WRITING 170 ONLINE - Syllabus - Winter 2010
Documentation - CRN # 11360 - 1 Credit Transfer Elective

Instructor: Cora Agatucci (see contact information below & in Blackboard)
URL of this web page: http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/wr170/WR170syllabusW2010.htm

Academic Calendar & Final Exam Schedule for 2009-10:

How to Contact Cora Agatucci:
Electronic mail:
Cora's Office Location: Grandview 106-B  (Bend campus)
Office Hours: See
Cora's current Schedule (& also by appointment):

Office Phone & Voicemail: (541) 383-7522
Humanities Dept. Office (Bend campus): Modoc 226 
Fax:  (541) 330-4396 - Attention: Cora Agatucci
Cora's COCC Home Page: http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/ 

Winter 2010 WR 170 ONLINE (CRN #11360) is a Blackboard-based course
conducted entirely ONLINE.

Mandatory Prerequisite for this COCC ONLINE Course:

Successful completion of COCC's Online Orientation Units 1-5 (Free COCC Online Mini-Course):
--Information: http://web.cocc.edu/onlineorientation/

NOTE WELL: To register for this Winter 2010 WR 170 ONLINE course OR even to get yourself on the Wait List for this course, you MUST have already successfully completed the above COCC Online Orientation Mini-Course Units 1-5.

Beginning no later than Mon., Jan. 4, 2010 (from early am), Winter 2010 officially Registered and Wait-Listed WR 170 ONLINE students who have satisfied the above Mandatory Prerequisite, should login to Blackboard, find (listed under "My COCC" and "Courses" tabs), access, and complete Unit 1: START HERE Intro & Attendance Requirement (ASAP) for:


COCC Blackboard (Bb) 9 - Information & Help:
Blackboard Help for Students

Blackboard 9 Certified or Compatible Operating Systems and Browsers:
To view the most current information, please visit: 

Note Well:  Blackboard seems to work best accessed with
Mozilla Firefox (3.0.x or later version) Web Browser

Winter 2010 Online WR 170 students will NOT have to purchase
a textbook or course pack.

All required class learning materials will be provided in our WR 170 Blackboard course, to include Bb course documents prepared by instructor Cora Agatucci, online COCC Barber Library resources available to COCC students, and online instructional documents freely available on the World Wide Web, especially:

Purdue OWL (Purdue Univ. Online Writing Lab) instructional materials:

WR 170 Course Description & Learning Outcomes:
or, What will you learn in WR 170?

WR 170 - Documentation
Instruction emphasizes what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it by applying college-level documentation practices, using accepted discipline-appropriate academic and professional styles, in research-based writing assignments across the curriculum. Credits: 1  Lecture: 1.
> COCC 2009-10 Catalog Brief Course Description:
URL: https://oraweb.cocc.edu/2010/WRT.htm#WR170

Students who successfully complete WR 170: Documentation, will be able to achieve these Learning Outcomes (AKA: Learning Objectives):

--Learning Outcome 1:  Define what plagiarism is and explain how plagiarism can be avoided.

--Learning Outcome 2:  Identify the essential purposes of established academic and professional documentation styles (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago-Humanities, AAA, Chicago Author-Date, etc.) for citing sources in college writing assignments across the curriculum.

--Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate competency in constructing an alphabetized bibliography containing several common types of sources (e.g. standard print sources, as well as online/electronic, field & other non-print sources), for each of which bibliographical entries are complete and correctly formatted according to ONE accepted documentation style (e.g. APA References, MLA Works Cited, Chicago-Humanities Bibliography, AAA or Chicago Author-Date References).

--Learning Outcome 4:  Demonstrate competency in constructing several common types of in-text citations (e.g. summary, paraphrase, short and long "block" direct quotations indicating any necessary alterations with ellipsis and brackets,  indirect citations from sources, "unsigned" sources, "unpaginated" sources), each of which are correctly formatted according to ONE accepted documentation style (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago-Humanities end Notes, AAA or  Chicago Author-Date) and clearly matchable to corresponding complete, correctly formatted entries listed in a master alphabetized bibliography of all sources cited in text.

