious Studies: Asian Traditions: Buddhism
Studies WWW Virtual Library
Buddhism for Beginners (Jeff Hooks, St. Petersburg Junior
Introduction to Buddhism, "rough guide to...basic Buddhist
teachings" of Theravada ("school of the
elders") tradition.
of Buddhist Ethics (Penn State University/Goldsmiths
College [London], USA/UK)
Brooklyn's Core 9 19th century
compilation of "The Gospel of Buddha" (Buddha, ca. 500 BCE);
Buddha's First Sermon - The Middle Path (c. 6th Century BCE); the Dhammapada
(trans John Richards, 1993), an anthology of 423
Buddhist verses from The Theravada Pali Canon (Khuddaka
Nikaya) embodying Buddhist ethical and spiritual
precepts; and "The True Nature of the Buddha" from The
Lotus Sutra, "one of
the best-loved sacred texts of Mahayana Buddhism,"
the original Sanskrit text "translated many
times into Chinese (the earliest being in 225
CE), as well as into Tibetan and other languages." The
passage linked is a "key one for the development of the idea
of the cosmic form of the Buddha. Note that 'Tathagata'
"(which means 'Thus Gone,' ie, having achieved Nirvana)
is one of the titles of Buddha."
See also image of the Bodhidharma, founder of Ch'an Buddhism, and Peter N. Gregory's essay on Doctrinal classification (p'an-chiao), which "has often been said to be the hallmark of Chinese
The Buddhist-Confucian Conflict in the Early
Choson and Kihwa's Syncretic Response: The Hyon chong non
(paper by A. Charles Muller, Toyo Gakuen Univ.,
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of
Religion, Chicago, Nov 20, 1994)
"Once freed from the distractions
of this world, I was at one with harmony;
my garden gate opened on a bamboo grove."Zhu Xi - 12th century
World Art Treasures: China (Photos: Jacques-Edouard Berger, 1994)
of Art History (Michael
D. Gunther, 1997) offers "selective resources on the art
history of ancient and non-Western civilizations" including China,
India, and Japan, but also more. See China Resources; and follow links for history, images,
and texts of Early China: Prehistoric to Western Zhou
(3000-771 BC) and
China: Qin, Han (221 BC - 589 AD)
Introduction to Asian Art (Prof. Katheryn M. Linduff, Dept. of
Art History, Univ. of Pittsburgh) will yield rich cultural
backgrounds on China, India, and Japan, if one
follows with patience the frames of the illustrated course notes.
Studies and the Arts with many useful links (hosted
by Randall R. Scott, B.S., M.Div., M.A. Research Associate in
Buddhist Studies and Classics, Washington University in St.
Louis; & The Doyle Gallery)
Many riches await those who browse Asian Arts,
an on-line journal "for the study and exhibition of
the arts of Asia," with virtual galleries
and illustrated article abstracts.
The Splendors of Imperial
China: Treasures from the National Palace Museum, Taipei.
( "An unsurpassed survey of Chinese art treasures
from one of the greatest collections in the world...on view at
the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. from January 27
to April 6, 1997. Heralded by scholars and critics as the
greatest exhibition of Chinese art ever presented in America, the
exhibition spans over 4.000 years of Chinese history and features
nearly 350 of the finest and most famous works from the National
Palace Museum, Taipei."
Art Museum of San Francisco
claims to be the largest museum in the western world
devoted to the arts and cultures of Asia, with permanent
collections representing over 40 Asian countries spanning 6,000
years of history. See exhibitions and follow links to special exhibits
like Splendors
Of Imperial China:
Treasures From The National Palace Museum, Taipei;
1997: the Chinese Year of the Ox, or tour Mongolia:
The Legacy of Chinggis Khan.
Exhibition of Chinese textiles from the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, "Heavens' Embroidered Cloths: One Thousand Years of Chinese Textiles" (, held at the Hong Kong Museum of Art and jointly organised by the Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong and the Urban Council.
The Art of China (Remy Rong Guo, a Ph.D. student at
Purdue Univ., with cross-section of images of Chinese "visual art,
crafts, music, cooking, calligraphy
and other modes of expression, from a wide range of time
periods," as well as sections on the zodiac (based
on a twelve year cycle --- each year being represented by an
animal), Chinese scenery, and "brief tours of the Forbidden
City, the Great Wall, and the Imperial Gardens)
China the Beautiful, featuring Classical Chinese Art, Calligraphy,
Poetry, History, Literature, Painting and Philosophy
Asian Studies Development Program (ASDP) Syllabus & Bibliography Collection Online.
Resources on Asia for College Courses: Literature, with reading lists and bibliographies, provided by the Kapiolane Community College, the East-West Center and the Univ. of Hawai'i at Manoa
Tales of Wonder: Tales from China (Richard Darsie, Univ.
of California-Davis):
Chinese Literature (Council on East Asian Libraries)
Chinese Literature links (Yahoo)
I Ching sites
Tao Te Ching sites
Laozi (Lao
Tan or Li Erh )
Xuan's "Woman" (ca. 3rd Century CE)
Writings of Confucius - KongZi [Kung Tze] (China the
(Keith Ammann): "Superior and alone, Confucius stood/Who
taught that useful science -- to be good."--Alexander Pope
Chinese Poetry By Various Authors (Richard Darsie, UC
including Selected
Poems by
...T'ao Ch'ien (AD 365?-427?)
