Cora Agatucci
PIP Update (Oct. 2000):
Professional Improvement Plan Activities completed
from Fall 1998 to Fall 2000
also my approved 1996-2000
and PIP Update (Jan. 1999) for Activities completed
Spring 1997-Fall 1998.
This report of PIP activities
completed from Fall 1998 through Fall 2000, will update my previous reports of
1996-2000 PIP Activities. The sources of this report are my Annual Reports of
Activities for 1998-1999 (submitted Fall 1999) and for 1999-2000 (to be
submitted by 15 Oct. 2000). PIP Activities completed during my Sabbatical have
already been reported in my Winter 2000 Sabbatical Leave
Report (submitted 24 May 2000, and FPIRC-accepted in Spring 2000).
PIP GOAL 1: Develop my skills and
instructional resources for using computer technology and multimedia in the
From Annual Report of Activities, 1998-1999:
- Revised Eng 104 for Fall
1999: integrated new textbook adoption, conducted research to update my
background in short fiction studies and identify resources (WWW links,
Infotrac articles) to support student research, & developed new multimedia
instructional resources, Winter-Spring-Summer 1999.
- Created new course
websites for WR 20 (formerly WR .5256), Fall 1998; WS 102, Winter 1999; ENG
109, Spring 1999; ENG 104, Fall 1999; and EOU ENGL/WR 403 and 407 (Senior
Project), Fall 1998-Winter 1999
- Created new speciality
webpages to support my courses: Documenting Electronic Sources and COCC Links
to Online Resources for Student Writers & Researchers; Student Writing table
of content webpage to facilitate access to online collections of student
writing from my past courses; Links, article abstracts, and bibliographies for
General Literary Study, Eng 104 AuthorLinks and Genre Studies: Short Story,
Winter-Fall 1999.
- Revised/Updated my COCC
generic webpages (HomePage, Schedule, Vita, Classes, etc.); my course websites
for WR 121 & Hum 211, in Fall 1998; for WR 122, in Winter 1999; & for WR 123 &
EOU WR 316, in Spring 1999; and supporting my webpages Links for Writers and
Researchers & A Guide to Documenting Sources, in Winter 1999.
- Posted to Humanities
Conference and/or e-mail to interested colleagues recommended websites across
the curriculum (ongoing & as time allows).
- Humanities
211 course website demonstration, by invitation of Conference coordinators
Terri Johanson and Marcia Suter, Oregon Showcase, Online ’99: Oregon
Community Colleges Distance Learning Conference, Airport Sheraton Hotel,
Portland, OR, 30 Jan. 1999.
- Launch
Point Award, Los Angeles Times Orange County collection of educational
websites, 13 May 1999:
. .for my Hum 211 African Timelines: History, Orature, Literature, & Film:
- FrontPage98 & Image
Composer 98 installed on my office computer, Fall 1998 (ongoing self-training).
Orientation training
with Barbara Klett and Kathy Walsh, Summer 1999, on: (1)
Micrograde upgrade (upgraded software installed on my home and office
computers, Fall 1999); (2) WebCT; (3) FrontPage98; (4)
new Humanities Dept. image scanner; (5) multimedia equipment in Modoc
103 (where some of my 1999-2000 classes have been scheduled).
From Annual Report of
Activities, 1999-2000:
- Library of
Congress Learning Page: Internet Resources: Area
Studies: Subsaharan
Africa (June 1999)
contains this annotated link: “African
Timelines – Five narrative timelines of African history, enhanced with
links to sites providing more detailed information. From Cora Agatucci of
Central Oregon Community College.”
“The Internet resources in this directory represent selected Web sites,
compiled by the Social Science Education Consortium [],
that are rich in content that supports humanities education, are broadly
accessible to the educational community, and are sustainable over the
long term” (Library of Congress Learning Page: Directory of Learning
Resources, June 1999:
[May 2000]).
