[ WS102 Syllabus | Course Plan | Assignments | StudentWriting
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Links-HumanitiesTopics | WS102Women's Arts |
Women's & Gender
Studies Links:
General Resources; Communication, Cinema & Media
Women's Arts;
Women's History, U.S.
Women's History;
Women Writers, African-American Women, Toni
& Beloved;
Carol Shields & The
Stone Diaries. For more, see WS 101 Links
Preamble to the Constitution begins, 'We, the people.' Yet, the
inspiring as it is, has not always included all Americans.
Womens history in America has been the story of
the struggle of women of all racial, ethnic, and cultural
to be included in that simple but powerful statement.
It is the story as well of how, in striving to reach their own
great potential,
women have strengthened and enriched our Nation."
Clinton, Proclamation
Designating the Month of March
"Women's History Month" 1998
From Joan Korenman, Univ. of
Maryland-Baltimore County, 1998:
What is Women's Studies?
Women-Related WWW Sites in the Arts and
Gender-related electronic forums
Comprehensive list of electronic discussion lists in the
area of womens and gender studies
is gender important? The simplest answer is because it's there.
'Gender,' meaning the differentiation, usually on the basis of
between social roles and functions labeled as 'masculine' and
'feminine,' is universal:
all societies known to us in all time periods make some sort of
gender distinctions.
As a central feature of all cultures, gender seems worth some
from "What Is Feminism (and why do we have
to talk about it so much)?"
Mary Klages (U. Colorado, Boulder)
Academic Info: Women's Studies - An Annotated Directory of Internet Resources (Library Specialist, Mike Madin) 1998, including Women & Religion, Women's Studies International
Danuta Bois's Distinguished Women of Past and Present is organized by Fields of Activity, including Humanities fields like Architecture and Interior Design, Art, History, Invention, Journalism and Mass Media, Literature and Poetry, Music, Philosophy, Photography, Religion, and Stage and Screen.
The Woman Question - Reader Resources: Texts and Contexts (Heath Anthology of American Literature website, Gen. Ed. Paul Lauter) http://www.hmco.com/college/english/heath/reader_tc.html
myself have never been able to find precisely what feminism is.
I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express
that differentiate me from a doormat." --Rebecca
West, English writer, (pub. in The Clarion,
Feminist Chronicles 1953 - 1993 (chronology of the
feminist movement, primarily in the U.S.,
including early documents from the National Organization for
Women and a bibliography);
see also The
Feminist Theory Website (though still under
construction as of 12/97)
Fawcett Library - The National Library of
Women, "exists to document the changing role of
in society, in the past, now and in the future. . . . and to make
these available to personal and to remote users, however they
make contact. It maintains links with other women centred
libraries in an informal world wide network." <http://www.lgu.ac.uk/fawcett/main.htm> London Guildhall Univ., 1998.
Reading Lists at the Fawcett Library on topics such as
"Womens Suffrage in Britain" - <http://www.lgu.ac.uk/fawcett/lists.htm>
Feminism and
Women's Studies (The English Server, English Dept.,
Carnegie Mellon Univ.)
"This page publishes women's studies and feminist works,
particularly focusing on issues of sex, gender, sexual identity
and sexuality in cultural practices." <http://eserver.org/feminism/>
Gender Inn (Universität zu Köln, in English and German): Bibliographic database of literary criticism and gender studies focussing on British and American literature, plus general resources and introductory texts in feminst theory; and interdisciplinary feminist literature on pedagogy, sociology, history and psychology. http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/englisch/datenbank/e_index.htm
Database of Womens Studies (Univ.
of Maryland) Conferences, Call for Papers, Bibliographies,
Articles, Syllabi.
Extensive List of Bibliographies
by and about women:
Women in the Curriculum: Introductory Bibliography for Curriculum Transformation (Compiled by Sara Coulter for NCCTRW-National Center for Curriculum Transformation Resources on Women, Towson State Univ.) http://www.towson.edu/ncctrw/introbib.html
WWWomen! Internet, with search
function and topical listings of special interest to women.
Women's Studies EuroMap (Centre
of Women's Studies of Antwerp, Belgium, 1998)
Womens and Gender Studies
(Voice of the Shuttle - Humanities research, Univ. of Calif,
Santa Barbara)
Women's Studies Core-Lists &
Selected Bibliographies (Univ. of Wisconsin), e.g. on
Feminist Theory, Feminist Pedagogy, Lesbian Studies, Sociology,
Language, Women and World Literature, Women Mystery Writers.
Online Ecofeminism <http://www.envirolink.org/orgs/eve/issues/issues.html>
Key Topics: eco-feminism, global economics, feminist theory
Women in the Humanities, designed for a UCSB Women's Studies class
NCCTRW - National Center for Curriculum Transformation Resources on Women (Towson Univ.) http://www.towson.edu/ncctrw/
Women and Religion links (Univ. of Washington, Comparative Religions)
The Collaborative Bibliography of Women in Philosophy
with a clickable list of Authors
( Philosophy Dept., Indiana Univ. Southeast)
WS102: Women's Arts
Renaissance Women Artists
"I'll Make Me A World" celebrates the extraordinary achievements of
20th-century African-American writers,
dancers, painters, actors, filmmakers, musicians, and other
who changed forever who we are as a nation and a culture.
