Brief Research Reports:
Seminar #3 Student Sources

Ame agaru (1999).  [Trans. After the Rain]  Wr. Akira Kurasawa.  Dir. Takashi Koizumi. IMDb: Internet
         Movie Database.
1990-2006. 12 Oct. 2006 <>.

Block, Tom.  Rev. of Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai) (1954) Choices
for the Cognoscenti. Ed.
Arthur Lazere. 1998-2006. 12 October 2006

Blumberg, Arnold. "Between the 15th and 17th Centuries, Mounted Samurai Ruled Japan's
         Battlefield." Military History 12(2004): 28, 77-79.

"Bushido." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 15 Oct. 2006. 16 Oct. 2006

Clark, James. Bushido: Bushido Today. Asian Studies, Matsushita Center for Electronic
        Learning, Pacific Univ. 1996.  12 October 2006

Clark, James. Bushido: Samurai.  Asian Studies, Matsushita Center for Electronic
        Learning, Pacific Univ. 1996.  12 October 2006

Clark, James. Bushido: The Way of the Warrior.  Asian Studies, Matsushita Center for Electronic
        Learning, Pacific Univ. 1996.  12 October 2006

Eisenstein, Sergei.  Film Form.  Trans. Jay Leyda. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1949.

Gunde, Richard. "Godzilla and Postwar Japan: William M. Tsutsui (Univ. of Kansas) Explores the
         Role of the Godzilla Film Series in Popular Culture." Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies.
         26 May 2005. UCLA International Institute. Regents of the Univ. of California, 2006. 
         12 Oct. 2006 <>.

"Japanese Samurai." Artelino: Art Auctions. 2001-2006. 12 Oct. 2006

The Last Samurai. Dir. Edward Zwick. Wr. John Logan. Perf. Ken Watanabe, Tom Cruise. DVD.
          Warner Bros., 2003.

Memoirs of a Geisha. Dir. Rob Marshall. Perf. Ziyi Zhang, Susuka Ohgo, Ken Watanabe, Youki Kudoh.
         Columbia Pictures/Dream Works Pictures/Amblin Entertainment/Sony Pictures, 2005.

Newman, John. Bushido - The Way of the Warrior.  New York: Gallery Books, 1989.

Rhapsody in August. [Hachigatsu no kyoshikyoku]. Dir. Akira Kurosawa and Ishiro Honda. Wr. Akira
         Kurosawa.  Perf. Sachiko Murase, Hidetaka Yoshioka, Richard Gere.  Shochiku, 1991. DVD.
         Metro Goldwyn Mayer World Films, MGM Home Entertainment, 2003.

"Samurai." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 14 Oct. 2006. 16 Oct. 2006

Smitha, Frank E. "Japan, Buddhism and Warlords." 2000. MacroHistory: Prehistory to the 21st
2006. 12 Oct. 2006 <>.

Stewart, Heather. "Akira Kurosawa: Biography." 4 Sep. 2006. Features: People. BFI: Because
          Films Inspire
.  British Film Institute. 12 Oct. 2006

West, C.E., and F. W. Seal. "Naming Customs: Samurai Names." The Samurai Archives
Japanese History Page. Samurai History Group. 2005.  12 Oct. 2006

West, C.E., and F. W. Seal. The Samurai Archives Japanese History Page. Samurai
         History Group. 2005.  12 Oct. 2006 <>.

Wilson, William Scott. Ideals of the Samurai: Writings of Japanese Warriors. Tokyo, Japan:
         Kodansha, 1982.

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