Humanities 211 |
Electronic Announcements
HUM 211, Open Campus, Winter 2002
#1: Email announcement, sent Thurs., 17 Jan. 2002]
HUM 211 Discussion #1 Report Topic Assignments
(Please see Discussion #1 webpage for directions & Course Plan for deadlines)
If you have questions or concerns about your topic assignment, please contact me.
Thanks, CoraTOPIC #1: Images of Africa
Greer, Cindy
Sanchez, Brenda
Alderson, Jennifer
DeMars, Deke
Smart, Ben
Tipton, Justi
Forster, Laura
Benningfield, JeremyTOPIC #2: Cross-Cultural Study
Hall, Kilmeny
Christman, Lindsie
Wolf Mawdsley, Laura
McCue, Linda
McCue, Kim
TOPIC #3: Traditional Arts of Africa
TOPIC #4: Keita
#2: Email announcement, sent Thurs., 17 Jan. 2002]
Dear Hum 211 students:
1. Finding Hum 211 webpages
(e.g. on Keita, on Discussion #1 & etc.), since at the Keita film viewing this morning, several students mentioned having trouble finding one or another of the Hum 211 webpages. I checked links, etc., on my Hum 211 webpages when I got home this afternoon and did discover that some of the navigational links were not working properly--which may have been part of the problem. (I've now done some web link repair work and hope that said links are now working properly (but if you find any that are not working or are not going to where they say they are supposed to go, please let me know! Thanks, Cora). I've listed below selected Hum 211 webpages and URL's relevant to our impending Discussion #1 assignment and Keita: Discussion #1 (Report Topic choices & directions, how to get to the online Discussion #1 forum so that you can post your Reports, and follow-up Response directions):HUM 211 Discussion #1 Forum
(Where you go to webpost your Discussion #1 Reports and Responses, with Directions for how this "framed" discussion forum works and how to post your reports & responses. And if you can't figure it out, EMAIL CORA!!)Course Plan
(for assignment deadlines and links to assignment directions webpages, etc. Be sure to "reload" or "refresh" this page when you revisit, because I am constantly activating links, & etc.)Keita Film Notes:
Other online readings (relevant to Weeks #1 & #2 topics) are indexed and linked from the HUM 211 Course Pack table of contents
(Be sure to "reload" or "refresh" this page when you revisit, because I am constantly adding new resources, activating links, & etc.):TV Meeting Notes
( e.g. if you miss any televised class meetings so far, want to review what we did, links and URLs for relevant webpages discussed, etc.)2. Make sure you're viewing the latest version of Hum 211 webpages. Also when you do get to the right webpage, remember the webtip to "refresh" or "reload" the web page in your internet browser everytime you revisit a webpage. (Otherwise, what you will see is the "cached" or saved version of the webpage as it was when you last visited.) Sometimes--depending on your Internet Service Provider and internet browser--it will take a while for the browser to "refresh" or "reload" (i.e. if you sit there in a panic clicking refresh/reload but the webpage is not changing, you may just need to give it a rest for a few minutes and try again a bit later.
Meanwhile, if you can't get to something you need, do not despair--EMAIL CORA!! Tell me what's going on and we'll work out a solution.
3. The Hum 211 Grade
Reports to date have not yet been sent. But
I've got the grade file set up now, so you should be hearing from me
individually, via email, in the next day or two (e.g. re: points awarded for
your week #1 E-Mail Dialogue). on Keita and/or the Discussion #1 assignment.
Revised Announcement:
I'm having trouble with the email
function of my Micrograde software, and I may go instead to a
password-protected WebGrade option for keeping you informed of your Hum 211
course grade.
Meanwhile, NOTE that on Sun., 1/20/02, I sent out
individual grade reports (to date) to all Hum 211 students (the old fashioned,
labor-intensive way).
If you didn't get your email, please contact Cora!
4. Your Discussion #1 Report Topic assignment: I also send out an "all points bulletin" group Email to all of you (using the Email addresses that I have for you) earlier today making/confirming Discussion #1 Report Topic assignments. If you have a question or concern or alternative request to make about your assignment, please EMAIL me!!
5. If you missed this morning's viewing of the rest of Keita, please EMAIL me (if you haven't already)!!
I appreciate your patience and interest in African cultural studies! Thanks, and have a safe and productive weekend!
HUM 211 Open
Campus Course Information
- Winter 2002
HUM 211 Home
Online Course
Achebe, Things
Fall Apart
Dangarembga, Nervous Conditions
African Links
Timelines: History, Orature, Literature, & Film
African Films
African Contexts: Film
Afrique, Je Te Plumerai
Student Writing
You are
here: Announcements
- Hum 211 Open Campus, Winter 2002
URL of this page:
Last Updated: 31 March 2005
This webpage is maintained by Cora
Agatucci, Professor of English,
Humanities Department, Central
Oregon Community College
I welcome comments:
© Cora Agatucci, 1997-2002
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