WS Historical Timelines & Women's History
looks different when the contributions of women are
Women's History Project
Historical Text Archive: Women's History (Don Mabry, Mississippi State Univ.)
A Bibliography of Women's History in Historical and Women's
Studies Journals [ViVa is short for
"Vrouwengeschiedenis in het Vaktijdschrift", which is
Dutch for "Women's history in scholarly
articles about women's and gender history, published
in English, French, German and Dutch are selected from more than
eighty European, American and Indian Journals (compiled by
International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 1998) http://www.iisg.nl/~womhist/index.html
Includes bibliographies on General,
Theory and Historiography ; Antiquity and Middle Ages; Early
Modern History (1500-1800); Modern History (from 1800 onwards);
Nineteenth Century; and Twentieth Century
Encyclopedia of Women's History: Written by and for K-12 Community (Sponsored
by Portland Jewish Academy)
Women in World History Curriculum (Lyn Reese) "Interactive site full of information and resources about women's experiences in world history. For teachers, teenagers, parents, and history buffs." http://home.earthlink.net/~womenwhist/index.html
The NCCTRW History Page
lists publications devoted to curriculum transformation on
History, U.S. History, and European History. http://www.towson.edu/ncctrw/
Women in the Curriculum:
Introductory Bibliography for Curriculum Transformation
(Compiled by Sara Coulter, Towson Univ.) http://www.towson.edu/ncctrw/introbib.html
Women and Gender in the Ancient World, including
Studies links,
Diotoma: Materials for the Study of Women and
Gender in the Ancient World <http://www.uky.edu/ArtsSciences/Classics/gender.html> (Univ. of Kentucky, 1998).
Brooklyn Museum of Art's Mistress
of the House, Mistress of Heaven: Women in Ancient Egypt,
UPenn's Women's
Lives in Ancient Greece, & links to Art
of Ancient Egypt (The Mining Co.);
Status of Women in Ancient Egyptian Society (Peter
A. Piccione, Northwestern Univ.)
African, and Native American Goddesses
Women Ancestors (Sam Behling)
Heroes! (Lyn Reese, Women in the World History
and a list of Women's
Rights in Ancient Egypt
and the Middle Ages,
from Academic
Info's Medieval History
Writers Of The Middle Ages (Bonnie Duncan, English
Department, Millersville University),
Feminist Index and More
Links on Medieval Women (Haverford Libraries), and
bibliographies for
L. Foxall's course on Gender
in Ancient Social Life (School of Archaeological
Studies, University of Leicester)
Feminist Index "covers journal articles, book
reviews, and essays in books about women, sexuality, and
gender during the Middle Ages," compiled by librarians and
scholars from various universities, 1997.
"The time period covered is 450 C.E. to 1500 C.E. with
Russia extending to 1613, the beginning of the
Romanov dynasty, because the sixteenth century is still medieval
in social and politicial terms. The geographic area is Europe,
North Africa, and the Middle East as well as areas in which
Europeans travelled. Subject coverage for gender and sexuality
means that articles on masculinity and male homosexuality are
included. Publications in English, French, German, and Spanish
are currently being indexed. Material in other languages, notably
Italian, will be added in the near future." <http://www.haverford.edu/library/reference/mschaus/mfi/whatis.html>
Women (Martin Irvine and Deborah Everhart; Stefan
Zimmers, 1997-98) <http://www.georgetown.edu/labyrinth/subjects/women/women.html>
from The
Labyrinth: Resources for Medieval Studies,
Georgetown University Medieval Web Site and International
Clearinghouse for electronic resources.
Research's Women's History Biographies, including Joan of Arc
(c. 1412-1431) and Queen
Elizabeth I .
or see sources & activities on Women
Women's History Links (Dept. of
History, Univ. of California-Riverside).
Women: Courtly Power and Influence
The President's Commission on the Celebration of
Women in American History
established to
celebrate the roles and accomplishments of women in American
with links to pages devoted to women in history. http://www.gsa.gov/staff/pa/whc.htm
Presidential Proclamation: WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH, 1998
Living the Legacy: The Women's Rights Movement
1848 - 1998
(on the 150th anniversary of Seneca
Falls Convention, National Women's
History Project)
The Seneca Falls Convention
(on-line exhibition by the National
Portrait Gallery commemorating
the Women's Rights Convention, held July 19-20, 1848)
The Huntington Library & Botanical Gardens
Presents: Votes for Women
An online Virtual
Exhibition, with Picture Gallery, Tour,
hyperlinked Essays, & Readings
quest for women's suffrage was a struggle, which plagued America
for 72 years,
for the simple and inalienable right of representation and
The beginning of the movement in 1848 was marked by the Seneca Falls
where its most prominent leaders Elizabeth Cady
Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
drafted the
Declaration of Sentiments,
the defining document of the women's movement.
