Timeline 1:
Early Japan (to CE 1168)
Table of
Literary & Cultural History
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"Japan is an island nation, separated by Asia on the east by the Sea of Japan and from the Americas, on the west, by the Pacific Ocean. Unlike many other island nations, Japan did not suffer military invasions from other countries, so for almost fifteen centuries, Japan has been, with the exception of influence from China, virtually isolated from its neighbors. As a result of this isolation, Japan developed a strong sense of cultural identity based on a homogeneous people who spoke a common language and shared strong political, social, religious, and artistic traditions" (Hume xi). | |
ca. 5000 | Japan before Written History: Migrations: Early migrations & settlement of Japan by diverse East Asian groups; population concentrates on coastal plains esp. of so-central Honshu & areas of other 3 main volcanic mountainous islands level enough for cultivation of the Japanese staple, rice. (See agriculture and Japanese Geography: map of the four large islands -- Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu -- arcing off the east coast of the Asian mainland to form Japan.) |
Jomon Culture (ca. 2000 BCE)
3000 - 2000 | Jomon Culture (named for cord-like decorations on pottery: Jomon "cord pattern" pottery 5000-200 BCE): hunter-gatherers living in pits in ground, sophisticated ceramics. Cultural patterns take shape: aesthetic sensibility to beauty of natural world is primary in religion, arts, architecture; limited resources are maximized by hardworking, disciplined population; geographical isolation homogenizes culture and language. Indigenous Ainu peoples are driven into north Honshu and Hokkaido, &/or gradually assimilated into mainstream Japanese groups (From Hunters to Rice Growers: Jomon period). |
NIHONGO: For most of its history, the
Japanese language (called Nihongo in
Japan) developed in isolation. As a result, linguists
have found it difficult to establish any links between
the Japanese languageits vocabulary, sound system,
and grammarand those of other languages, to
establish which linguistic family Nihongo
belongs to. Because the Japanese language seems to
have developed in virtual isolation from other languages,
there is no conclusive evidence relating Japanese to a
single family of languages and to that family's common
ancestor language. The most prominent hypothesis places
Japanese in the family of Altaic languageswhich
include Turkish, Mongolian, and Korean, relating Japanese
most closely to the Korean language. However, other
scholars believe the Japanese language is related to the
languages of the South Pacific (the family of
Austronesian languages). It is also important to note
that in Japan's northern island of Hokkaido, the Ainu
people, who are genetically and culturally different from
the rest of the Japanese, speak a language that has
proven even more difficult to relate to a single language
family. Pre-8th century: Oral tradition of songs, ballads, ritual prayers, myths, legends emerges (see photo of Mt. Fuji, the national symbol of Japan). |
the Japanese mind, Fujisan
is much more than a single volcano. It is regarded as a
sacred object, and the climbing of Mt. Fuji has long been a religious practice. It
has exerted a great influence upon Japanese culture.
Throughout the history of Japanese art and literature,
this holy mountain has been the subject of uncountable
poems and pictures. The yearning for greatness and beauty
symbolized by Fujisan
led the ancients to name many local mountains and towns
after this beautiful mountain." |
600 | Legendary Emperor Jimmu claimed to have established state of Japan. (Of related interest: Japanese Creation Myth (712 CE) from Genji Shibukawa: Tales from the Kojiki.) |
Yayoi Culture (ca. 1st century BCE)
1st century
BCE - to - CE 1st cent. |
Yayoi Culture: wet-rice cultivation, iron working, wheel-turned pottery, sophisticated bronzeware (e.g., bells: click Bronze Bell). Early Japanese societies divided into 100s of clans, each with clan deity & claimed descent from a real/fictional common ancestor. Yayoi societies have rigid social distinctions, the warrior elite supported by the peasantry (90% of the population) and a small percentage of slaves. Women have strong positions in matriarchal households, as shamans (priests conducting religious ceremonies and worship), & some as clan leaders and later empresses. |
Shinto, literally meaning "the way of the gods," is an ancient Japanese religion from the earliest times, centering on the ideas of Japanese intimacy with nature and ancestor worship. All things on earth were brought forth and ruled over by the gods and spiritskami--who reside throughout all nature. Mountains and trees often become objects of worship, and Shrine archways and sacred Shinto rope (torii) mark shrine precincts and sacred areas where deities dwell. Ordinarily, shrines (jinja)are built there, and objects of worship in which gods or kami reside are enshrined. Shinto has no elaborated theology or scriptures. Its priests, kannushi, minister at Shinto shrines, serving the kami by making offerings, reciting prayers, performing purification for worshippers, executing weddings, and managing sales of written oracles (omikuji), talismans (omamori), and good luck charms. Omikuji are written on long narrow paper and usually are tied to trees after being read in hopes that their prayers will be answered. Omamori are said to summon good fortune and expel evil, so divinities' names or prayers or temple and shrine names are written on pieces of wood or scraps of paper. Shinto is said to constitute the foundation of the sensibility of the Japanese people, supported by the Emperor system, even among contemporary non-believers. The Japanese Imperial Family continues today to observe ancient Shinto spiritual practices. (See painting: "The cooperative and labor intensive demands of the annual wet rice agricultural cycle...give a particular rhythm to Japanese ceremonial life." The proximity to the sea has also shaped the cultural patterns of Japanese life. See What is Shinto? and "Shinto and the Sacred Dimension of Nature" (Dr. Carmen Blacker, Univ. of Cambridge). Or Shinto: The Japanese Heart - Tour a Shinto Shrine. |
AD/CE 1st - 8th
From CE 1st century | Japanese import and adapt Chinese ideas, production techniques, institutional models, and other cultural features; Chinese borrowing is indirect & mediated via Korea, occurring by sea, through Korea, via traveling merchants, monks, and students who study in China. |
1st to 4th centuries |
Japanese develop unique civilization by blending their own culture with selective import, adaptation, & conscious refashioning of Chinese influences. Japan imitates but controls this process, retaining political independence from China while acknowledging Chinese cultural superiority in many areas. |
Uji Tomb Culture (ca. CE 3rd century)
200-552 | Uji (clan) period & Tomb culture (see Kofun era Bronze Mirror CE 200-500) |
300-400 | Yamato clan establishes imperial control through islands & extended into southern Korea. Shinto religion practiced. The Yamato claim descent from Shinto sun-goddess Amaterasu |
5th century: Chinese script is introduced. Japanese
was strictly a spoken language, called Old Japanese,
before the introduction of Chinese characters, called kanji,
in the 5th century. The Japanese did not produce written
documents. Thus scholars have little evidence of the
development and characteristics of the ancient Japanese
language, and a number of features of Old Japanese have
been lost. Kanji: The system of Chinese characters (which the Japanese call kanji) is a difficult system to learn and use because of the large number of characters (ideograms, or idea pictures) and the complexity involved both in writing and in reading each character. Each character is composed of symbols associated with a meaning or idea, rather than a sound. The Chinese and later Japanese methods of writing in characters (a character is called moji in Japanese) look very different from Western systems of writing, based on letters in alphabets which individually have no meaning, but are related to the sounds of pronunciation. With the introduction of a writing system, Chinese writing was adapted laboriously to spoken Japanese, and the Japanese people began to record their language and oral arts, using Chinese characters, in written poetry and prose. |
Taika Period (552-710)
552 | Taika period begins. |
574-622 | Prince Shotoku: reorganizes Japanese state on Chinese models, establishes new capital at Nara, imperial center of cultivation of Chinese literature, learning, governmental institutions |
From 580s | Buddhism (called Bukkyo
in Japan) is imported from China & Korea,
adopted and becomes an important influence in Japanese
arts, religion, and ethics among the elite & peasant
majority. See Japanese Buddhism: A Historical Overview (Part 1) and Shaka Triad, Buddhist art, ca. 623, of Asuka period, CE 552-645) |
The coming of Buddhism (Bukkyo) stimulated the definition of Shinto, the older indigenous nature worship of many gods and spirits--kami-- of the natural world, at simple unornamented shrines. (Shinto style architecture is still dominant in Japan today.) Buddhists built temples throughout Japan under government patronage and often with the support of Shinto shrines. Buddhism, with its non-theistic doctrine, co-existed fairly harmoniously, co-influenced and occasionally synthesized with Shinto in Shinbutsu-Shugo. Shinto and Bukkyo spirituality and religious practices often parallel, forming the deeply rooted spiritual culture of Japan still evident today. It is not uncommon in contemporary Japan for the same house to set up both Buddhist and Shinto family altars, or to enact Shinto and Buddhist rituals at weddings and funerals. See Japanese Buddhism: A Historical Overview (with images). | |
Ca. 595 | Emergence of published literature in borrowed Chinese characters during the reign of Suiko. |
580s to mid-7th century | Controversy grows regarding foreign influences, central to factional struggles for imperial throne and provincial power. |
645 - 710 | Taika reforms instituted, attempting to revamp imperial administration, master 1000s of Chinese characters, write dynastic histories, develop elaborate court etiquette on Chinese imperial models. During the later Taika period, the Japanese court is awash in Chinese influences, as nobility master Confucian ways, worship at Chinese style temples, admire Chinese Buddhist subjects and techniques in the arts. ( See Amida Trinity at the Shrine of the Lady Tachibana, Horyu-ji, late 7th century). |
