Peer Review Form & Author's Follow-Up Comments
Writer's Workshop #1:  Formal Academic Summary Preliminary Drafts
Spring 2011 WR 121, Prof. Cora Agatucci

PART A. PEER REVIEW To be completed by Peer Reviewer:

A.1. Peer Reviewer's (first and last) Name (please print clearly):____________________________________________________

A.2. Identify Student Author & Approved Topic of the Preliminary Draft that this Peer Review addresses:

--A.2.a. Student Author's (first and last) Name (please print clearly):__________________________________________________

--A.2.b. Approved Topic of the student author's Preliminary Draft reviewed (Mark the one that applies):

___Robin Tolmach Lakoff, "From Ancient Greece to Iraq, the Power of Words in Wartime" (in Muller pp. 7-9)

___Benedict Carey, "Judging Honesty by Words, Not Fidgets" (in Muller pp. 9-12)

___Mortimer J. Adler, "How to Mark a Book" (in Muller pp.13-16)

___Student author's Preliminary Draft does NOT address any of the above essays approved for this assignment.

A.3.  Peer Review of Basic Requirements met by Preliminary Draft
Compare the student's Preliminary Draft to the Formal Academic Summary Evaluation Checklist (handout), as well as Formal Academic Summary Directions (handout) and Example Formal Academic Summary (handout).  Then respond YES or NO to the each of the following Peer Review items, adding brief notes as needed or helpful (especially in the case of any "NO" responses) below and/or on Preliminary Draft paper copy:

_____(Yes or No) A.3.1. Topic is one of the approved essays (see also A.2.b above) NOTE WELL: Formal Academic Summary Final Drafts that do NOT address one of the approved essay topic choices will NOT be accepted for grading. See Cora to discuss!

_____(Yes or No) A.3.2. Length of Formal Academic Summary does NOT exceed 1 word-processed, double-spaced page, using standard font/point size, 1" margins all around, etc.. REMEMBER: Point Penalty (equivalent to 1/2 grade) will be subtracted if Formal Academic Summary exceeds length limit.

3. Genre & Manuscript Form (MS) follows handout and in-class directions and examples, for the following:

_____(Yes or No)  A.3.3.a. MLA Style Header (single or double spaced) is provided, complete, and correctly placed

_____(Yes or No)  A.3.3.b. MLA-style bibliographical entry is provided, correctly placed, double spaced, correctly formatted & complete

_____(Yes or No) A.3.3.c. Summary itself is double spaced and formatted as one paragraph

_____(Yes or No) A.3.3.d. First sentence/s of summary paragraph formally re-introduce author’s full name and article’s full title, present the topic focus & identify the thesis of the essay summarized

_____(Yes or No) A.3.3.e. Summary paragraph integrates occasional well-placed author tags, using appropriate active verbs, & does NOT refer to the essay author by first name only.


A.4. Peer Review of CONTENT & COHERENCE of Preliminary Draft (so far)
Directions: Compare the student's Preliminary Draft to the Formal Academic Summary Evaluation Checklist (handout), as well as Formal Academic Summary Directions (handout) and Example Formal Academic Summary (handout). Then evaluate the following aspects of the Preliminary Draft as STRONG, SATISFACTORY, or WEAK , adding brief Notes below and/or on Preliminary Draft paper copy to explain evaluations.

________(STRONG or SATISFACTORY or WEAK) A.4.a. Summary Paragraph is selective: only essay's thesis and well-selected major supporting points are represented; NOT included are minor points, details, specific examples; projected Length of Final Draft will NOT exceed 1-page double-spaced limit.
Peer Reviewer's Notes:


________(STRONG or SATISFACTORY or WEAK) A.4.b. Summary Paragraph avoids extensive quotation: student primarily uses her/his own words to summarize/paraphrase essay thesis and main ideas, demonstrating student's careful (re-)reading and understanding of the essay; IF direct quotations are used, they are limited and seem justified. 
Peer Reviewer's Notes:


________(STRONG or SATISFACTORY or WEAK) A.4.c. Summary Paragraph seems accurate: essay thesis and main points are accurately represented and meaning is NOT distorted in the student's summary, demonstrating the student's careful (re)-reading and understanding of the essay
Peer Reviewer's Notes:


________(STRONG or SATISFACTORY or WEAK) A.4.d. Summary Paragraph  is objective:  objective representation of essay's thesis and main ideas does NOT include student's own opinions about the author's ideas NOR student's evaluative comment on the quality or effectiveness of the author's writing.
Peer Reviewer's Notes:


________(STRONG or SATISFACTORY or WEAK) A.4.e.  Summary Paragraph is concise and clear:  student is concise in presenting essay thesis and main points in summary paragraph, by avoiding wordiness, redundancy, weak repetition, and extensive quotation. Clear expression is maintained throughout the summary paragraph, clarity never being sacrificed in effort to be concise and stay within length limit.
Peer Reviewer's Notes:


________(STRONG or SATISFACTORY or WEAK) A.4.f. Summary Paragraph is organized and coherent: Content organization of the summary paragraph follows assignment directions--e.g. essay thesis is presented in the first sentence/s of the summary paragraph followed by representing selected main supporting points--even if following assignment direction requires departing from order in which thesis and selected main points are presented in the original essay. Organizational coherence is strengthened by incorporating appropriate transitions to indicate logical relationships among main points represented in summary paragraph. Coherence is also strengthened by maintaining clear expression throughout the summary paragraph.
Peer Reviewer's Notes:


PART B. AUTHOR'S FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS to be completed by Student Author of Preliminary Draft reviewed.

B.1. _____(Yes or No)  I have read the above completed Peer Review of my Preliminary Draft and have discussed it with my student Peer Reviewer during in-class Workshop #1.

B.2. REVISION PLANS.  Based on this Peer Review and my self-evaluation of my Preliminary Draft, I plan to revise and improve my Preliminary Draft in the following way/s before submitting my Final Draft on deadline for grading:






B.3  Student Author's Signature and Date:

Student Author's Signature


See also Formal Academic Summary Evaluation Checklist (handout),
Formal Academic Summary Directions (handout), and Example Formal Academic Summary (handout)

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You are here: Peer Review Form & Author's Follow-Up Comments
Writer's Workshop #1:  Formal Academic Summary Preliminary Drafts
Fall 2010 WR 121, Prof. Cora Agatucci
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Last Updated: 05 April 2011

© 2010, Cora Agatucci, Professor of English
Humanities Department, Central Oregon Community College
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