WR 122 Student Entry Survey - Fall 2010, Week #1
English Composition II - 4 Credits - Instructor: Cora Agatucci
WR 122 - CRN # 40218 - Tues. & Thurs. 10:15 - 11:55 am, Library Rm. 1 Room changed to PIONEER Rm. 111
URL of this web page: http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/wr122/surveyentry.htm

Student Name: _______________________________________________________________

Completed Survey DUE: _________________________________________

Your COCC Student Network E-Mail address is:

(Please Print Clearly) _____________________________________________________________________

Additional E-Mail address? (If applicable and only if student agrees to share with the WR 122 instructor):

(Please Print Clearly) ______________________________________________________________________

Scoring:  10 pts possible
(NOTE: There are no "right" or "wrong" answers; if you complete all parts of the survey, you'll get the 10 points)

Survey Part 1.  Recommended Prerequisites

Directions:  In the space provided, mark with an X (as many as apply) to indicate your preparation for WR 122:

____1.  I have completed WR 121 with a grade of "C" or higher.

____2.  I have completed equivalent college writing coursework with a grade of "C" or higher at a previous school/college, supported by official transcript/s which COCC has on file.

____3.  Other? If so, please briefly explain:


Survey Part 2.  Preparation for WR 122
Student Self-Evaluation of WR 121 Skills and Knowledge
at Week #1 Entry into WR 122

Successful completion of WR 121 is the recommended prerequisite for WR 122.  Part 2 of this survey lists WR 121 learning outcomes and asks students to self-assess their current knowledge and skills in each of the seven (7) listed categories at Week #1 entry into this 4-credit WR 122 course. Students' honest self-ratings of their current skills and knowledge in WR 121 learning outcomes will give Cora feedback useful in addressing gaps and adjusting instruction (as needed) to help students succeed in WR 122 this term.
Rate your current knowledge and skills in the space provided next to each of the numbered WR 121 Outcomes statements, using this rating scale:

5 = A or  Excellent;    4 = B or Very Good;     3 = C or Adequate;   2 = D or Poor;   1 = Failing;   0 =  No Experience or Don't Know

Feel free to add Optional Comments/Questions on any of the following outcomes and/or your self-ratings.

_____ WR 121 Learning Outcome 1: Write for different audiences and various purposes
 Students' work demonstrates an understanding of situational contexts in which writing takes place: the needs, values, and expectations of different audiences; and the writer’s purpose to primarily inform or persuade.
--Optional Comments/Questions:

_____WR 121 Learning Outcome 2: Write clear, focused, coherent essays using the conventions of English grammar and style
  Students construct and use a thesis to shape well- developed essays that demonstrate proficiency, including effective tone, persona, diction, usage, idiom, and syntax.
--Optional Comments/Questions:

_____WR 121 Learning Outcome 3: Search for and synthesize outside source material into written work
Assessment:  Students' work demonstrates proficiency in finding, critically reading, summarizing, analyzing, and evaluating sources in order to responsibly incorporate facts, opinions, judgments, and data from research in their writing.
--Optional Comments/Questions:

WR 121 Learning Outcome 3 Related Information Literary Proficiencies:

____3.a. Ability to identify gaps in student's knowledge and recognize when student needs more information.

____3.b. Ability to evaluate and select information using appropriate criteria.

____3.c. Ability to create, produce and communicate understanding of a subject through synthesis of relevant information.

_____WR 121 Learning Outcome 4: Demonstrate the ability to avoid plagiarism and use an appropriate documentation style. 
  In their essays, students effectively use summary, paraphrase, and direct quotation with the appropriate documentation to cite sources correctly and avoid plagiarism.
--Optional Comments/Questions:

_____WR 121 Learning Outcome 5: Demonstrate an understanding of writing as a multi-stage recursive process
Students are able to articulate the process-based approach they use to write essays that include steps such as invention, drafting, thesis formation, organization, revising, and editing.
--Optional Comments/Questions:

_____WR 121 Learning Outcome 6: Demonstrate a familiarity with the basic rhetorical strategies in argumentative discourse
Students are able to identify, explain and evaluate basic structural components of written arguments such as claims, support and evidence, and refutation. Students also know and can deploy such basic rhetorical strategies as appeals to ethos, logos, and pathos and can effectively distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate modes of argument and persuasion.
--Optional Comments/Questions:

_____WR 121 Learning Outcome 7: Evaluate their own and their peers’ writing
Students complete at least one (formal or informal) written review of their own writing strengths and weaknesses, including effective self-prescriptions for improvement; and complete appropriate written reviews of peers’ drafts, including suggestions for revision and editing.
--Optional Comments/Questions:


NOTE: Successful completion of WR 121 (with a grade of C or better) or equivalent preparation,
is Recommended Prerequisite for entry into WR 122.  If you have questions or concerns
about whether you are prepared to succeed in WR 122, please contact Cora to discuss.

