Humanities 211 |
Discussion Paper #1
& Seminar #2
Part I |
Part II | Evaluation
See also good
Example Student Discussion
Papers #1 (from HUM 211, Winter 2003):
Assignment Deadlines: See HUM 211 Course Plan - Weeks #2 - #4.
Discussion Paper #1 has two parts, each designed to help you achieve key Hum 211 course Learning Outcomes (see Hum 211 Syllabus - especially Learning Outcomes #1 & #2, #3, #5, #6, #9 & #10).
Address both Part I Topic and Part II Topic in your Discussion Paper #1;
NOTE: if you wish to propose an alternative topic relevant to topics covered thus
far in Hum 211, please contact Cora to discuss no later than Tues., Jan. 21
Discussion Paper #1 must be typed/word processed and double spaced.
See also Manuscript Form & Source Citation handout, distributed in class Tues., Jan. 21.
Extra Credit Option: E-version for webposting on Hum 211 web
More advice and models for using MLA style to prepare your Final Draft and Cite your Sources will be given in class on Tuesday, Jan. 21: See also Manuscript Form & Source Citation.
Seminar #2 - Tues., Jan. 28: Read/respond to students' Discussion Papers #1
Part I - Introduction to HUM 211
Suggested length: 250-400 words
(1 1/2 to 2 1/2 typed/wordprocessed and double-spaced pages)Topic: Identify and explain key barriers and facilitators that you believe Hum 211 students should keep in mind when engaging in cross-cultural study of African cultures and language arts (i.e. orature, literature, and/or film). Integrate into your discussion relevant points from Hum 211 resources (listed below), class discussion, as well as your own experience & observations.
HUM 211 Resources:
1.1 Images of Africa & African History
Introduction | Interview with Ali Mazrui (Cora's Summary) | Issues in African History (Excerpt) | Interview with Chinua Achebe (Excerpt)1.2 African Timelines Table of Contents
Part I: Ancient Africa (BC/BCE from the beginnings); Part II: African Empires (AD/CE 1st - 15th centuries)1.3 Cross-Cultural Considerations
Message from Ron Mpho Shea Solberg | Interview with China Achebe (Excerpt) | An Arena of Learning & Change (Summary) | Cross-Cultural Translation (Summary) | A Code of Conduct for "Cross-Boundary Discourse" (Summary)1.4 Student Perspectives
Cross-Cultural Contact Zone (Fall 1998): Dawn Hendrix | Michelle Wallace
URL: also Student Reports on Topic #1 & Topic #2, Hum 211 Discussion #1 Forum, Winter 2002.
URL: II - Traditional African Oral Arts
Suggested length: 250-400 words
(1 1/2 to 2 1/2 typed/wordprocessed and double-spaced pages)Topic: Introduce two or three significant characteristics or types of traditional African oral arts, using examples to illustrate your points. Integrate into your discussion limitations and/or benefits of studying African oral arts in cross-cultural translation.
HUM 211 Resources:
2.1 In Praise of the Word (paper handout distributed in class)
2.2 African Praise Songs (paper handout distributed in class)
In Praise of the Word | Orality and Literacy | A Twi Proverb | Ikemefuna's Song | Fulani Poetic Genres | African Music & Cultures |
What's in an African name? | "Ambara, The Interpreter" | More Dogon Tiges, or Praise Songs | Contemporary Praise Songs2.3 Student Perspectives
Student Praise Songs & Web Source Review
Seminar #1 Prep & Discussion of your own and/or others' praise songs, explications,
& source reviews.2.4 African Oral Epics (paper handout distributed in class)
Backgrounds for Sundjata Oral Epic & Keita | Proverbs in Keita | A Spirit Song Honoring the Kora | Works Cited | Web Sources: West African Cultures & Griots' Musical Instruments2.5 Backgrounds for Keita: The Heritage of the Griot
Mali Empire & Griot Traditions: Mali: Africa's Empire of Empires | Griot Traditions | What Is a Griot? | The Epic of Sundjata: On Translating Orature into Literature | Summary of the Epic Story of Sundjata
Evaluation: Discussion Paper #1 Name:_____________________________
HUM211, Prof. C. Agatucci, Winter 2003
Worth: 15% of Course Grade Grade:__________________________ Submitted Late: ½ Grade Penalty
___ Submitted on time: Revision Option available. Original graded Discussion Paper #1 (incl. this evaluation sheet) must be resubmitted with Optional Revision.