--Learning Outcome 5:  Review and edit documentation in one current or previously prepared formal research-based writing assignment that Cora will supply OR that you can supply if you have one, successfully applying above Outcomes 1-4 documentation skills and knowledge gained from this course. 
you do NOT have to write a new research paper for this 1-credit course!

WR 170 Learning Outcomes were approved by COCC Academic Affairs Curriculum Committee, 2009

WR 170 Planned Unit Scored Assignments, Grading Weights, & Late Policies
All Unit readings & assignments are designed to help students achieve WR 170 Learning Outcomes.
If you encounter problems completing WR 170 assignments on deadline,
and/or have questions/concerns regarding assignments & grading,
please contact Cora ASAP via COCC email: cagatucci@cocc.edu

Unit 1
10 pts possible
(10 ÷ 200)
≈ 5% of
course grade

UNIT 1: START HERE - Course Introduction & Attendance Requirement
  10 pts = DB 1 Introductions & Attendance Requirement
DB = Discussion Board assignment
DB 1 must be complete & posted on time if registered students want to retain their place in this course and if wait-listed students want to obtain a place in this course!

Unit 2
20 pts possible
(20 ÷ 200)
≈ 10% of
course grade

UNIT 2: Plagiarism
  20 pts = Unit 2 Quiz
Late Policy: Unit 2 Quiz may be completed/submitted LATE but will be penalized points.

Unit 3
20 pts possible

(20 ÷ 200)
≈ 10% of
course grade

UNIT 3: Documentation Styles
  10 pts = Unit 3 Quiz
Late Policy: Unit 3 Quiz may be completed/submitted LATE but will be penalized points.
  10 pts = DB Units 2 & 3 Documentation Survey
= Discussion Board assignment
Late Policy: DB Units 2 & 3 assignment may be posted LATE but will be penalized points.


  DB Course Q & A (ongoing)  - DB = Discussion Board assignment

Unit 4
60 pts possible

(60 ÷ 200)
≈ 30% of
course grade

UNIT 4: Bibliography Construction
  30 pts = Unit 4 Quiz
Late Policy: Unit 4 Quiz may be completed/submitted LATE but will be penalized points.
  30 pts = Bibliography Construction Problems to be submitted individually to Cora via Cora's COCC email: cagatucci@cocc.edu
Late Policy: Bibliography Construction Problems assignment may be submitted LATE to Cora via email BUT will be penalized in two ways: LATE points penalty will be subtracted AND Cora will NOT provide detailed instructor feedback.

Unit 5
40 pts possible

(40 ÷ 200)
≈ 20% of
course grade


UNIT 5: In-Text Citation Practices
  20 pts = Unit 5 Quiz
Late Policy: Unit 5 Quiz may be completed/submitted LATE but will be penalized points.
  20 pts = In-Text Citation Problems to be submitted individually to Cora via Cora's COCC email: cagatucci@cocc.edu
Late Policy: In-Text Citation Problems assignment may be submitted LATE to Cora via email BUT will be penalized in two ways: LATE points penalty will be subtracted AND Cora will NOT provide detailed instructor feedback.

Unit 6
50 pts possible

(50 ÷ 200)
25% of
course grade

UNIT 6: Review & revised/reduced Final - see Rev. WR 170 Course Plan
  20 pts = Unit 6 Quiz (Units 2, 3, 4, & 5 Review)
NO LATE Unit 6 Quizzes will be accepted & grade/score = 0 (F)
 DELETE:  20 pts = Documentation Editing Assignment to be submitted individually to Cora via Cora's COCC email: cagatucci@cocc.edu
NO LATE Documentation Editing assignments will be accepted & grade/score = 0 (F)
  10 pts = DB Final Course Reflections Survey
= Discussion Board assignment
NO LATE DB Final Course Reflections will be accepted & grade/score = 0 (F)
200 170 pts = Total Points possible based on planned assignments above.
Grading Scale Charts below will be revised accordingly - CA, 2/27/10.