Survey Part 3.  Research Skills & Knowledge
3.A. Research coursework/experience, and 3.B. Self-Evaluation of current research
at Week #1 Entry into WR 122

Part 3.A Research Coursework and/or Experience

Part 3.A asks students to identify their coursework and/or experience in library and information research.  Mark as many as apply.

_____ 3.A.1.  I have successfully completed (with a grade of "C" or higher) and/or am currently enrolled in one or more of the following COCC LIBRARY courses (mark with an X as many as apply):

____LIB 127 - Information Research Skills

____LIB 199 - ST: Introduction to Information
[This new Special Studies course teaches students how to navigate, evaluate, and responsibly use web-based and other information resources.]

____LIB 299 - ST: Navigating the Info World
[This new Special Studies course familiarizes students with the world of information and research, addressing the use and selection of information tools, characteristics of research literature, ethical issues including plagiarism and proper citation, and critical examination of information sources.]

____3.A.2.  I have completed equivalent coursework in library and information research at a previous school/college.  

If so, please identify the course/s and school/college here:

____3.A.3. I have prior successful experience in library/information research and/or in research-based writing. 

If so, please briefly describe:


Part 3.B Self-Evaluation of current Research Skills and Knowledge

Part 3.B lists some library and information outcomes (derived from COCC's former LIB 127 course) and asks students to self-assess their current skills and knowledge in these outcomes categories. Students' honest self-ratings of their current research skills and knowledge will give Cora feedback useful in addressing gaps and adjusting instruction (as needed) to help students succeed in WR 122 this term.
Rate your current knowledge and skills in the space provided next to each of the numbered research statements, using this rating scale:

5 = A or  Excellent;    4 = B or Very Good;     3 = C or Adequate;   2 = D or Poor;   1 = Failing;   0 =  No Experience or Don't Know

Feel free to add Optional Comments/Questions on any of the following outcomes and/or your self-ratings.

_____ 3.B.1: Proficiency in identifying a topic for research, including narrowing or broadening a topic so that it meets specific research assignments.
REF: former LIB 127 Learning Outcome 1]
--Optional Comments/Questions:

_____ 3.B.2: Proficiency in creating an effective and comprehensive research strategy for an assignment or topic that employs information resources, including:

--print and online reference materials
--government documents
--statistical sources
--Internet sources
--student directed empirical research (surveys, interviews, etc.
 [REF: former LIB 127 Learning Outcome 2]
--Optional Comments/Questions:

____ 3.B.3: Proficiency in conducting an effective and comprehensive research project that employs appropriate tools for locating information, including:

--Internet directories and search engines
--online catalogs
--paper indexes
[REF: former LIB 127 Learning Outcome 2]
--Optional Comments/Questions:

____ 3.B.4: Proficiency in searching appropriate databases for a research topic.  Proficient database searching should include familiarity with:

--Boolean commands
--proximity operators
--field searching
--controlled vocabulary
[REF: former LIB 127 Learning Outcome 4]
--Optional Comments/Questions:

____ 3.B.5: Proficiency in critically reading, analyzing, and evaluating information sources.
REF: former LIB 127 Learning Outcome 5]
--Optional Comments/Questions:


Survey Part 4.  WR 122 Learning Outcomes
Self-Evaluation of WR 122 current skills/knowledge,
at Week #1 Entry into WR 122

Part 4 of this survey lists our WR 122 learning outcomes and asks students to self-assess their current knowledge and skills in each of the outcomes categories.  NOTE that Cora does NOT expect students to be proficient at ENTRY in all these WR 122 learning outcomes, which state EXIT skills and knowledge students can expect to gain fupon successful completion of WR 122 this term. Rather, students' honest self-ratings of their current skills and knowledge will give Cora feedback on students' strengths and weaknesses that can be useful in adjusting instruction (as needed) and helping students succeed in WR 122 this term.
Directions: Rate your current knowledge and skills in the space provided next to each of the numbered WR 122 Outcomes statements, using this rating scale:

5 = A or  Excellent;    4 = B or Very Good;     3 = C or Adequate;   2 = D or Poor;   1 = Failing;   0 =  No Experience or Don't Know

Feel free to add Optional Comments/Questions on any of the following outcomes and/or your self-ratings.