From this initial standing, the suffragists began the crusade
for women's enfranchisement [19th Amendment].
Together these few leaders would rally for women's suffrage
throughout their lives."
--Teachers and students of the San Marino Unified
School District (SMUSD)
& the staff at The Huntington Library, 1997 http://www.huntington.org/vfw/
Where Women Made History:
A National Register of
Historic Places Travel Itinerary
Part of the U.S. National Register's Discover
Our Shared Heritage travel itinerary series
highlights 74 historic properties in Massachusetts
and New York in America's official list
of places important in our history and worthy of preservation,
with "interactive maps, descriptions of each place's
significance in women's history,
photographs, information on public accessibility, essays
on women's achievements in American history,
and links to other pertinent Web sites." http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/pwwmh/
Pioneering Women in American Memory
< http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/ndlpedu/features/women/women.html >
"Throughout American history, pioneering
women have forged ahead to make a better life
for themselves, their families, and their society.
These women include pioneers who journeyed across the country
to settle unknown western territories, as well as
women who struggled for recognition as equals
in politics, in the workforce, and in their communities.
Search [Library
of Congress'] American Memory for thousands of items
documenting the history of women in the United States" (Feb.
Special Topics: Westward
Ho | Suffrage
| The
Struggle for Equality | On
the Job | Women
Library of Congress URL: http://www.loc.gov/
Questions about American Memory? NDLP Reference Librarian: ndlpedu@loc.gov
Learn More About It: Feature Presentation on Pioneering
Available: http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/ndlpedu/features/women/women.html
Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement, an On-line Archival Collection (Digital Scriptorum, Special Collections Library, Duke Univ.)< http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/wlm/>1997, including Carol Hanisch's Fight on Sisters: and Other Songs for Liberation. Plus more from Women's Archives, including slave letters and memoirs of African American Women and correspondence and diaries of Civil War Women.
Godey's Lady's Book Online, one of the most popular lady's books of the 19th century, and compare Gender Stereotypes and Expected Behaviors (Social Studies School Service).
Hearts at Home: Southern Women in the Civil War (online exhibition of the Univ. of Virginia, 1997): Illustrations & quotes from Primary Texts on Patriotism, Petticoats on Pedestals, War Work, Spies, Griefs & Anxieties, Religion, Education, Music & Poetry, Hard Times at Home, Yankees at Our Doorsteps, Refugees, Slavery & Freedom, End of an Era
Women's History, from Academic Info, an Annotated
Directory of Internet Resources
Resources & activities for Women
Living in the Old West (Gale Research)
Did You Do in the War, Grandma? - An Oral
History of Rhode Island Women during World War II,
written by students in the Honors English Program at South
Kingstown High School, featuring 26 online Interviews (Linda
Wood, Judi Scott, and Brown University's Scholarly Technology
Group, 1997). <http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/WWII_Women/tocCS.html>)
Also at this site: short essays It
Was Everybody's War, by Dr. William
Metz; Women
and World War II, by Dr. Sharon H.
Hartman Strom and Linda P. Wood; links to other WWII
related sites, a WWII timeline, and Bibliography.
The Comparative Women's History Workshop (Paisley Harris and Lisa Ebeltoft-Kraske, Univ. of Minnesota) <http://www.hist.umn.edu/cwhw/>
Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Archival Resources on the History of Jewish Women in America (Phyllis Holman Weisbard, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1997) <http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/WomensStudies/jewwom/jwmain.htm>
through the Louvre, leaf through the 'Great Books'--
you won't find many works by women.
Feminists have long sought to explain this absence,
and to question the standards that guide
'canon formation'--the aesthetic judgments deem some works
excellent, and others minor or altogether unworthy of
Barbara Melosh (Prof. of English, George Mason Univ.)
Women in Art &
Literature, Places Where Women Made History
A Celebration of Women Writers (Mary Mark, 1994-1998)
LIVING BETWEEN 3000 BC AND 1000 (Celebration
of Women Writers)
"The Wife of Bath [Chaucer's Canterbury
Tales], a literary figure familiar to most,
[provides]... a bold and vivacious answer to the classical and
medieval antifeminist traditions which depict women as the bane
of Adam, the root of all evil, the source of temptation, or, at
the opposite pole, as idealized and virginal objects of worship.
The Wife brashly speaks out against the misogynistic teachings of
the Church Fathers, asking,
peyntede the leon, tel me who?
By God, if wommen hadde writen stories,
As clerkes han withinne hire oratories,
They wolde han writen of men moore wikkednesse
Than al the mark of Adam may redresse."