Nara Period (710-784)
710 - 784 | Nara period: At Nara (map), the first permanent imperial capital, Buddhist ethics, Confucian legal codes, Chinese court rituals & Chinese-style bureaucracy enhance Japanese rulers legitimacy and dignity (see photos of ancient Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples). However, Japan lacks Chinas resource base, warrior elites resist imperial designs for large-scale conscription of peasant service and labor. Many Taika reforms fail, resisted by the aristocracy and Buddhist monks. (See Birth of a Nation under Chinese Influences: Nara and Kyoto. Todaiji, begun 747, marked the apex of classical Buddhist art and architecture in Japan. The temple's honzon, or principal object of worship, is a colossal gilt-bronze image -measuring some 15 meters in height-of the cosmic Buddha called the Nara Daibutu came to symbolize the power, wealth,and instrusiveness of state-sanctioned Buddhism. See the Guze Kannon, a form of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara as the universal saviour: Bodhisattvas are compassionate beings who have postponed their own enlightment in order to save others. See also Shitenno, clay statue; and 8th c. Horyu-ji: Four groups of dry clay figures at the floor of the five-story Nara pagoda.) |
712: Koji-ki (Records of Ancient Matters) contains many oral compositions of previous centuries collected and written down, largely in Japanese with Chinese characters (kanji). "Japans long and varied literary history, from the publication of the Kokiji (Record of Ancient Matters) in A.D. 712, to the more recent translation and publication of the works of Mishima Yukio and other contemporary writers of the 1970s, is at last becoming accessible to the West" (Hume xi; Nancy G. Humes collection Japanese Aesthetics and Culture (1995), referenced at the end of Timeline 4, is highly recommended "to facilitate, for the Western reader, an understanding of the aesthetic, cultural, and artistic legacy which shaped and informed Japans literary history" [xi-xii]). | |
720: Nihon shoki (History Book of Ancient Japan), written almost exclusively in Chinese, offers earliest extant histories of Japan, explaining the origin of the Japanese people, the formation of the Japanese state, and the essence of the national polity. | |
After 759: Manyo-shu (Anthology of a
Myriad Leaves),
ca.777?, the first great Japanese poetry collection, is
completed. It features 4,516 poems drawn from many
sources, including lyric poetry developed from the early
ballads. Lyric poetry celebrates the intense moment
(vs. the narrative or story-telling impulse of fiction
and drama). The poet Otomo no Yakamochi (d. 785) is considered the
last compiler of the Manyo-shu, which is written in manyo-gana, a complex,
cumbrous writing system using Chinese characters as both
phonetic (sound) and semantic (meaning) symbols of
syllables, rather than of words. The prevailing mood of the Manyo-shu anthology is makoto (truth or sincerity), the full involvement of the person. Two important poetic forms dominate the anthology: (1) the choka (long poem), consisting of alternate lines of five and seven syllables, followed by a final line of seven syllables to which is appended one or more hanka (envoys); and (2) the tanka (short poem), consisting of 31 syllables, written in five lines according to a pattern of five, seven, five, seven, and seven syllables. While the choka waned in popularity, the tanka became the preeminent Japanese verse form, maintaining its vitality until the modern period. The main feature of tanka is that, in expressing the gamut of feelings in a simple form, it must contain--and this is an indispensable featurea suggestiveness felt beyond the words. Perhaps a requirement for an outstanding tanka is that it causes associations with a suggestiveness not expressed in words and a deep elegance. Today there are still many lovers of this art form. |
From the preface of the
later Heian era anthology of poetry, |
Heian Period (794-1160)
784 - 794 | Japanese capital moved to Heian (the Japanese imperial capital from 794-1868 - modern Kyoto) after the imperial plot of empress Koken, assisted by a Buddhist monk, forces the Japanese emperor to flee in 784. During this period, Buddhist monasteries were forbidden and Taika reforms abandoned. |
794 - 857 | Heian Period: The Heian is a refined court culture dedicated to pursuit of beauty (see photos of Heian temples, gardens and architectural treasures of modern Kyoto). Chinese models are prized but not slavishly imitated; indigenous culture becomes increasingly refined and sophisticated. Heian court dominated by powerful aristocracy like the Fujiwara family, but offset by growing power of provincial clans and militia, who call for the revival and strengthening of indigenous Japanese culture and traditions. See Zocho Ten and Jikoku Ten [two of the four Guardian Kings], Portrait of the monk Ganjin [Chien-chen], 8th c.portrait of the founder of Tashodai-ji, and Mandra (mandala), theological diagram or schema prominent in Esoteric Buddhism. The mandala, which originated in India and is made up of interlocking triangles and circles, has been used by ascetics as aids to private meditation. In the kondo of Japanese Shingon temples, two large mandalas are frequently mounted on permanent wooden screens at right angles to the axis of the image platform. See also Amida Buddhism. |
