WR 123 Student Survey - Week #1 - Spring 2010
# 21137 - 3 Credits - Mon. & Wed. 12:45-2:00 pm,  Jefferson 101; Instructor:  Cora Agatucci

Student Name: ___________________________________________________________

Completed Survey DUE: _________________________________________

Short Cuts on this web page: A. Student E-Mail Account Information | B. Statement of Understanding |
C. Recommended Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge: #1 WR 122 | #2 LIB 127 | #3 Basic Computer Skills
D. WR 123 Learning Outcomes: Student Self-Evaluation at Week #1 Entry into WR 123

A.  Student E-Mail Account Information

I have activated my COCC Student E-Mail / Network Account, which permits me to connect to the College computer network and use the College's electronic mail system, and which is required for everyone using computers in a lab on campus. Online Resource: COCC Computing > Student Accounts

1. My COCC Student Network E-Mail address is:

(Please Print Clearly) _____________________________________________________________________

2. (If applicable and only if student agrees to share with the WR 123 instructor:) I have an additional E-Mail account at the following e-mail address:

(Please Print Clearly) ______________________________________________________________________


B.  Statement of Understanding

By signing below, I confirm . . .

  • that I have received and read carefully Cora Agatucci's current WR 123 Syllabus which was distributed and discussed during the first week of class this term, and
  • that I have been informed of WR 123 Recommended Prerequisites, identified below and in the WR 123 Syllabus, which entail skills and knowledge deemed important preparation for success in WR 123 and which the WR 123 instructor expects students to have achieved before enrolling in WR 123; and
  • that I have met all WR 123 course prerequisites/recommended preparation identified in the WR 123 Syllabus before enrolling in this course; OR
  • if I have not met all identified WR 123 course prerequisites before enrolling in this course, I understand . . .
    --(1) that I am not entirely prepared to succeed in WR 123 this term, and
    --(2) that preparatory skills and knowledge addressed by WR 123 course prerequisites/recommended preparation will NOT be re-taught this term in WR 123, and
    --(3) that it is my responsibility to develop any "prerequisite" skills and knowledge - i.e. "recommended preparation" for Wr 123 success -  that I lack upon entry into WR 123 on my own time and outside class this term.

________________________________________________       ____________________________
                       Student Signature                                                                                                       Date Signed

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C.  Recommended Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge
Student Self-Evaluation at Week #1 Entry into WR 123
Students who elect to take this WR 123 course--whether or not they have satisfied all WR 123 Course Prerequisites/Recommended Preparation--can both help themselves and strengthen Cora's WR 123 instruction by honestly self-assessing their strengths and weaknesses at Week #1 entry into WR 123
 in key skills and knowledge needed for success.

Recommended Prerequisite #1: Successful completion of Writing 122 or equivalent preparation.  Directions: Read each of the WR 122 Learning Outcomes statements below and rate your current skill and knowledge in each area, using this rating scale:

5 = A or  Excellent;    4 = B or Very Good;     3 = C or Adequate;   2 = D or Poor;   1 = Failing;   0 =  No Experience or Don't Know

___ Learning Outcome 1. Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of analytical and argumentative essay patterns such as

  • ___evaluation of a published argument
  • ___comparative analysis of sources
  • ___persuasion
  • ___argumentation synthesis

___ Learning Outcome 2. Demonstrate the ability to use several quotations from either published sources or interviews, which are (1) integrated into the student's own writing (at both the paragraph and the sentence level), and (2) correctly documented according to some currently accepted practice.

___ Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate the ability to adopt a persona or tone that serves one’s persuasive purposes in written argument, and to identify and anticipate audience considerations (e.g. readers’ knowledge, assumptions, beliefs/values, attitudes, needs) in the selection of evidence and presentation of the writer=s argument.

___ Learning Outcome 4: Summarize published arguments and analyze components of written arguments, such as claim, support (including the distinction between observation and inference, fact and opinion), warrants, assumptions, logic, rebuttals, credibility, psychological appeals, connotation, tone, slanted language, irony).

___ Learning Outcome 5: Use writing to provide a peer with alternative viewpoints and suggestions for revising and editing.

