
Week #1 - TV Meetings
March 31, 2003 | April 2, 2003
NOTICE:  Transmission Problems for district COCC Centers: TV meeting was to be videotaped and circulated among relevant COCC Centers, and announcements posted to "Distance" outlook conference re: online ENG 103 webpages.
March 31, 2003
ENG 103 - Open Campus, Spring 2003
Mon - Wed. 2:00 - 3:15 p.m.
Cora Agatucci


A.  Check in with College Centers

Bend CRN # 22011 Meets in BEC 156 [Bend Campus Studio]
LaPine CRN # 22012 Meets in LaPine College Center
Madras CRN # 22013 Meets in Madras College Center
Prineville CRN # 22015 Meets in Prineville College Center
Redmond CRN # 22016 Meets in Redmond College Center, Rm 112
Sisters CRN # 22017 Meets in Sisters College Center
Warm Springs CRN # 22018 Meets in Warm Springs College Center

B.  Intro to ENG 103 Open Campus
 How this course will work
(ITV, Web/Discussion Forum, E-Mail)
& Assignments for Wed., Apr. 2

1.  Review ENG 103 Course Web
& bring questions on Wed re:

a. ENG 103 Course Info:


b. ENG 103 Syllabus:


Required Textbooks (COCC Bookstore):

Longman Anthology of British Literature
Vol. B. Compact ed.
(Ed. David Damrosch, et al)

The Jewel in the Crown,
by Paul Scott (novel)
- vol. 1 of Raj Quartet)


c. ENG 103 Course Plan:


* Web tip * When you re-visit
ENG 103 webpages,
"Refresh" (MS Explorer) or
"Reload" (Netscape)
in internet browser

2.  Activate your COCC Student
COCC E-mail/Network Account

3.  Send Cora E-Mail Message by Wed:
(Contact info & brief Self-Introduction)

4.  Read in Longman Anthology
bring textbook to class on Wed:

Intros to "Perspectives . . ."
pp. 1347 & 1818-1820
--"Perspectives: The Rights of Man and
the Revolution Controversy"
--"Perspectives: The Industrial Landscape"

Intros to "William Blake" and
Songs of Innocence & Experience
pp. 1389-1391 & 1392-1393

and these Songs of Innocence:
"Introduction" | "The Lamb"
"The Chimney Sweeper"
"Holy Thursday"
pp. 1393, 1394-1395, 1397, 1398

See ENG 103 Course Plan:

C.  Next TV Meeting: Mon., 4/7/03
NOTICE:  Cora was ill and Wed., 4/2/03, TV meeting was canceled. 
In-Class on Mon., 4/7/03, we'll do what had originally been scheduled for Wed., 4/2/03,
ENG 103 Course Plan is being revised accordingly.
Thanks for your patience! ~ Cora

& don't forget to Email Cora!

D.  How to contact Cora
E-mail Cora: cagatucci@cocc.edu

Call Cora & voicemail: (541) 383-7522

Fax Cora: 541-317-3062
address fax to Cora Agatucci

Cora's Spring 2003 Schedule:

E.  Questions ???
Please email Cora:  cagatucci@cocc.edu

April 2, 2003 TV Meeting Canceled
NOTICE:  Cora was ill and Wed., 4/2/03, TV meeting was canceled. 
In-Class on Mon., 4/7/03, we'll do what had originally been scheduled for Wed., 4/2/03,
ENG 103 Course Plan is being revised accordingly.
Thanks for your patience! ~ Cora

IN-CLASS: Mon., 4/7/03
--Discuss Questions re: ENG 103 & Web
(or Review) English
Romanticism in Age of Revolutions
(late 18th - early 19th cent.)
--Discuss Longman readings
(bring Longman to class!)

See ENG 103 Course Plan for Revisions:

ENG 103 Home Page | Course Info | Syllabus | Course Plan

You are here: Week #1 - ENG 103 TV Meetings, Spring 2003
URL of this page:  http://www.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/eng103/week1.htm
Last Updated: 03 March 2005  

Copyright © 1997-2003, Cora Agatucci, Professor of English
Humanities Department, Central Oregon Community College
Please address comments on web contents & links to: cagatucci@cocc.edu

For technical problems with this web, contact webmaster@cocc.edu