    Cora will be using Blackboard (Bb) Grade Center to record scores students earn on individual graded assignments & to calculate students' overall course grades to date. Students will be able to check their current record of assignments completed and scores earned--as well as overall points earned to date, percentage (points earned to date divided by points possible to date) and course grade to date (based on percentage)--by clicking “View Grades” in our Bb course Menu.
    Based on the WR 170 PLANNED Unit scored assignments itemized above, with a total of 200 points possible, I offer the following projected final course grading scale:

Total Points Earned
(out of 200 pts possible)
= Percentage
(pts earned ÷ pts possible)
= Course Grade
per COCC policy*
200 - 190 pts 100 % – 95.0% A
189.9 - 180 pts 94.9% – 90.0%  A-
179.9 - 174 pts 89.9% – 87.0%   B+
173.9 - 166 pts 86.9% -  83.0% B
165.9 - 160 pts 82.9% -  80.0%  B-
159.9 - 154 pts 79.9% – 77.0%  C+
153.9 - 140 pts 76.9%  - 70.0% C
139.9 - 120 pts 69.9% – 60.0% D
119.9 - 0 pts. 59.9% – 00.0% F

*COCC does NOT allow instructors to award final course grades
of A+, C-, D+, D-, F+ or F-

    If, however, any of the above WR170 planned assignments have to deleted or changed, the actual total points possible will be reduced/adjusted accordingly, and Blackboard Grade Center is programmed to compute grades based on percentage (actual points earned divided by actual points possible), according to the official COCC Percentage-to-Grade scale given below:

COCC Percentage-to-Grade Conversion Scale
per COCC grading guidelines & policies

(total points earned ÷ actual total points possible)

= Course Grade
per COCC grading policy*

100 % – 95.0%


94.9% – 90.0%


89.9% – 87.0%

86.9% -  83.0% B
82.9% -  80.0%  B-
79.9% – 77.0%   C+
76.9%  - 70.0% C
69.9% – 60.0% D
59.9% – 00.0% F

*COCC does NOT allow instructors to award final course grades
of A+, C-, D+, D-, F+ or F-

Plagiarism Policy . . . & Help

COCC student "Rights and Responsibilities" Section III.A.1. "Academic Honesty" states:

c. Plagiarism: Representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own. All ideas, arguments and phrases submitted without attribution to other sources, must be the creative product of the student. Plagiarism includes copying portions of the writing of others with only minor changes in wording, with inadequate footnotes, quotes, or other reference forms of citation or only a list of references. Paraphrasing without appropriate citation is also plagiarism.

[Web Source: Student Life Office. "Rights and Responsibilities." Central Oregon Community College. Student Life Office and Central Oregon Community College, 2009. Web. 20 Dec. 2009. <http://studentlife.cocc.edu/Policies/Rights+and+Responsibilities/default.aspx>.]

Plagiarism—intended or not—violates COCC's "Academic Honesty" code, and may also violate U.S. Copyright laws protecting copyright holders' intellectual property rights. As also stated in stated in COCC student "Rights and Responsibilities" Section III.A.1. "Academic Honesty," under "Academic Honesty Violations":

b. If the faculty member determines that the student has violated the Academic Honesty policy, the instructor may impose one of the following sanctions:

  • Require the student to complete another assignment
  • Assign a grade of F or zero on the assignment
  • Assign a final grade of F for the course

[Web Source: Student Life Office. "Rights and Responsibilities." Central Oregon Community College. Student Life Office and Central Oregon Community College, 2009. Web. 20 Dec. 2009. <http://studentlife.cocc.edu/Policies/Rights+and+Responsibilities/default.aspx>.]

What must be cited and documented: 

  • Direct quotations--i.e. when you repeat verbatim (word-for-word) sentences, passages, and/or distinctive phrases from a source--must be appropriately set off as such (e.g. short quotations should be enclosed in quotation marks and longer quotations should be blocked)  AND the source must be cited and documented. 
  • Paraphrases and Summaries--i.e. when you rephrase in your own words ideas & information from a source--must also be cited and documented.