( From Dr. Deborah Everhart's course "Medieval
Women: Tradition and Counter-Tradition,"
focusing on "medieval women who have struggled to
find a voice and write themselves, despite the constraints of an
oppressively patriarchal world. The abbess Heloise, the
mystics Julian of Norwich and Margery of Kempe, the poet Marie de
France, and the scholar Christine de Pisan all speak out
against misogynistic inscriptions of women's roles
as they attempt to write their own 'stories.'")
Women Writers of the Middle Ages (Bonnie Duncan, English Dept., Millersville Univ., 1997)
The Brown University Women Writers Project (WWP) an "electronic textbase of women's writing in English before 1830 . . . intended to support a wide range of activities, including new research on texts, information technology, and cultural history; publications and other textbase products; and innovative approaches to teaching." Julia Flanders, Textbase Editor, 13-May-1998 <http://www.wwp.brown.edu/>
Section III: Women's Writings, from SELECTED SOURCES IN WOMEN'S HISTORY, 1400-1700 C. E. (Margaret Schaus, Haverford College Library, Nov. 1995) http://www.haverford.edu/library/4Bibs/WomensHistory2.html
Women Online offers "electronic
versions of primary works in English by women writers from the
period 1500-1670," with short introductions and brief essays
on the cultural contexts of the works.
to Romanticism offers a more
limited selection. See Women
Writers Project Text List, with
ordering information for obtaining print versions.
In Her
Own Words: Elizabeth I Onstage and Online (Brown
Univ. WWP & Rhode Island Office of Library and Information
Services) "a series of performances that dramatize
the life and times of Elizabeth I, Queen of England from 1558 to
1603. . . . [b]ased on original texts written by the monarch
herself," including links to
Queen Elizabeth I: Speeches, Performance Photograph, Related
Sites, Bibliography, Queen Elizabeth I: Chronology of her life,
and Queen Elizabeth I: Family Tree.
Women Writers Project
(Gen. Editor: Perry Willett, Indiana Univ.)
List of e-texts available: http://www.indiana.edu/cgi-bin-ip/letrs/vwwplib.pl#vlee
Women in History, featuring biographies of several Women Writers <http://www.barbwired.com/nadiaweb/mehap/>
Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain
Akhmatova (Celebration of Women Writers)
Anna Akhmatova page, by Jill Dybka
Odessa Web
Russian Poets of the 20th Century
Nadine Gordimer --Nobel Prize in
Literature, 1991
and Being - Her Nobel Lecture from December
7, 1991 |
(from Gifts
of Speech: Women's Speeches from Around the World)
Women Nobel Prize Laureates (Nobel Prize Internet Archive)
From the Gaps, "an
instructional World Wide Web site
focusing on the lives and works of women writers of
(Dept. of English and Program in American Studies, Univ.
of Minnesota 1998-1999)
WIF: Women in French, a bilingual website, promotes the
study of francophone women writers
and of women more generally in francophone countries,
with information about conferences and other events,
publications, the WIF e-mail list, related links, and more.)
WIG: Women in German (Bowdoin)
"provides a democratic forum for all people interested in
feminist approaches to German literature and culture or
in the intersection of gender
with other categories of analysis such as sexuality,
class, race, and ethnicity";
includes information about conferences, publications, the WIG-L
list, and related links.
"If in
my life I have developed any ability to understand those who are
other to me,
other in race or gender or culture or sexual preference,
a good deal of my training in empathy must have come from
the practice fiction and poetry have given me
in taking on other selves, other lives."
--David H. Richter, Falling
into Theory, 1994
Indians, Women: 1800-1899 - Primary Sources
(bibliography compiled by William Howarth, Princeton
from the Gaps: Women Writers of Color (Prof. Toni
McNaron, Dept. of English; Prof. Carol Miller, Program in
American Studies; & Laurie Dickinson, graduate student in
English, Univ. of Minnesota)
Women On-line Archival Collections (Special
Collections, Duke Univ.)
Slave letters and memoirs of African
American Women (Women's
Archives, Special Collections
Library, Duke Univ.)
Voice of the Shuttle: African American, with links to websources on African American women (UC Santa Barbara) http://humanitas.ucsb.edu/shuttle/minority.html#african-american
BLACK: Literature and History written by and
on African Americans (Andrew L.Graham, American Studies
Dept., Keele Univ. UK; 1998)
African American Slavery and Abolition - Reader Resources: Texts and Contexts (Heath Anthology of American Literature website, Gen. Ed. Paul Lauter)
African American Women Writers of the 19th Century (The Schomburg Center)
"'We Were the Heart of the Struggle': Women in the Birmingham Civil Rights Movement [in the early 1960s]" (Jocelyn Ulrich, Senior Thesis for Russell Sage College, Troy, NY): "Ms. Ulrich mixes her own commentary and analysis with lengthy exerpts from oral history interviews with participants who took part in the intense anti-segregation struggles in Birmingham, Alabama in the early 1960s," Andor Skotnes Ph.D., faculty advisor. http://www.sage.edu/html/RSC/programs/globcomm/division/students/rights.html
Walker (by Toni McNaron, 1998), Voices
from the Gaps: Women Writers of Color
(Dept. of English & Program in American Studies, Univ. of
Minnesota, 1998-1999)
Alice Walker Page (Anniina Jokinen,
of Alice Walker, with chronology
of her life and synopsis
of the film The Color Purple
Quilts and Art in [Alice Walker's]
"Everyday Use"
Toni Morrison & Beloved
Toni Morrison -- Nobel
Prize in Literature 1993
Nobel Lecture
- Delivered December 7, 1993
(From Gifts
of Speech: Women's Speeches from Around the World)
Belles Lettres: A Review
of Books by Women, Spring 1994 v9 n3 p38(7)
Toni Morrison. (novel 'Beloved') (Interview) Angels Carabi.