_____WR 122 Learning Outcome 1: Analyze audiences and writing situations
 Students' work demonstrates
understanding of the context in which writing is taking place: the needs, values, and expectations of different audiences; conventions of persuasive writing and means of persuasion; and cultural considerations.
--Optional Comments/Questions:


_____WR 122 Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate an understanding of and appreciation for controversy, debate, and diverse opinions, values, and viewpoints
analyze and report their analytical findings on written texts and other materials that engage controvertible topics, incorporating diverse viewpoints in written arguments on debatable issues.
-Optional Comments/Questions:


_____WR 122 Learning Outcome 3: Identify and use sources appropriately, including evaluating information for accuracy and reliability
Students' work demonstrates proficiency in critically reading, analyzing, and evaluating sources in order to responsibly incorporate facts, opinions, judgments, and data from research.
--Optional Comments/Questions:


_____WR 122 Learning Outcome 4: Demonstrate a command of the basic rhetorical moments in argumentative discourse
Students are able to identify, explain and evaluate basic structural components of written arguments such as claims, support and evidence, rebuttal and refutation, and final appeal (peroration). Students also know and can deploy such basic rhetorical strategies as appeals to ethos, logos, and pathos and can effectively distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate modes of argument and persuasion.
--Optional Comments/Questions:


_____WR 122 Learning Outcome 5: Demonstrate a command of basic principles of cogent, logical reasoning and argumentation
Students are familiar with basic principles such as non-contradiction and logical inclusion/exclusion, as well as common fallacies of generalization and irrelevancy and can evaluate and edit these in their own writing and the writing of others.
--Optional Comments/Questions:


_____WR 122 Learning Outcome 6: Write ethically and responsibly*. 
Students demonstrate ethical considerations in their writing; act responsibly by using information technologies ethically, incorporating and crediting sources appropriately and without plagiarism, and by consciously avoiding inaccurate or misleading information.
--Optional Comments/Questions:

*WR 122 Learning Outcome 6 Related Information Literary Proficiency:

_____*Information Literacy Proficiency 5: Student is able to "Ethically and legally use information and information Technologies."

_____WR 122 Learning Outcome 7: Manage a substantial research writing project
Students create research strategies that focus investigation and analysis on a discrete, manageable topic in a field of appropriately sophisticated inquiry; find information by using academic research methodologies, tools, and materials; develop an effective system of note-taking and drafting that avoids plagiarism and fairly represents sources; demonstrate such integral tasks as research proposal, preliminary bibliography, and outline; and develop competence in one system of documentation.
--Optional Comments/Questions:

*WR 122 Learning Outcome 7 Related Information Literary Proficiencies:

_____*Information Literacy Proficiency 2: Student is able to "Find information efficiently and effectively, using appropriate research tools and search strategies."

_____*Information Literacy Proficiency 4 :Student is able to "Treat research as a multi-stage, recursive learning process."

_____*Information Literacy Proficiency 7: Student is able to "Manipulate and manage information, using appropriate tools and technologies."

_____WR 122 Learning Outcome 8: Work collaboratively. 
Students build responsible teamwork skills in peer editing and other group tasks germane to argumentative writing; they provide peers with suggestions for revising and editing.
--Optional Comments/Questions:


Survey Part 5. Paragraph of Introduction

Directions:  On the back of this form, write a paragraph introducing yourself to Cora. 


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You are here:  WR 122 Student Entry Survey - Week #1, Fall 2010
URL of this webpage: http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/wr122/surveyentry.htm
Last Updated: 20 September 2010

Copyright © 1997 - 2010, Cora Agatucci, Professor of English
Humanities Department, Central Oregon Community College
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