___ Learning Outcome 6:  Adopt a writing process to incorporate the special concerns of arguments such as analyzing opposing viewpoints, synthesizing personal opinions with written sources, thesis formation, organization, drafting, revising, editing and proofreading.

___ Learning Outcome 7: Analyze and evaluate one's own argument, identifying strengths, weaknesses and potential biases, assumptions--and suggest some means of improving his or her argumentative practice.

WR 122 Learning Outcomes Approved by Humanities Dept. Composition Committee, rev. 4-14-99

NOTE: Recommended Prerequisite for entry into WR 122 is successful completion of WR 121 (with a grade of C or better) or equivalent preparation.


Recommended Prerequisite #2: Successful completion of LIB 127 or equivalent preparation.
Read each of the LIB 127 Learning Outcomes statements below and rate your current skill and knowledge in each area, using this rating scale:

5 = A or  Excellent;    4 = B or Very Good;     3 = C or Adequate;   2 = D or Poor;   1 = Failing;   0 =  No Experience or Don't Know


___ Learning Outcome One) Demonstrate proficiency in identifying a topic for research, including narrowing or broadening a topic so that it meets requirements of specific research assignments. .

___ Learning Outcome Two) Create an effective and comprehensive research strategy for an assignment or topic that employs appropriate information resources, including:

--print and online reference materials
--government documents
--statistical sources
--Internet sources
--student directed empirical research (surveys, interviews, etc.)

___ Learning Outcome Three) Conduct an effective and comprehensive research project that employs appropriate tools for locating information including:

--Internet directories and search engines
--online catalogs
--paper indexes

___ Learning Outcome Four) Demonstrate proficiency in searching appropriate databases for a research topic.  Proficient database searching should include familiarity with:

--Boolean commands
--proximity operators
--field searching
--controlled vocabulary

___ Learning Outcome Five) Demonstrate proficiency at critically reading, analyzing, and evaluating information resources.

 LIB 127 Outcomes: http://web.cocc.edu/finney/outcomes.htm


Recommended Prerequisite #3: Basic Computer Skills
Directions: Read each of the Computer Competency statements below and rate your current skill and knowledge in each area, using this rating scale:

5 = A or  Excellent;    4 = B or Very Good;     3 = C or Adequate;   2 = D or Poor;   1 = Failing;   0 =  No Experience or Don't Know

___ 1.  WINDOWS BASICS: I am able to:

___perform basic mouse operations: point, click, right-click, double-click, and drag.
___open or start a program or software application, use basic Windows features like menus, toolbars, scroll bars & help; and shut down Windows properly.
___manipulate (e.g. maximize, minimize, restore, resize) an open window; and use multitasking (open, run at the same time, and move between two or more programs/applications like an internet browser and MS Word)
___use Windows Explorer to view, open, and manage folders and files
___format a floppy disk; store (save) & retrieve documents on floppy disks and hard drives (and/or on zip disks, CDs)

___ 2.  WORD-PROCESSING: I can use MS Word (or equivalent word processing software) to:

___create new documents, save documents, open existing documents, preview and print documents;
___format text within a Word document (e.g. align center/left/right; set indents, line spacing, font & point size; bold, italicize, underline text; etc.) in order to
___edit text within a Word document: cut, copy, and paste; proofread & correct using spelling and grammar check tool;
___insert (auto) page numbers, format headers & footers
___open and use help feature for assistance with word processing operations
___manage files and folders: e.g., create and access folders to organize and save individual files (i.e. Word documents); save, copy, rename, move, delete individual files within or among folders

___ 3.  INTERNET - BASIC OPERATIONS: I am able to  . . .

___connect to and navigate the World Wide Web, by opening and using the basic features of one or both of the two most common Internet browsers (i.e. Microsoft Internet Explorer© and Netscape Navigator©)
___enter URL (Uniform Resource Locator) addresses and follow hyperlinks to access Internet web pages
___use the Internet to conduct exploratory and directed research [see also Prerequisite 2, LIB 127 Learning Outcomes]
___analyze the structure of URL Internet addresses in order to access & identify sponsors of web sites and web pages, try to re-locate broken links, and evaluate web pages & web sites

___ 4.  INTERNET - E-MAIL:  I am able to . . .

___send & receive new messages, and send reply messages, with e-mail
___download e-mail attachments sent to me
___attach documents (esp. Word documents) to e-mail messages that I send to others
___use my COCC Student E-Mail/Network Account to log on to the COCC Network, use COCC computer labs and resources, send and receive e-mail through my COCC E-Mailbox.