- Negotiating
publication of my
African Timelines [Parts 1 & 2] “concept,”
in a study guide for Jubilee Legacy Bible (Townsend Press, Sunday School
Publishing Board, National Baptist Convention, USA): with
Dr. Charles H. Smith (Samuel
DeWitt Proctor School of Theology, Virginia Union Univ., & former Deputy
Director of NAACP): Emails:
“Re: Timelines in Crisis” (9/11/00)
- Revised Eng 109 to
integrate multimedia instructional resources, and conducted research to
identify new course resources, Winter-Spring 2000.
- Grant recipient, with
Kathy Walsh and Bart Queary, for project entitled “Cyber Rhetoric: Creating an
Online Learning Community in the Humanities.”
Grant awarded, Fall 1999, by “Advancing The Humanities Through Technology At
Community Colleges,” a National Education Project of the Community College
Humanities Association (CCHA), supported by the National Endowment of the
Humanities (NEH). Attended national CCHA-NEH conference Dec. 1-5, 1999,
George Mason Univ.-Fairfax, VA. Action Plan developed and revised for
completing Project between Winter 2000 – Fall 2001. The core element of the
grant was creating and delivering the special studies course Hum 299. I also
collaborated with Kathy Walsh in May 2000, in preparing her presentation
proposal for the 2000 Conference on College Composition and Communication to
be held in Denver, CO. For more information on the grant, please review my
Winter 2000 Sabbatical Report and Hum 299 website accessible from:
- Created new course
website for ENG 104 (in Summer-Fall 1999), developed multimedia/PowerPoint
presentations, and applied redesigned webpage features (e.g., headers,
footers, WWW link citations & annotations) to Eng 109 course website in Winter
2000. Course websites are accessible from:
- Revised course websites
for WR 20, WR 121, WR 123, EOU WR 316, and ENG 109; Fall 1999 & Spring 2000.
Accessible from:
- To encourage student use
of my webresources, I scheduled as many of my Fall 1999 and Spring 2000
courses in multimedia classrooms as possible so I could demonstrate my course
websites in class; and I developed new assignments and activities that
integrated use of course web and multimedia presentations and materials. With
Barbara Klett’s assistance, my course websites have also been linked to
Internet-Enhanced Classes at COCC:
- Continued to collect and
webpublish, with students’ permission, good examples of my students’
writing in various genres from various courses; created and updated a new
Table of Contents webpage for easier access to online collections of student
writing, 1999-2000. Accessible:
- Prepared a formal
Webliography of Works Cited for all 5 parts of my Timelines, to accompany
New Crisis publication of Parts I & II of my African Timelines & to use
as models for students, Jan. 2000. See Hum 211 African Timelines -
Works Cited:
- Began redesigning my own
COCC websites to adhere to sound web design principles, evaluation criteria,
and format changes in electronic source citation, experimenting with several
templates (1999-2000 & ongoing). Also began repairing and adding WWW links on
many of my course webpages since Summer 1999. In Winter 2000, Barbara Klett
taught me how to use FrontPage 97 & 98 capabilities to assist in identifying
and repairing broken links. For more detail see my Winter 2000 Sabbatical
Leave Report, submitted 24 May 2000, available for review in my personnel
file and online:
Examples may be accessed from Hum 299 Site Map:
Site Map:
Hum 211 African Timelines
- Table of Contents:
Hum 211 African Authors: Chinua Achebe &
Things Fall Apart (redesigned as
5 webpages) accessible from Achebe
Table of Contents:
- My Hum 299 students have
created and webpublished high quality webwork in Spring 2000; I copied all
Student Team Websites the Hum 299 website, and reformatted and updated
navigational links (as needed), and created a new Team Sitemap for major Entry
pages, Summer 2000. Accessible from:
- Created new and revised
existing COCC resources pages for students (including updating links broken
when COCC implemented its new website design), compiled webliographies, and
added new annotated Infotrac sources to various online bibliography pages that
I maintain. See COCC Links: Online COCC Resources for Student Writers &
Hum 299 COCC Links: Online COCC Resources for
Student Writers & Researchers:
- Proposal (negotiated
with Bill Buck, Eleanor Latham, Vickery Viles, and Barbara Klett) approved in
Jan. 2000, to teach my scheduled section of English 103 (Survey of British
Literature – 19th and 20th centuries) as a combined
televised/modem course for Open Campus in Spring 2001.