BASIC REQUIREMENTS are met (see directions handouts):
___Both Part I Topic & Part II Topic are addressed in Discussion Paper.___Manuscript Form & Source Citation: Discussion Paper is typed/wordprocessed & double spaced, & demonstrates good faith effort to follow directions & models
___Plagiarism is avoided: In-text parenthetical citations of summary, paraphrase, direct quotation, & quotation marks set off direct quotations; alphabetized Works Cited page, placed at end of paper, gives complete bibliographical information on all sources cited in-text.
Learning Outcome C.10 Avoid plagiarism by using an acceptable academic style (e.g. MLA) to cite direct quotations, paraphrases (indirect quotations), & summaries taken from primary & secondary sources.
____A. PART I TOPIC: Identify and explain key barriers and facilitators that you believe Hum 211 students should keep in mind when engaging in cross-cultural study of African cultures and language arts (i.e. orature, literature, and/or film). Integrate into your discussion relevant points from Hum 211 resources [listed in handout], class discussion, as well as your own experience & observations.
___1. Assigned Part I Topic addressed.
___2. Length & Focus: Part I discussion focuses on limited number of points that can be developed satisfactorily in suggested Part I length of 1 ½ - 2 ½ doubled spaced pages (250-400) words.
___3. Content: Thorough class preparation/participation, understanding of HUM 211 concepts, & thoughtful critical thinking are demonstrated, especially in ability to:
(a) Select and knowledgeably explain significant points relevant to assigned topic;
(b) Develop each points in depth, with citation & analysis of well-selected examples.____B. PART II TOPIC: Introduce two or three significant characteristics or types of traditional African oral arts, using examples to illustrate your points. Integrate into your discussion limitations and/or benefits of studying African oral arts in cross-cultural translation. [Points taken from relevant resources listed in handout are cited.]
___1. Assigned Part II Topic addressed.
___2. Length & Focus: Part II discussion focuses on limited number of points that can be developed satisfactorily in suggested Part II length of 1 ½ - 2 ½ doubled spaced pages (250-400) words.___3. Content: Thorough class preparation/participation, understanding of HUM 211 concepts, & thoughtful critical thinking are demonstrated, especially in ability to:
(a) Select and knowledgeably explain significant points relevant to assigned topic;
(b) Develop each points in depth, with citation & analysis of well-selected examples.DISCUSSION PAPER #1 Parts I & II suggest student is meeting/exceeding these HUM 211 learning outcomes:
___A. Build knowledge of language arts & cultures different from one’s own, i.e.
Outcome 1 [Identify distinctive characteristics of African oral arts]
Outcome 2 [Situate African texts in their contexts & analyze how texts reflect their contexts]
Outcome 3 [Evaluate limitations & benefits of studying African works in translation]___B. Apply this knowledge to cross-cultural comparative analysis, i.e.
Outcome 4 [Identify significant cross-cultural similarities/differences . . .Outcome 5 [Examine effects of individual/culturally-determined factors on responses to African texts…
Outcome 6 [Identify topics of personal interest, unanswered questions, etc…for further investigation.___C. Construct . . . persuasive cross-cultural interpretations, i.e.
Outcome 7 [Formulate responses & interpretations using varied strategies & resources . . .]___C. WRITTEN EXPRESSION in Discussion Paper Parts I & II effectively communicates with a college-level audience and diverse HUM 211 readership in mind, because it is clear, coherent & edited effectively to eliminate most grammatical errors (especially errors that hurt clarity & coherence).
Learning Outcome C.. . .[C]ommunicate persuasive cross-cultural interpretations . . .
Outcome 9 [Communicate one’s interpretations in … formal writing . . ..]
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Humanities Department, Central Oregon
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