To avoid plagiarism in college writing assignments, all source(s) quoted, paraphrased, and/or summarized must be:

  • (a) cited IN-TEXT at the point in your papers where direct quotation, paraphrase, and/or summary borrowed from a source is inserted,
  • (b) documented AT THE END of your papers in a list giving full bibliographical documentation on all sources cited within your papers.  

Plagiarism in any WR 170 course assignment is grounds for an "F" on that assignment. BUT DO NOT PANIC!  Learning what plagiarism is and how to avoid it, is what this class is all about!  Directions & models for citing and documenting your sources using an appropriate documentation style will be given in course Units instruction this term. Meanwhile, if you have questions or concerns, please contact Cora.

Again . . . How to Contact Cora Agatucci:
Electronic mail:
Cora's Office Location: Grandview 106-B  (Bend campus)
Office Hours: See
Cora's current Schedule (& also by appointment):

Office Phone & Voicemail: (541) 383-7522
Humanities Dept. Office (Bend campus): Modoc 226 
Fax:  (541) 330-4396 - Attention: Cora Agatucci
Cora's COCC Home Page: http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/ 

COCC is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution.

COCC Students with Special Needs

"COCC strives to make available to all students the opportunity for an excellent and rewarding education," and in accordance with federal guidelines, "COCC is committed to making physical facilities and instructional programs accessible to all students.  Awareness of students' needs and goals helps to create an atmosphere in which learning and growth can occur."
--Services for Students with Disabilities: http://disability.cocc.edu/

Students with special needs who  . . .

  • have documented disabilities requiring special accommodations,
  • have any emergency medical information that the instructor should know of,
  • require special arrangements in the event of an evacuation,

. . . should share these special needs as early as possible with the instructor of the course AND with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities: 

Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD):
Boyle Education Center (BEC), 2600 NW College Way, Bend OR 97701 
Telephone/Voicemail: 541-383-7583
--Anne Walker, SSD Coordinator, can be reached
 at 541-383-7743 or by email: awalker@cocc.edu
--Nichole Martinez-Daniel, SSD Office Specialist,
can be reached at 541-383-7583 or by email: nmartinezdaniel@cocc.edu
--Dave Hagenbach, Sign Language Interpreter/Coordinator,
can be reached at 541-383-7737 or by email: dhagenbach@cocc.edu

--Oregon Relay Service: 800-735-1232, or simply dial 7-1-1

SDD Online Resources:
Services for Students with Disabilities:

--Guide for Students with Disabilities:
--COCC campus maps and disabled parking areas:  

COCC Computing Information for Students
COCC Computing [Home]: http://computerlabs.cocc.edu/default.aspx
COCC Computing > General Information: http://computerlabs.cocc.edu/General+Info/default.aspx

COCC Blackboard (Bb) 9 - Information & Help:
Blackboard Help for Students

COCC Computing > Student Accounts
COCC Computing >Student Accounts > Student Computer Network Account [FAQ's]
COCC Computing > Student Accounts >
Student Network & Email Account Tips
COCC Computing >
[Computer] Lab Facilities
Computing > [Drop-In] Computer Lab Hours:
COCC Computing > General Information >
Computer Lab Coordinator
COCC Technology Services >
Students: Common Questions 
Computer Security & Viruses: http://virus.cocc.edu/
COCC Computing >
Ask COCC for Help
Barber Library > Library Services

Barber Library>Library Services>Redmond and off-Campus services for COCC patrons
COCC Directory >

I look forward to working with and learning from you all this term!  ~Cora

Web tip: When you revisit this course web, please "refresh" or "renew" in your Internet Browser
to ensure you are viewing the latest updated version of this & other course web pages.

Winter 2010 WR 170  Syllabus | Tentative Course Plan | WR 170 Home

YOU ARE HERE ~ WR 170 Syllabus - Winter 2010
URL of this webpage: http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/wr170/WR170syllabusW2010.htm
Last updated: 27 February 2010

Copyright © 1997 - 2010, Cora Agatucci, Professor of English
Humanities Department, Central Oregon Community College
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