- (In-process):
Drafting curricular proposal, with Kathy Walsh, to make Hum 299 – Writing for
the World Wide Web – a permanent COCC course offering, based on analysis of
Hum 299 course outcomes (Summer-Fall 2000) and input from Hum 299 Reviewers
Jon Bouknight, Cat Finney, Barbara Klett, Jack McCown, and Patricia O’Neill
(Fall 2000).
- Training (mostly
self-initiated since I was on Sabbatical in Winter 2000) in using BANNER WEB
advisor and faculty functions (Winter-Spring 2000).
- Investigated, with Kathy
Walsh and Barbara Klett, the viability of using WebCT in Hum 299, but opted
instead for FrontPage98 (available in LIB 117 classroom) and FirstClass course
discussion conference. Training with Barbara Klett to upgrade my skills using
FrontPage98, Winter 2000.
Participated in planning
meeting with Vickery Viles and Barbara Klett on topics for Open Campus
training, 6 April 2000; completed survey of training needs, April 2000;
& participated in
COCC training
sessions on FrontPage 2000 with Barbara Klett, Digital Imaging I & II (using
Microsoft Image Composer & COCC Scanners) with George Jolokai, and Interactive
TV with Jim Obert, June 14-15, 2000.
- “Student
Perspectives on World and Multicultural Literature: Writing for the World Wide
Web,” [by invitation of conference coordinator Beth Camp, Linn-Benton
Community College], gave presentation to regional TYCA-Pacific NW Conference
(associated with the National Council of Teachers of English), Corvallis, OR;
8 April 2000. Several Oregon and Washington community college faculty
expressed interest in the Hum 299 project and volunteered to review the
website and offer feedback in Summer 2000.
Public presentation on
Writing for the World Wide Web and Hum 299 website demonstration, with Dr.
Agatha Taormina (No. Virginia Community College & our CCHA-NEH grant
“mentor”), advertised in the Bend Bulletin and delivered at COCC, 17
April 2000. Joining faculty and staff attendees were some 30 business and
professional people of the community, interested in learning how to create
webpages and write effectively for the World Wide Web.
PIP Funding Request FPIRC-approved
to support purchase of a new personal home computer, June 2000;
FrontPage 2000,
PowerPoint 2000, and Image Composer 98 were installed on my home computer and
software on my COCC office computer was upgraded, August 2000.
Public presentation on &
film showing of Oscar and Lucinda (Australia: dir. Gillian Armstrong,
based on Peter Carey’s Booker Prize-winning novel) for Greg Lyons’ COCC
“Offbeat Cinema” Film Series (free & open to the public), 3 November 2000,
7:00 – 9:00 p.m., BEC 155.
I have been included in
discussions to produce a public relations videotape introducing the uses of
instructional technology at COCC, Sept.
2000: References: Barbara Klett &
Kathy Walsh
Contributed to Kathy
Walsh’s proposal, “Cyber Rhetoric: Teaching Writing for the World Wide Web”
(based on HUM 299) to the Conference on College Composition and Communication
(submitted Spring 2000;
accepted Sept. 2000) to be held March 2001,
Denver, CO. The CCCC Proposal is available for review online:
This webpage also includes status reports and
activities accomplished for the CCHA-NEH Grant.
PIP GOAL 2: Continue to implement
proficiency-based instruction and strengthen the coherence and effectiveness
of student learning across the curriculum.
From Annual Report of Activities, 1998-1999:
- Participated in
WR 121 Outcomes Workshop, 16 Nov.
- Finished defining course
competencies for Eng 109 (template for Western World Lit sequence: Eng
107-108-109), Hum 210-211-212 (Non-European Culture & Lit), WS 101 & WS 102,
and Eng 104 (template for Intro to Lit sequence: Eng 104-105-106) in Summer
1999 (available for review in Chairmoot FirstClass Conference Competencies
- Institutional Research
Pilot Project: By invitation through Academic Affairs, worked with Sara
Paulson and Humanities faculty to define data needed to test
pre-/co-requisites as success factors for students in Intro to Literature and
WR 121, Winter-Spring 1999.