Abstract: Toni Morrison's novel, 'Beloved,' presents the
painful struggles of African slaves in the US. Although
the novel may bring back painful memories, the pain it generates
ultimately makes readers understand more
about human nature. The water imagery in 'Beloved' was intended
to show what rebirth is all about and at the
same time remind readers of the dangers of things unknown.
Morrison believes that if people could live through
a horrible experience, then the experience must be written about
to make people realize that the human spirit
can triumph over tribulations. Infotrac Article A16009744
The Web Page of Toni Morrison's Beloved, a collaborative project for the Fall 1995 English 316K:
American Literature class (Instructor: Michele Maynard) at the
University of Texas at Austin (Ali Lakhia, Glenn Schuetz, Katie
Gillette, Scott Lloyd) <http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~mmaynard/Morrison/home.html> with links to:
Biographical Information on Toni Morrison
Parallel Themes Found in Beloved:
Race, Gender, Family
relationships, and Supernatural influences
Historical Events affecting Characters in
Anthology on Toni Morrison's Work
Toni Morrison References On The Internet (Eric Jerome Bauer, for Contemporary
American Fiction, Dr. Larry Schwartz at Montclair State
University) <http://www.viconet.com/~ejb/intro.htm>
with six major headings: Biography, Bibliography: Critical
Sources, Essays, including Essays on Beloved; Research, Discussion, and Search.
Film Version of Beloved, 1998 (Internet Movie Database)
Infotrac 2000 Expanded Academic Index articles
Jet, Oct 19, 1998 v94 n21
Oprah Winfrey stars as a former slave in compelling drama
'Beloved.' (Cover Story)
Abstract: Oprah Winfrey plays an ex-slave in the feature
film based on Toni Morrison's novel 'Beloved.'
Winfrey, who produced the film, felt compelled to bring the story
to the screen after reading the book. Article A21239664
African American Review,
Fall 1998 v32 n3 p415(12)
Looking into the self that is no self: an examination of
subjectivity in 'Beloved.' Jennifer
L. Holden-Kirwan.
Abstract: Toni Morrison's novel 'Beloved' attempts to
repress the memory of slavery while providing a space
for Africans and African American slaves to gain subjectivity or
freedom. Beloved portrays the condition and
treatment of African men, women and children slaves aboard a
typical ship and deliberately represents them as
subjects rather than objects of repression. The characters in the
novel, however, find this transformation to
subjectivity elusive as Morrison reveals how society was
reluctant legally and socially to acknowledge African
Americans as free and valid citizens. Article A21232162
The Explicator, Spring
1998 v56 n3 p154(3)
Morrison's 'Beloved.' (novel by woman author Toni Morrison)
Angela C. Simpson.
Abstract: Woman author Toni Morrison's novel 'Beloved'
investigates the notion that unspeakable things such
as the subject of slavery should remain unspoken and should
therefore not be passed on to a younger
generation of impressionable listeners. If, for example, the
story of slavery was not passed on to those who had
never experienced its horrors, they would be protected from the
past. The last few lines that Morrison wrote in
the book, however, might very well have suggested that slavery is
not a story to overlook. 'Beloved' is
evaluated. Article A20792502
Studies in American
Fiction, Spring 1997 v25 n1 p81(18)
Imagining slavery: Toni Morrison and Charles Johnson. Timothy L.
Abstract: African-American writers from the time of
slave narratives on have concerned themselves with the
experience of slavery, and the barrier they cross in the movement
from slavery to freedom is the point at which
the continuity of African-American identity is fashioned. The
depictions of slavery in Toni Morrison's 'Beloved'
and Charles Johnson's 'Oxherding Tale' are only at first glance
diametrically opposed. Although they offer
differing views of the present, they understand that slavery's
meaning cannot only be re-seen, not recaptured.
Both Morrison and Johnson realize that deriving meaning from
slavery's heritage is an ongoing collective work. Article
College Literature, Oct
1996 v23 n3 p117(10)
Spitting out the seed: ownership of mother, child, breasts, milk
and voice in Toni
Morrison's 'Beloved.' ([De]Colonizing Reading/[Dis]Covering the
Other) Michele Mock.
