Humanities 210 Syllabus - Fall 2006 |
CRN #44598 - Tues & Thurs 12:45 - 2:25 pm -
Deschutes 1
URL of this webpage: http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/hum210/syllabus.htm |
How to Contact
Cora: |
HUM 210 Online Course Pack & Handout Readings will also be required. |
Welcome to Humanities 210! HUM 210 -
Culture and Literature of Asia
- MIC/WIC Recommended preparation: Placement in RD 117 and WR 121. That is, students with college entry-level skills in reading, writing, communication & critical thinking are best prepared to succeed in this course. No previous coursework in literature, film, and/or Asian studies is required, although such background is of course helpful. Transfer Information: Successful completion (with grade of "C" or better) of HUM 210 counts toward satisfying current humanities general education distribution requirements for the Oregon Transfer Module (OTM) certificate, the Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AAOT) degree, Direct Transfer OSU-Cascades degree (Perspectives: Cultural Diversity or Literature & the Arts), and various professional-technical programs. |
HUM 210 Course Learning Outcomes (or Objectives)
A. Build knowledge
of language arts and cultures different from one’s own:
B. Apply this
knowledge to cross-cultural comparative analysis:
C. Construct and
communicate persuasive cross-cultural interpretations: --Cora Agatucci, July 1999; Rev. Oct. 2003; Approved by HUM/LIT Committee 11-6-03 |
Course Grading & Late Policies |
60 % | Seminars.
Seminar points will be awarded for (a) submission of
written Seminar Prep. and (b) participation in In-Class
Seminars: see HUM 210
Course Plan. Late/Make-Up Policy: A maximum of two "late" Seminar Prep. Notes and/or "make-up" Seminar Participation activities may be accepted with the instructor's permission. Contact Cora to discuss. |
20 % | Midterm
Paper. Midterm Paper, comprised of 2 or 3 short
essays on Asian works & topics addressed during the first half
of the term, must be word processed and submitted in both paper
(hard) copy and electronic form, on which Turnitin
Originality Reports will be run to test for plagiarism.
See HUM 210
Course Plan. Required or Optional Revision will be extended IF Midterm Paper is turned in on time and IF Revision is accompanied by the original graded Midterm Paper (with Cora's evaluation) as an opportunity for students to improve their Midterm Paper grade. Late Policy: Late Midterm Papers will be penalized at least 1/2 letter grade and NO revision option will be extended. |
20 % | Final Paper. Final Paper, comprised of a short essay on an Asian work addressed during the second half of the term, and a research-based critical review or study guide on a course work or related topic of interest; must be word processed and submitted in both paper (hard) copy and electronic form, on which Turnitin Originality Reports will be run to test for plagiarism. Please see HUM 210 Course Plan. Since Final Papers are due at the end of term, no revision opportunity will be offered and no late Final Papers will normally be accepted without compelling reasons. |
IF problems or unanticipated
calamities impede your progress or performance |
Statement on Plagiarism |
Proper citations and documentation of any sources that you quote, paraphrase, and/or summarize in your writing are required whenever you borrow the words, facts, and/or ideas of others. Note well that even putting others’ ideas into your own words still means you are borrowing, and you need to give credit where credit is due. To avoid plagiarism source(s) must be cited and documented, both (a) at the point in your papers where the borrowing occurs (using parenthetical citations for most documentation styles), and (b) in a list of all sources cited given at the end of your papers. PLAGIARISM—intended or not—is considered a serious academic violation of intellectual property rights, and may earn your written assignment an automatic "F" or worse. Note, however, that quick and acceptable ways of citing your sources in Hum 210 writing assignments will be taught in class. |
COCC is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution.
Students with Special Needs Students with special needs who . . .
. . . should meet to discuss special needs as early as possible in first week/s of the term, with:
I look forward to working with and learning from you all this term! ~ Cora
HUM 210 Home | Fall 2006 Syllabus | Course Plan | Course Pack Index
210 Syllabus - Fall 2006
URL of this webpage: http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/hum210/syllabus.htm
Last updated:
14 October 2006
Copyright © 1997 - 2006, Cora Agatucci, Professor of English
Humanities Department, Central Oregon Community College
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