WR 122 Syllabus
- CRN #10563 & #10566
Prof. Cora Agatucci, Winter 2002
URL of WR 122 Syllabus webpage: http://www.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/wr122/syllabus.htm
How to Contact
Office Location: Deschutes 14 (Bend campus)
Hours: TBA (See current Schedule)
& by appointment
Office Phone & Voicemail: (541) 383-7522
Mailbox (Humanities Dept. Office, Bend campus): Modoc 226
Electronic mail: cagatucci@cocc.edu
or within COCC FirstClass: Cora Agatucci
Fax: (541) 330-4396
Cora's Home Page: http://www.cocc.edu/cagatucci/
WR 122 Web Site Root URL:
Course Prerequisites
Students are best prepared to succeed in WR 122 who have earned a grade of "C" or higher in Writing 121 (or an equivalent college-level writing course) and have met or exceeded WR 121 exit Competencies: http://www.cocc.edu/humanities/courses/writing/competencies.htm#WR121
Contact Cora if you have questions about your WR 122 preparation or placement.
Crusius, Timothy W., and Carolyn E. Channell. The Aims of Argument: A Rhetoric and Reader. 3rd ed. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield, 2000. (Abbreviated AofA in WR 122 Course Plan)
Resources to zerox or otherwise duplicate clear readable copies of several writing assignments.
Ability or resources needed to wordprocess or type final drafts of graded writing assignments.
Hacker, Diana. A Pocket Style Manual. 2nd ed. Boston: Bedford, 1997 (...or access to a similar handbook).
Recently published college dictionary & thesaurus.
Inexpensive folder to hold assignments prepared on standard sized (8 ½"X 11") paper.
Electronic Mail account & Internet access.
NOTE: You can apply for a FirstClass account in Pioneer Computer Lab, 2nd floor; or online
Seek help when you need it--e.g. from Cora, COCC Writing Lab, online resources, & etc.
Course Grading
40 % Class Preparation & Participation (e.g., exercises, preliminary drafts, writers workshops, &etc.) - Evaluated by Points earned
Late/Make-Up work will be accepted but may be penalized.5 % Formal Academic Summary - Letter graded
At least 1/2 grade penalty if submitted late.
Revision Option given only if submitted on time.15 % AofA Argument Analysis & Evaluation Essay - Letter graded
At least 1/2 grade penalty if submitted late.
Revision Option given only if submitted on time.25 % Argument Essay using at least 3 sources - Letter graded
At least 1/2 grade penalty if submitted late.
Revision Option given only if submitted on time.10 % Student Argument Analysis - Letter graded
At least 1/2 grade penalty if submitted late.
Revision Option given only if submitted on time.5 % Final Self-Evaluation & Course Reflections - Letter graded
NO LATE FINALS ACCEPTED. PERIOD.Assignments and Grading Criteria will be explained in more detail in class.
See WR 122 Course Plan (Winter 2002) for week-by-week assignments & deadlines
Welcome to Writing 122!!
Description and Learning Objectives
's own writing (at both the paragraph and the sentence level), and (2) correctly documented according to some currently accepted practice.Writing 122, the second course in the English Composition sequence, will build on the knowledge and essay writing skills students have gained in Writing 121. WR 122 provides instruction and practice in summarizing, analyzing, evaluating, and constructing sound and convincing written arguments; as well as in exercising related critical reading, thinking, viewing, and research and documentation skills. Special attention will be given to analyzing communication situations, developing a strong sense of audience for audience-based argumentative and persuasive writing, identifying ones own and others biases, imagining and addressing different (sometimes sharply conflicting) viewpoints, and working collaboratively to find common grounds of audience appeal.
WR 122 Competencies: The Humanities Department Composition Committee has identified the following core competencies, or student learning outcomes, for all WR 122 courses. Skill-building activities and assignments of this course have been designed to help you achieve these course competencies.