Abstract: Toni Morrison's 'Beloved' portrayed the
mother-and-child relationship as a form of ownership at its
most basic and natural level. The child is owned by the mother
since she has given birth to it and nurtures it.
However, the mother is a slave and under the system of slavery,
she is an owned object, not an owning
subject. Thus, even her child is not hers, not even her milk is
hers to give to her child. But her whole story,
which she had struggled to live out, is a liberative one. Article
The Mississippi Quarterly,
Fall 1996 v49 n4 p727(15)
Cries of outrage: three novelists' use of history. Donna Haisty
Abstract: Slavery is an outrage in the books of William
Styron, Sherley Anne Williams, and Toni Morrison.
The chief cause of the success of Styron's 'The Confessions of
Nat Turner' was his use of the insurrection
leader's point of view, and critics conceded Styron's ability to
penetrate Nat Turner's mind. Williams's 'Dessa
Rose' and Toni Morrison's 'Beloved' portray slaves driven to
violence by slavery. Ultimately, though, 'Beloved'
is a novel about triumphing over the past. Styron's hero loses
all power, while the relatively unknown slave
women depicted by Williams and Morrison become heroines by
assuming life for 20th century readers. Article A19408051
College Literature, Oct
1995 v22 n3 p109(12)
"Building up from fragments": the oral memory process
in some recent
African-American written narratives. Helen Lock.
Abstract: The memory process generated by oral cultures is
examined through a critical reading of three
recent African American novels. The novels are Toni Morrison's
'Beloved,' Paule Marshall's 'Praisesong for the
Widow' and David Bradley's 'The Chaneysville Incident.' In these
narratives, remembering is not just textual
representation; instead, the thought process itself is a creative
reconstruction in which the readers themselves
participate by 'hearing' the voice within the written text.
Article A18110022
Contemporary Literature,
Fall 1995 v36 n3 p445(19)
Pain and the unmaking of self in Toni Morrison's 'Beloved.'
Kristin Boudreau.
Abstract: Novelist Toni Morrison questions the
traditional portrayal of personal suffering as a means of
self-redemption and and self-realization. Morrison's 'Beloved'
deals with the experiences of former slaves who
believe that their oppressive existence is necessary in the path
to transcendence. This redemptive view of
suffering is a constant theme in African American blues music and
European romantic traditions. 'Beloved'
presents an alternative to self-development that does not
necessitate suffering. Article A17474649
The Explicator, Fall 1995
v54 n1 p46(4)
Morrison's 'Beloved.' Virginia Heumann Kearney.
Abstract: Toni Morrison subverts images of the bird and its
traditional symbolic meanings in her novel
'Beloved.' The images intensify the brutality of slavery. One of
the most powerful bird images she uses is that of
the hummingbirds that attack Sethe, dramatizing her madness.
Another bird she subverted is that of the dove.
She has a character associate it with the mornings when the
guards would force them to commit fellatio for their
'breakfast' semen. Morrison, by subverting these traditional
images, forces the reader to shift stereotypical
perceptions of the Africans. Article A18054459
MELUS, Fall 1995 v20 n3
Surviving what haunts you: the art of invisibility in 'Ceremony,'
'The Ghost
Writer,' and 'Beloved.' Naomi R. Rand.
Abstract: There are non-white writers who struggle with
their pasts resulting from the stigma of their
ethnic backgrounds. Philip Roth (Jewish American), Toni Morrison
(African American) and Leslie
Marmon Silko (Native American) belong to historically-persecuted
racial groups. Roth's 'The Ghost
Writer,' Morrison's 'Beloved,' and Silko's 'Ceremony' are books
which have recreated spirits imbued
with human and feminine attributes to describe the process to
selfhood. Article A18298423
The Explicator, Wntr 1995
v53 n2 p120(4)
Morrison's 'Beloved.' (Toni Morrison) Katherine Leake.
Abstract: Toni Morrison's 'Beloved' deals with
geographical displacement. Different instances involving
physical dislocation are presented while connecting the idea of
having a home with the concept of experiencing
a self. The novel describes two types of journeys involved in
this exercise. One deals with voluntariness in
leaving one's place while the other deals with the absence of
consent wherein identities are lost. Article A16864727
African American Review,
Summer 1994 v28 n2 p189(8)
Giving blood to the scraps, haints, history, and Hosea in
'Beloved.' (Black
Women's Culture Issue) Robert L. Broad.
Abstract: The character Beloved in Toni Morrison's novel
'Beloved' represents the sixty-million or
more Africans who died as captives in Africa or in the slave
ships. Sethe, Denver and the readers are
tempted to read the spirit Beloved as that of the child killed by
Sethe. However, Morrison indicates
that boundaries of individuality are irrelevant in the spirit
world and implicity criticizes American
cultural preoccupation with self-reliance. The history of the
novel's epigraph, which St. Paul had
derived from Hosea, reinforces Morrison's thematic concerns.