- With Kathy Walsh:
“Turning Theory into Practice: Teaching Methods and Learning Outcomes for
Multicultural Literature Courses – Two Views,” 1998 Community College
Humanities Association Conference, Pacific-Western Division, Benson Hotel,
Portland, OR, 6 Nov. 1998.
- Workshop Coordinator,
WAD, WIC & Other Interdisciplinary Collaborations, Bend Woolen Mill, Bend, OR,
30 Oct. 1998; and Coordinator, WR 121 instructional workshop, Rose &
Kiniry’s Critical Strategies for Academic Thinking and Writing,
Jefferson 101, 22 Feb. 1999.
From Annual Report of
Activities, 1999-2000:
- Course revisions to
integrate proficiency-based instruction based on student learning outcomes
already defined & those being benchmarked for Writing and Humanities courses
- Frequent review of new
postings to Chairmoot subfolders on course competencies and benchmarks
- Compile student survey
results self-assessing achieved competencies in selected courses (ongoing).
- Defined course
competencies for Hum 299 (special topics: Student Perspectives on World and
Multicultural Writers – Writing for the World Wide Web), Spring 2000.
- Academic Affairs
Committee (elected representative for Humanities, Social Sciences, & Fine
Arts), 1997-2000; Chair in Fall 1999 & Spring 2000 (interim rep Stacey Donohue
replaced me during my Winter 2000 sabbatical leave). My AA work included
review of Bart Queary’s draft of the Academic Plan for instruction and hosting
Stacey Donohue to discuss Accreditation preparation, with emphasis on
education effectiveness requirements, in preparation for accreditation review.
- Participated in
Humanities Dept. Competencies and Benchmarks Workshop for writing & humanities
courses, 19 May 2000.
Revised course syllabi and
assignments for Fall 2000 WR 20, WR 121, and HUM 211 to reference relevant
(revised) course competencies; and created webpages to present WR 20 & WR 121
benchmarks and assignments used to assess targeted course competencies: see
PIP GOAL 3: Investigate new currents in
teaching composition and writing across disciplines, and provide leadership
and support for writing, WIC and WAD faculty.
PIP GOAL 4: Continue to develop effective
cross-cultural instructional materials and approaches to teaching
multicultural and global culture courses, and to support the goals of
multicultural and international education.
From Annual Report of Activities, 1998-1999:
- Created & taught new EOU
courses ENG/WR 403-407 (Senior Project), Fall 1998-Winter 1999; in support, I
conducted research & reviewed students’ research on Multicultural educational
theory, African-American women writers, and “Authentic” language arts
instructional theory.
- Revised WS 102
(including course pack & PowerPoint presentations) and conducted research to
identify resources needed to support new course topics & guest speakers,
Winter 1999.
- Further revised WR 122
unit on visual literacy and advertisement-analysis essay assignment,
incorporating George Jolokai’s slides and handouts, Winter 1999; & consulted
with George on revising an Art 163/Photography III research-based writing
assignment, Summer 1999.
Integrated Lib 127
webcurriculum more explicitly into WR 123 as co-/pre-requisite, and conducted
research to develop/revise specific units on search strategies, citation
practices and evaluation criteria for electronic sources, Spring 1999.
Compiled—and in some cases ordered directly online via GOBI--extensive lists
of library book order requests in World Authors, Women’s Studies, and
Non-European Literature to support Library Collection Development Project,
Summer and Fall 1998.
- Submitted media
requests, several approved, to Library Media in Oct. 1998, and compiled
videotape request lists for Humanities Dept. purchase in May 1999, to support
instruction in non-Western and women’s studies.
“Michelle Cliff,” in
Contemporary African-American Novelists: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical
Sourcebook, ed. Emmanuel Nelson (Prof. of English, SUNY-Cortland),
Greenwood Press, Jan. 1999.
Textbook Reviewer for Addison Wesley Longman: (1) reviewed ms. “Longman
Guide to Research,” by Leonard Rosen, for Lynn M. Huddon, Associate English
Editor, Oct. 1998; (2) reviewed 2nd revised ms. “Visions and
Voices: An Introduction to World Drama” by Greenwald, Schultz, and Pomo, for
Ruth Halikman, Assistant Editor, Literature, Jan. 1999; (3) telephone
review on “Visions and Voices” final ms. revisions, for editor Mona Ray
(619-282-7264), 2 July 1999; (4) reviewed brief rhetoric ms based on
Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum, by Behrens and Rosen, for Lynn
Huddon, English Editor, July 1999.
