Humanities 211 |
Seminar #6 Prep:
Written Notes (with source texts & page numbers referenced)
on Part A.
Nervous Conditions & Part B.
Comparison/Contrast Topic
DUE: See HUM 211 Course Plan: Week #8: Cora's copy of your Seminar #6 Prep. to be turned in at the end of class on Thurs., Feb. 27, 2003.
Extra Credit Option: E-version for webposting
Part A: Nervous Conditions.
Identify and write analysis notes on a character, theme, key event, conflict, or aspect of Shona culture presented in Nervous Conditions that you consider important to understanding the novel. (Tip: Use the Nervous Conditions online Study Guide as a resource to help you choose a topic and/or locate specific passages.)
In writing your Part A notes and preparing for Seminar #6, be sure to:Cite and be prepared to discuss specific examples from Nervous Conditions
relevant to interpreting the selected character, theme, key event, conflict, or aspect of Shona culture; and . . .
Write notes and be prepared to explain why you consider the selected character, theme, event, conflict, or cultural aspect to be important, and/or what it contributes to the overall meaning or impact of the novel.
Part B: Comparison/Contrast Topic
Compare and/or Contrast selected aspect/s of Nervous Conditions to another African "text" that we've studied this term: that is, identify/list at least two similarities and/or differences that seem significant in helping us better understand African cultures, oral traditions, literatures, and/or film (e.g. common trends, diversity, change or development over time). In writing your Part B notes & preparing for Seminar #6, be sure to:Cite and be prepared to discuss specific examples from Nervous Conditions and
[an]other African text[s] that illustrate the differences and/or similarities that you identify; and . . .
Write notes and be prepared to explain why you consider the identified differences and/or similarities to be significant to developing our understanding of African cultures, oral traditions, literatures, and/or film.
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Humanities Department, Central Oregon
Community College
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