Article A15787227
African American Review,
Summer 1994 v28 n2 p223(13)
"These are the facts of the darky's history": thinking
history and reading
names in four African American texts. (Black Women's Culture
Issue) Adam
Abstract: Names become symbols of liberation of the
female protagonists in Gayl Jones'
'Corregidora,' Toni Morrison's 'Beloved,' Octavia Butler's
'Kindred' and Sherley Anne Williams'
'Dessa Rose.' These writers make the reader aware of the
problematics of historical representation.
The voice of the oppressed is completely controlled by the
oppressor. So naming becomes symbolic
of the efforts of the black women to find a voice. Article
Hypatia, Summer 1994 v9 n3
Identity, knowledge and Toni Morrison's 'Beloved': questions
about understanding
racism. Susan E. Babbitt.
Author's Abstract: COPYRIGHT Hypatia Inc. 1994
In discussing Drucilla Cornell's remarks about Toni Morrison's
Beloved, I consider epistemological questions
raised by the acquiring of understanding of racism, particularly
the deep-rooted racism embodied in social
norms and values. I suggest that questions about understanding
racism are, in part, questions about personal
and political identities and that questions about personal and
political identities are often, importantly,
epistemological questions. Article A16310386
College Literature, June
1994 v21 n2 p105(12)
Reconstructing kin: family, history and narrative in Toni
Morrison's 'Beloved.' (novel)
Dana Heller.
Abstract: Toni Morrison's novel 'Beloved' depicts the
search for stronger familial bonds among newly-freed
black slaves in 19th century US. The female protagonist. Sethe,
undergoes separation from her family and
attempts to mediate this separation by projecting her need for a
family on an ambiguous character named
Beloved. Various interpretations of Beloved's character show that
she might be the ghost of Sethe's dead child
or a a living person for whom she feels a maternal sentiment.
Article A15691733
The Explicator, Spring
1993 v51 n3 p192(3)
Morrison's 'Beloved.' (Toni Morrison) Elsie F. Mayer.
Abstract: Toni Morrison's novel 'Beloved' reconstructs
the turmoils of blacks during America's economic
rebuilding and demonstrates that violence is essential before a
new order is formed. The protagonist, Sethe, an
oppressed black, kills her daughter on the grounds that death is
better than bondage. Sethe, whose name
resembles the Egyptian god Set who was exiled to the desert for
killing his brother Osiris, resembles the god in
her will to destroy herself. Article A14374599
African American Review,
Spring 1992 v26 n1 p41(10)
Call and response as critical method: African-American oral
traditions and 'Beloved.' (by
Toni Morrison) (Women Writers Issue) Maggie Sale.
Abstract: Toni Morrison's novel 'Beloved' uses
Afro-American oral traditions to reject the accepted single
version of history for one composed of multiple perspectives with
different levels of authority. The novel adopts
the call and response, improvisation and repetition techniques of
story-telling to emphasize the narrative's
communal nature and the relationship between author and audience.
'Beloved' is a multivocal narrative that
accepts the differences in the Afro-American community without
forcing the false unity preferred for
Afro-American literature. [abstract only] Article A12479388
MELUS, Winter 1991 v17 n4
Narrative possibilities at play in Toni Morrison's 'Beloved.'
Giulia Scarpa.
Abstract: Toni Morrison's 1987 novel 'Beloved' uses
mythical themes to form a metaphor of compassion for
its readers. The story concerns infanticide among black women
after the Civil War, drawing upon the historical
case of Margaret Garner. The fiction focuses on the ghost of a
slain baby girl who haunts a home in Cincinnati,
OH. The narration is fragmented, indicating the damaged
personalities of the principal characters who must
achieve wholeness. Article A13472000
Carol Shields & The Stone Diaries
Canadian Women in History (Susan Merritt, 1998)
Canadian Literature Archive (joint project of St. John's College,
Dept. of the University of Manitoba, and the Archives at the
Dafoe Library at the University of Manitoba.)
http://canlit.st-john.umanitoba.ca/Canlitx/Canlit_homepage.html or
Version with Frames
Pulitzer Prizes home page
Carol Shields
(Well Known Canadians)
Shields (Stephen
Hurder, 1998) http://www.oprf.com/Shields/
The Stone Diaries - 1994 Rev. by Ann Cowan (Literascape, Duthie Books,
Contemporary Literature,
Fall 1998 v39 n3 p338(18)
An interview with Carol Shields. (Interview)
Donna Krolik Hollenberg.
Abstract: Author Carol Shields's novels examine the
reflections of middle-class characters on the issues they
face toward the end of the 20th century, where personal and
social history intersect. Shields has long been
interested in history, feeling how the historical record is
constructed is more important than the events
described. Men in her books are confused by changing roles for
both genders. Article A21229909
The Writer, July 1998 v111
n7 p3(4)
Framing the structure of a novel. (novelist Carol Shields
discusses how she structures her
novels)(Cover Story) Carol Shields.