Consultant, Routledge Who’s Who in 20th Century World Poetry:
Entry on SubSaharan African poet John Pepper Clark-Bekedermo, for Mark
Willhardt, Asst. Prof. of English, Ohio Northern Univ., Feb-Mar. 1999.
Consultant, Norton Critical Edition of African Drama: Play selections
for proposed ms., for Ben Reynolds, Editorial Assistant, W. W. Norton & Co.,
Feb-Mar 1999.
- Member, Humanities Dept.
Composition Committee:
- Presentations:
African Storytelling, for All College Retreat, 11 Sept. 1998; and (b)
South African Resistance Arts, for College 101, 4 March 1999.
- MLK Recognition Week:
Coordinated my students’ attendance
at on-campus events The Meeting, 18 Jan. 1999, and guest presentations
by Prof. Darryl Milner on African-American Women’s Achievements, 21 Jan. 1999,
and on African-American Experience in Oregon, 22 Jan. 1999.
Consultant to Faculty Forum
Negotiations Team on WIC Program and Instructional Lab Guidelines, Winter
Consulted on WAD writing
assignments of Margaret Peterson and George Jolokai, 1998-1999.
Visiting African Scholar:
Coordinated scheduling of Olakunle
George, Univ. of Oregon professor of postcolonial studies
and African Diasporic literatures, to
make three guest presentations on campus. 9 November 1998: two in Prof. Dan
Early’s Cultural Anthropology class on Images vs. Realities of Africa; the
third on Modern African Cultures and Literatures was open to the public and
coordinated with Hum 211, Fall 1998.
- Guest
Seminar Leader: Conducted 3 seminars & evaluated student writing assignment on
Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions, College [English] Sampler
course, for teacher Jennifer Kelly (tel. 330-1337) at Sunriver Preparatory
School, December 4, 8, & 10, 1998; and
consultant on COCC media resources to support this and other course seminar
COCC Speakers Bureau
Contributor: Listed to speak on African Storytelling/Asian Culture &
Literature, by Ellyce Whalen, COCC Institutional Advancement (listing
published Spring 1999).
From Annual Report of Activities, 1999-2000:
- “Eric
Walrond (1898-1966).” African American Authors, 1745-1945: A
Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook. Ed. Emmanuel S. Nelson.
Westport, CN: Greenwood, 2000. 429-439.
- Revised WR 123 and EOU
WR 316 to integrate new textbook adoptions, Winter-Spring 2000.
- Revised WR 20 and Hum
211 to integrate new textbook adoptions, Summer-Fall 2000.
- In-House Workshops &
Informed colleagues of Hum 299 lessons and
other online resources for via posted notice to Humanities FirstClass
With Kathy Walsh, made
presentations on available Hum 299 online instructional materials to Social
Sciences Dept. & Faculty Librarians, March 2000; and to Humanities and CIS
departments, Spring 2000.
Hum 299 “Evaluating Websites”
lesson became the basis for a Spring 2000 Hum 299 Student Website Midterm Review
Checklist developed for use by me and Hum 299 Reviewers Jon Bouknight, Cat
Finney, Barbara Klett, Jack McCown, and Patricia O’Neill; Available:
- WIC & WAD Program
Activities Consultant to Faculty Forum Negotiations Team and LMT group on WIC
Program and Instructional Lab Guidelines, 1999-2000.
- Recommended websites on
instructional topics across the curriculum via postings to Humanities
Conference and e-mails to interested colleagues (ongoing as time allows);
- Created new WIC Program
webpage, including program description, guidelines, proposal form, and links
to resources, Winter-Spring 2000 – available for review:
Textbook Reviewer for
Bedford-St. Martin’s, at the request of Amy Thomas, Editorial Assistant,
Bedford-St. Martin’s: reviewed revision plan for The Bedford Anthology of
World Literatures [revised version of Davis et al’s Western Literature
in a World Context (1996) – I use vol. 2 when I teach English 109 –
Western World Literature (Late 18th – late 20th
centuries]; completed 13 March 2000.