Po (AD 701-762)
...Han Yü (AD 768-824)
Glossary of Poetic Terms (Robert G. Shubinski, 1996, 1997) Chinese texts online
Glossary of Poetic Terms (Robert G. Shubinski, 1996, 1997)
China the Beautiful's Classical
Chinese Novels Dream
of Red Chamber (in Chinese), Journey
to the West, Legend of White Snake,
Tale of Water Margin, Three Kingdoms, Strange Tales of Liaozhai,
Chin Pin Mei (with some links to
English translations)
Yu Chi (The Journey to the West) - a tribute to Wu Ch'eng-en's classic Chinese
fantasy novel (Thomas Nguyen, Geocities 1997). See also Introduction to Wu Ch'Eng-en's Monkey (Jeff Hooks, St. Petersburg Junior
Romance of Three Kingdoms - full text of the novel
by Luo Guanzhong (ca. 1300-1400), trans. C. H.
Brewitt-Taylor; including links to Outlines of Early Chinese History (by Li Ung Bing, Eds. Joseph Whiteside of Soochow Univ.
and Snow N. Snow), maps (1 small, 2 large) of China during the
Three Kingdoms period, and Sun Tzu's [circa 400-320 B.C.] treatise on the
Art of War.
"Writing for Success: Printing, Examinations, and Intellectual Change in Late Ming China," by Kai-wing Chow (Late Imperial China 17.1 [ June 1996], one of Project Muse's excellent sample Journal Articles Online).
Of related
Chinese-American Culture and Literature; Asian American Literature (University Libraries at USC); Asian-American Literature Page (students at George Court College)
Perceiving A Culture Through Its Literature:
Korea as an Example (Elgin
Heinz and Kathy Jerome) - After Seventeen Years, by Kim Yong Ik (From Asian-Pacific Literature,
Vol. 2, eds. James and Cheryl Harstad, Honolulu, HI: Department
of Education, State of Hawaii, 1981).
Theater & Performance Arts
Beijing Opera or
Peking Opera (Xu-Ming Wang, Syracuse
Univ., 1995-1997; now sponsored by Geocities)
...Roles in Beijing Opera:
...Arias and Dialogues:
...Famous Players [Actors]:
Considered "the lowest class in society," musical theater and
Beijing opera performance has been "male dominated" and mixed
male-female performance prohibited until very recently. Typically, male
performers entered training schools as "apprentices in their childhood
because their parents could not feed them." Strict obedience to
school masters and teachers was expected; boys' instruction and practice of
voice and performance skills began before dawn every morning, and any failure or
"even success would result in some heavy lashes or other punishment....Director
CHEN Kai-Ge's film Farewell my Concubine gives a picture of the
situation....It is said that a flash in the stage is a reflection of ten years'
unremitting hard work."
...Opera Stories:
"...Beijing Opera covers the whole history of China," some taken from
history texts, "but most...adopted from the literature and classical
of Other Entertainments:
After the Cultural Revolution, Beijing Opera began losing modern
audiences for several reasons: for example, younger Chinese could not understand
the special Yun Bai pronunciation used in operatic dialogue, they lacked
relevant historical and literary knowledge needed to appreciate the dramatic
stories, and many prefer the more elaborate staging and fast pacing of modern
film and concert entertainments.
Second Troupe of Peking Opera
House of Beijing: see costumes and stage properties, musical instruments
Paper-cut Art --- Beijing Opera
Masks (Dr.
Puqi Tang)
See also HUM 210 Asian
Cinema: Scholarly Works and Articles in English
(Shao-yi Sun, a Ph.D student, Dept. of East Asian
Languages and Cultures, & MA student, School of
Cinema-Television, Univ. of Southern California):
See Articles
on China's Fifth Generation (images and
Paul Halsalls Core 9 online course: Movies
Addressing Chinese History and Culture, with annotations
From The
Internet Movie Database Tour:
Country Browser: China
Earth (Huang Tu Di,
China, 1984), dir. Chen
Kaige, with cinematography by Zhang
Farewell My Concubine (Ba Wang Bie Ji,
China / Hong Kong, 1993), dir. Chen
Kaige (b. 1952, Beijing, China).
Farewell My Concubine is based on the novel by Lillian
Lee. For a listing of other Chinese
films dealing with the Cultural Revolution, click here.
Sorghum (Hong gao
liang, China, 1987), dir. Zhang
Yimou. Both Chen Kaige and
Zhang Yimou attended the Beijing Film Academy, Beijing,
China. Red Sorghum is based on the novel
by Mo
Live (Huozhe, China
/ Hong Kong, 1994), dir. Zhang
Yimou, (b. 1950, Xi'an, Shaanxi,
China), Bin Wang and Xleochun Zhang. Based on the novel by Yu Hua.
Li (b. 1965) - Actress Filmography. While
still a student at the Central Drama Academy in Beijing (from
which she graduated in 1989), Gong Li was cast
as the female lead in Red Sorghum (1987),
the initial directing effort by Zhang Yimou.
China's best-known actress in the West, she was named Best
Actress at the 49th Venice International Film Festival for her
role in The
Story of Qiu Ju (Qiu Ju da guan si, China/Hong
Kong, 1992; dir. Zhang Yimou).
She also earned the New York Film Critics award for Farewell
My Concubine (1993). Gong Li made a
series of successful films with Zhang Yi-mou, a
collaboration that apparently ended with the breakup of their
personal relationship in 1995.
See also Univ. of Penn Library Film Studies
AsianLinks pages were first prepared in 1998
& are slowly being updated in Winter 2001
See also New Asian Links:
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