___ 5.  INTERNET - ETHICAL USE: I understand, and do my best to:

___follow COCC Policy on Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources whenever I use COCC Student Computing Facilities
URL: http://www.cocc.edu/AUP/default.aspx
___avoid plagiarism and adhere to current U.S. copyright laws and "fair use" guidelines protecting intellectual property, whenever I use Internet and World Wide Web resources
___respect others' privacy and security, as well as take precautions for my own privacy and security, when using the Internet and E-Mail.

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D.  WR 123 Learning Outcomes:
Preliminary Student Self-Evaluation at Week #1 Entry into WR 123
 WR 123 Learning Outcomes [also stated in our WR 123 Syllabus] identify key knowledge and skills
that will be taught in WR 123 and that students must demonstrate they have learned
by the end of this term in order to earn a passing grade of "C" or higher in WR 123. 
Completing the following D section of the Week #1 survey will help you and your instructor
assess your needs and progress in achieving WR 123 Learning Outcomes by the end of the term.

Directions:  Read each of the WR 123 Learning Outcomes statements below and rate your current knowledge and skill in each area at Week #1 entry into WR 123, using this rating scale:

5 = A or  Excellent;    4 = B or Very Good;    3 = C or Adequate;   2 = D or Poor;   1 = Failing;    0 =  No Experience or Don't Know

___ Learning Outcome 1. Create a search strategy  . . .

___that proposes a manageable research topic based on exploratory thinking and investigation;
___that establishes a clear direction and focus for the project;
___that employs a variety of resources available through the library (such as books, periodicals, government documents, on-line databases, and EBSCOHost), through inter-library loan, through the Internet, and/or through student-directed empirical research (such as surveys, interviews, and questionnaires); and
___that results in a thesis that the student develops and tests through the course of the research process.

___ Learning Outcome 2Demonstrate proficiency at critically reading, analyzing and evaluating both primary and secondary sources in order to interpret and responsibly manage facts, statistics, inferences, expert opinions, lay opinions, value judgments, and empirical data. 

___ Learning Outcome 3. Develop a research system that avoids plagiarism and fairly represents sources by quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing with appropriate documentation.

___ Learning Outcome 4. Demonstrate proficiency in such integral research writing tasks as the summary, abstract, proposal, annotated bibliography, critical review of literature, and formal outline.

___ Learning Outcome 5. Revise and edit the research paper to meet college-level writing standards and to satisfy the student's rhetorical purpose and audience.

___ Learning Outcome 6. Develop awareness of differing citation and bibliographic systems from various academic disciplines and develop competence in one system most appropriate for a specific research-based academic paper.

___ Learning Outcome 7. Plan and manage the process of writing to incorporate the special concerns of research writing:

__converting notes, summaries and quotations into a text unified and organized by effective transitions and restatement;
__negotiating among the divergent voices of the sources while clearly conveying the student's own persona and tone;
__integrating a variety of documentary sources with the student's own thinking;
__effectively employing the recursive stages of drafting, revising, and editing; and
__maintaining a consistent work schedule that ensures the final draft is delivered on time.

___ Learning Outcome 8. Use writing to provide peers with alternative viewpoints and suggestions for revising and editing research writing.

___ Learning Outcome 9.  Analyze and evaluate one's own research writing, identifying strengths and weaknesses in the research process and product--and suggest some means of improving his or her practice of gathering, synthesizing, organizing, and presenting information.

WR 123 Learning Outcomes Approved by Humanities Dept. Composition Committee, rev. 4-14-99]

Spring 2010 WR 123 Syllabus | Course Plan | WR 123 Home Page

You are here:  WR 123 Student Survey - Week #1 - Spring 2010
URL of this webpage: http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/wr123/surveyWk1.htm
Last Updated: 19 September 2010

Copyright © 1997 - 2010, Cora Agatucci, Professor of English
Humanities Department, Central Oregon Community College
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