838 | Last Japanese embassy to China. |
857 - 1160 | Late Heian or Fujiwara period: high value placed on writing original verses, and distinctly Japanese & elegant poetry written by court men and women; Chinese writing simplified and made compatible with spoken Japanese. The court becomes increasingly detached from life outside it. See Ho-o-Do "Phoenix Hall" of Byodo-in (ca. 1053). |
Heian Era Literature (794-1186): Aristocratic court society at Heian
(present-day Kyoto) created a new type of literature
(poetry and prose fiction), aided by the creation of two
types of simplified Japanese kana
(or syllabaries, systems of writing in characters based
on phonetics, or a mixture of the sounds of spoken
Japanese, and of the Japanese apprehension of Chinese
pronunciation of characters). These two kana are
the hiragana and the katakana,
based on a mixture of native Japanese words and Japanese
apprehension of Chinese pronunciation of characters. Each
syllabary is a character that represents a syllable in
the language, and, unlike a Chinese character, it
represents a sound but not a meaning. Hiragana and
katakana contain the same set of sounds, but the
sound ka in Japanese may be represented by the hiragana
![]() ![]() ![]() Japanese writing today still uses two principal systems of orthography, or moji (writing in characters): Chinese characters (kanji) and syllabaries (kana), a system in which each written character represents a syllable. Katakana is used to write words borrowed from Western languages such as the French language, the German language, and the English language. Kanji, hiragana, and katakana frequently appear in the same sentence. C.E. 905: Kokin-shu (Anthology of Ancient and Modern Poems), a waka collection compiled by Ki Tsurayuki (died ca. 945), reflects the change in mood from that of personal sincerity of the previous period, to one of mono no aware, or empathy with the essence of things, a bond linking nature and human beings (See What is Kokin Wakashu?) |
10th century: Prose forms such as poetic diary (a type of monogatari, or narrative tale) also develop: the Tosa-Diary (935; trans. 1912), also by Tsurayuki, recounts his journey home to Kyoto from Tosa Province, with moving references to his daughter's death there. Other prose monogatari include fairy tales (e.g.The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, trans. 1956), and poem tales (e.g. Ise monogatari or The Tales of Ise, c. 980.) | |
ca. 978? -1026?: Lady Murasaki Shikibu records Heian court life in Genji
monogatari (The Tale of Genji, written ca. 1009-1020), a
fictional life history of a prominent and amorous son of
emperor who is devoted to aesthetic pleasures &
obsessed with courtly social conventions. (See Murasaki Shikibu and beautiful narrative picture
scrolls--1, 2, 3, 4, ca. CE
1120-1140--from the Tale of Genji, all
of late Heian period.) The Tale of Genji, written in hiragana, is considered the first important novel in world literature. It also includes many tanka written by the characters in various situations. The novel offers a detailed panoramic picture of Heian court life, tracing in 54 long chapters the life and loves of Prince Genji and Kaoru, his presumed son. The work of Murasaki Shikibu has frequently been translated into English. The Pillow-Book, the earlier of the two classic works, is a witty, often brilliant, collection of sketches revealing the more worldly aspects of the same Heian court society (first translated into English by scholar Arthur Waley in 1928). The Tale of Genji and Makura-no-soshi (trans. The Pillow-Book) by Sei Shonagon, another woman of the court, are two of the greatest works of the Heian period. |
Juni-hitoe is a ceremonial robe that was the proper attire for court ladies and daughters of the warrior-class families in the Heian Period (794-1185) and after. It was a modification of the clothing worn by court ladies in the Nara Period (710-784) and even today juni-hitoe is worn on the occasion of weddings of the members of the Imperial Family. It is different from the kimonos worn by ordinary people, usually having brightly-colored kimonos worn on top of each other in twelve-layers over undergarments. The skirt has an extended train that trails behind when walking. In addition, when wearing the juni-hitoe, the hairstyle is gathered at the neck to hang down the back (suberakashi) and a fan made of Japanese cypress is held in the hands. Heian era court ladies also thought it the height of fashion to paint their teeth black. See the exhibition Four Centuries of Fashion: Classical Kimono from the Kyoto National Museum. |
Japan Timeline 1:
Early Japan (to CE 1185)
URL of this webpage: http://www.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/hum210/tml/JapanTML/japanTML.htm
Period (CE 1160 - 1568)
Japan Timeline
3: Tokugawa
and Modern Japan (17th - mid-20th c.)
Japan Timeline 4:
War II Period & Japan Timelines Sources
were first
prepared by Cora Agatucci,
in 1998.
They are slowly being updated in Winter 2001. Please bear with me.
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