[Text of] “Ancient Africa
and African Empires Timeline” [illustrated print version of my online Hum 211
African Timelines, Parts I (Ancient Africa) and II (African Empires)],
published by invitation in the January/February 2000 issue of New Crisis
Magazine (sponsored by the NAACP) in honor of Black History Month.
- Invited to
write article on Gish Jen for
Contemporary American Women Fiction Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical
Sourcebook (to be published by Greenwood), by co-editor Laurie Champion
(San Diego State University); completed directed reading of primary works,
research on secondary sources, Winter 2000 & June 2000; completed my article
in July 2000, revised Aug. 2000.
- Memberships &
Subscriptions: Maintained memberships in the National Council of Teachers of
English, Oregon Council of Teachers of English, Conference on College
Composition and Communication, Modern Language Association, African Literature
Association, Oregon Public Broadcasting, Library of Congress; Subscribed to
College English, CCC, PMLA, African-American Review,
Research in African Literatures, Women’s Studies Quarterly,
Harper’s, Atlantic Monthly, New Yorker, Open Spaces Quarterly, and
Civilization, as well as electronic subscriptions to Scout Report
(Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison) and PBS Ed-Previews.
Purchased, with personal
funds (in 1999-2000), books, journals, and CD’s to keep me abreast of currents
in my teaching subjects and to support current and future professional
development activities, including (a) Anglo-American, U.S.
multicultural, and international novels, short stories and literary criticism;
(b) fiction by Gish Jen to support bio-bibliographical article that I
have been commissioned to write by editor Laurie Champion (San Diego State
Univ.) in Summer 2000 for Contemporary American Women Fiction Writers
(Greenwood Press); (c) nonfiction books and periodicals offering
contemporary state-of-the-field “best” models of academic and non-academic
prose essay and other nonfiction genres; (d) “best” models of film
criticism and reviews to expand my expertise in teaching these non-fiction
prose genres and literary study of film, as well as develop analytical and
writing skills needed to publish professionally in this genre; (e) CDs
to enhance my multimedia instructional presentations in several classes.
- African Storytelling,
Lunch and Learn Presentation, COCC Prineville Center, March 2000.
- Many of my Hum 299
webpages provide useful resources for WIC and WAD faculty: through
interdisciplinary departmental presentations (Social Sciences, Library,
Humanities, CIS) and faculty-staff Hum 299 reviewers (Jon Bouknight, Cat
Finney, Barbara Klett, Jack McCown, Patricia O’Neill) in Winter-Spring 2000,
Kathy Walsh and I have introduced online resources and explored the
possibilities for coordinating cross-disciplinary efforts on webtopics of
common interest (e.g. plagiarism policy, copyright and permitted use
statements, source citation in various professional/academic styles, source
evaluation criteria and interdisciplinary field-specific resource
- Consulted with Stacey
Donohue on course materials and teaching strategies for WS 101 (in Summer
2000), which Stacey will be teaching in Winter 2000; and agreed to make a
guest faculty presentation on “To Be a Woman and a Writer” or “I Is a Long
Memoried Woman.”
- Coordinated in-house
discussion meeting of future interdisciplinary applications of Hum 299 course
materials and evaluation results with Hum 299 Reviewers Jon Bouknight, Cat
Finney, Barbara Klett, Jack McCown, and Patricia O’Neill; 13 October 2000.
Documentation and Evaluation to support this PIP Update
(Fall 1998-Fall 2000) and my 1996-2000 PIP Final Report, is submitted as a
separate Attachment to both Reports, as well as to my Annual Report of
Activities, 1999-2000.
Top of
this page
See also my approved 1996-2000
and PIP Update (Jan. 1999) for Activities
completed Spring 1997-Fall 1998.
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Agatucci's Professional Improvement Plan & Sabbatical
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© 1997 -
2011, Cora Agatucci, Professor of English
Humanities Department, Central Oregon
Community College
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