Abstract: Shields loves novels crammed with people,
events, emotional upsets, and despair. The style of more
recent novels is looser and more random, unlike her early
concrete-like structures. The traditional
conflict/solution model is a less essential structure. Article
People Weekly, June 26,
1995 v43 n25 p32(1)
Late bloomer. (novelist Carol Shields discusses her work)(Brief
Article) Joanne Kaufman.
Full Text: COPYRIGHT Time Inc. 1995
TALKING WITH . . . CAROL SHIELDS Article A17069592
Maclean's, May 1, 1995
v108 n18 p76(2)
A prairie Pulitzer. (Carol Shields wins Pulitzer Prize) Diane
Abstract: Winnipeg, Manitoba novelist Carol Shields won
the Pulitzer Prize in 1995 for her 16th
novel, 'The Stone Diaries.' The work won the Canadian Governor
General's Literary Award in 1993.
Shields' life and work are profiled. Article A16895368
Canadian Literature,
Spring 1998 n156 p59(23)
"The coded dots of life": Carol Shields's diaries and
stones. (novelist) Gordon E.
Abstract: The novel "The Stone Diaries" by
Carol Shields depicts the inability to establish structure in the
midst of discontinuity. Although her characters recognize
patterns in even the smallest forms, such as bacteria,
or "the coded dots of life," they are unable to
organize their own lives due to the inherently chaotic nature of
human relationships and existence. Article A20782567
Communication, Cinema, & Media Studies
the Wildman Back Home: Television and the Politics of
applying modern men's movements to an in-depth analysis of the TV
show Home Improvement,
by Charmaine McEachern (Continuum: The Australian Journal of
Media & Culture 7:2 [1994]).
Cross-Gender Communication in Cyberspace
A graduate research paper by
Gladys We, Dept. of Communication, Simon Fraser Univ. 1993.
Feminist Film Criticism: A Guide to Library and Web Resources (Women's Studies librarian Sara Brownmiller, Univ. of Oregon) http://libweb.uoregon.edu/subjguid/women/femfilm.html [The following links were current as of 4/98:]
Women in Cinema http://poe.acc.virginia.edu/~pm9k/libsci/womFilm.html
inforM Film Reviews http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/WomensStudies/FilmReviews/
inforM Film Reviews - gay/lesbian
http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/Diversity/Specific/Sexual_Orientation/FilmReviewsCamera Obscura http://www.indiana.edu/~iupress/journals/cam.html
Women Artists/Women and Film http://www.wellesley.edu/Library/Libstaff/jc.html
woman/CinemaWomen/cinema http://www.feminist.com/femfilm.htm
Bibliographical Aid for Filmresearch http://cwis.kub.nl/~fdl/general/people/westerm/findex.htm
Media and Communication Studies http://www.aber.ac.uk/~dgc/mcs.html
Annotated Bibliography of Feminist Aesthetics in the Literary, Performing and Visual Arts
Films and Video on Women, Gender, and Feminism (master list for ASU, ASUwest, NAU, and UofA Libraries, from Northern Arizona University's online bibliography)
Gender and Communication (American Communication Association)
Gender Differences in Communication: An
Intercultural Experience
by Becky Michele Mulvaney, Dept. of Communication, Florida
Atlantic Univ., 1994.
"Sexism and Misogyny: Who Takes the Rap?
Misogyny, gangsta rap, and The Piano" by bell hooks, 1994.
Gender, Ethnicity and Class in Media & Communication Studies (from Wales), including Gender and Advertising
inforM Women's Studies: Film Reviews (Larisa Kofman, Univ. of Maryland)
OutTakes: Lesbianism in Film (Vidgrrrl): More than 1000 films with lesbian content are listed with brief reviews. site includes photos, essays, film trailers, screensavers and even it own talk radio show: http://www.outtakes.net
Representations of Women in the Media (editors of RE/PRESENTATION magazine) in magazines, advertising, the arts, film, and television. <http://www.pomona.edu/repres/women/editornote.html>
Scary Women in Film (UCLA Film and Television Archive, from a 1994 symposium)
Sexism in Language, an annotated bibliography (Madeline Finch. Lawrence Univ.)
Women & Cinema < http://www.academicinfo.net/film.html#women> from Academic Info: Film Studies, an Annotated Directory of Internet Resources
Women in Cinema: A Reference Guide (Philip McEldowney, Univ. of Virginia), includes
essays, annotated bibliographies, and more. http://www.people.virginia.edu/~pm9k/libsci/womFilm.html
Includes a short-list of the top 5 sources for women in cinema, and Annotated Bibliography of Feminist Aesthetics in
the Literary, Performing, and Visual Arts, 1970-1990 compiled by Linda Krumholz and Estella Lauter (Univ. of
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