Competency 1. Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of analytical and argumentative essay patterns, such as evaluation of a published argument, comparative analysis of sources, persuasion, argumentation synthesis.
Competency 2. Demonstrate the ability to use several quotations from either published sources or interviews, which are (1) integrated into the student
Competency 3: Demonstrate the ability to adopt a persona or tone that serves one
's persuasive purposes in written argument, and to identify and anticipate audience considerations (e.g. readers' knowledge, assumptions, beliefs/values, attitudes, needs) in the selection of evidence and presentation of the writer's argument.Competency 4: Summarize published arguments and analyze components of written arguments, such as claim, support (including the distinction between observation and inference, fact and opinion), warrants, assumptions, logic, rebuttals, credibility, psychological appeals, connotation, tone, slanted language, irony.
Competency 5: Use writing to provide a peer with alternative viewpoints and suggestions for revising and editing.
Competency 6: Adopt a writing process to incorporate the special concerns of arguments such as analyzing opposing viewpoints, synthesizing personal opinions with written sources, thesis formation, organization, drafting, revising, editing and proofreading.
Competency 7: Analyze and evaluate one
's own argument, identifying strengths, weaknesses and potential biases, assumptions--and suggest some means of improving his or her argumentative practice.Approved by Composition Committee,
rev. 4-14-99
Manuscript Form for Graded Writing Assignments
To be accepted for grading, the Final Drafts of all letter-graded writing assignments must:
be typed or word processed using a standard, readable font & point size;
be double spaced;
be printed on only one side of standard-sized (8 1/2" X 11") white paper;
have one-inch margins on all four sides of each printed page;
cite sources & avoid plagiarism (see below);
be carefully edited before submission for grading: review Appendix A: Editing and Proofreading in our course textbook (AofA pp. 748-766)
be properly identified with standard MLA-style Heading and Running-Page Headers:
MLA-style Heading (see example below), placed on the first page in the
upper left-hand corner (please do not prepare a separate title page) - Example:Janet Mikulski (your name)
Wr 122, Prof. C. Agatucci (identify course & instructor)
Formal Academic Summary (identify assignment)
22 January 2001 (identify date assignment is due)MLA-style Running Page Header (see example below) placed in the
upper right-hand corner on subsequent pages - Example:Mikulski 2
(your last name and the page number)
Avoid Plagiarism: Cite Your Sources!
Give proper citations and documentation of any sources that you quote, paraphrase, and/or summarize in your writing whenever you borrow the words, facts, and/or ideas of others. Accepted ways of citing your sources will be discussed further in class as part of assignment directions. In general, however, note that even putting others ideas into your own words still means you are borrowing, and to avoid plagiarism the source(s) must be cited and documented, both
(a) at the point in your essay where the borrowing occurs (using parenthetical citations), and
(b) in a list of all sources cited given at the end of your essay.
Plagiarismintended or notis considered a serious academic violation of intellectual property rights, and may earn your written assignment an automatic "F." Guidelines for using and documenting sources will be discussed in class. Relevant sections of AofA Chapter 9: Researching Arguments offer advice and models for using MLA and APA documentation styles in WR 122, and/or for research-based writing assigned in other courses you may be taking.
Any WR 122 student with a documented
(physical, learning, psychological, vision, hearing)
who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations
must inform the College and Cora as soon as possible.
If you require any assistance related to a disability,
contact the Disability Services Office located in
Boyle Education Center call (541) 383-7580,
or send e-mail to sobrien@cocc.edu
I look forward to working with all of you this term! ~Cora
WR 122 Home Page | Syllabus
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You are here: WR 122
Syllabus ~ CRN #10563 & #10566
Winter 2002, Prof. Cora Agatucci
URL of this webpage: http://www.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/wr122/syllabus.htm
Last updated:
18 September 2005
This webpage is maintained by Cora
Agatucci, Professor of English,
Humanities Department, Central
Oregon Community College
I welcome comments: cagatucci@cocc.edu
© Cora Agatucci, 1997-2002
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