Writing 122- Cora Agatucci
English Composition [Argumentation & Critical Reading-Response]

Final Writer's Profile - 5%
Self-Assessment & Course Reflections
WR 122, Prof. C. Agatucci, Winter 2002
See Winter 2002 WR 122 Course Plan for assignment deadlines


WR 122, Winter 2002, Dr. C.Agatucci    Section (Circle):  11:00 Class  OR   1:00 Class

  PART I:  Self-Assessment

1.      Rate your skills in the 7  following competencies, using this 5-point rating scale:

5 (A Excellent)    4 (B Very Good)    3 (C Satisfactory)    2 (D Weak)   1 (F Failing)

2.  Circle the Competency statements representing skills that you believe you have improved the most this term in WR 122.


___Competency 1. Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of analytical and argumentative essay patterns such as evaluation of a published argument, comparative analysis of sources, persuasion, argumentation synthesis.


___Competency 2. Demonstrate the ability to use several quotations from either published sources or interviews, which are (1) integrated into the students own writing (at both the paragraph and the sentence level), and (2) correctly documented according to some currently accepted practice.


____Competency 3: Demonstrate the ability to adopt a persona or tone that serves ones persuasive purposes in written argument, and to identify and anticipate audience considerations (e.g. readers knowledge, assumptions, beliefs/values, attitudes, needs) in the selection of evidence and presentation of the writers argument.


____Competency 4: Summarize published arguments and analyze components of written arguments, such as claim, support (including the distinction between observation and inference, fact and opinion), warrants, assumptions, logic, rebuttals, credibility, psychological appeals, connotation, tone, slanted language, irony).


____Competency 5: Use writing to provide a peer with alternative viewpoints and suggestions for revising and editing.


____Competency 6:  Adopt a writing process to incorporate the special concerns of arguments such as analyzing opposing viewpoints, synthesizing personal opinions with written sources, thesis formation, organization, drafting, revising, editing and proofreading.


____Competency 7: Analyze and evaluate ones own argument, identifying strengths, weaknesses and potential biases, assumptions--and suggest some means of improving his or her argumentative practice.


  PART II:  Course Reflections

  1. Which aspects of WR 122 have been most useful in helping you improve or develop your writing skills this term?  And, briefly, why?






  1. Which aspects of WR 122 have been least helpful to you?  Again, briefly, why?





  Other Comments?


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URL of this webpage: http://www.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/wr122/assignments/Finalwp.htm
Last updated: 18 September 2005

This webpage is maintained by Cora Agatucci, Professor of English, 
Humanities Department, Central Oregon Community College
I welcome comments: cagatucci@cocc.edu
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